Appli mobile randonnée. Digital library | IFITT – International Federation for IT and Travel & Tourism. Year: 2016 Title: Bringing Online Visibility to Hotels with and Multi-channel Communication Source: ENTER Authors: Anna Fensel, Zaenal Akbar, Ioan Toma, Dieter Fensel Abstract: Now more than ever, it is becoming critical for businesses in the tourism industry to have a strong online presence. In order to achieve this goal, the proper use of multiple communication technologies and channels is crucial. This includes semantic annotations that can be understood by search engines, scalable multi-channel publishing, and feedback collection. We present our approach to improve t... Keywords:, Hotel, Semantic annotation, Multi-channel online communication, Semantic technologies, Smart data, Social media, Rules, Marketing View article details.
PRESENTATION - Smart City EU. SmartCity initie un mode innovant d'accompagnement des projets urbains et du développement territorial. ◊ Inventer de nouveaux modes de concertation et de conception de la ville ◊ Agir comme interface entre habitants, acteurs locaux et maîtrise d'ouvrage ◊ Accompagner les transformations urbaines et faire émerger de nouveaux imaginaires ◊ Intégrer les usages et mieux valoriser les territoires SmartCity convie architectes-urbanistes, artistes, chercheurs, collectivités territoriales, acteurs économiques, usagers et société civile à imaginer des modes inédits pour lire, s’approprier et transformer la ville. Stratégie urbaine, définition de projets ou phase de réalisation, SmartCity intervient à toutes les phases du projet territorial. ◊ Diagnostic sensible ◊ Chantiers et résidences d’artistes ◊ Ateliers participatifs et actions avec les habitants ◊ Dispositifs numériques de médiation du territoire ◊ Promenades urbaines ◊ Productions et expositions dans l’espace urbain ◊ Recherche-action.
Touch And Play. Conférence CCM Benchmark « e-Tourisme 2015 » le 4 novembre 2015. Comment les professionnels de l’e-tourisme s’adaptent-ils aux nouveaux modes de consommation ? Comment orientent-ils leurs offres pour répondre aux attentes des voyageurs connectés ? De l’avant à l’après-séjour : comment réinventer l’expérience client ? Comment s’assurer de la pertinence des dispositifs et de la fluidité des parcours clients entre les canaux ?
Renseigner, planifier, réserver, partager, évaluer… quels services proposer aux mobinautes ? Programme et intervenants… Pour répondre à ces questions, CCM Benchmark réunit de grands acteurs et des experts de la filière lors de cette neuvième édition de la conférence « e-tourisme ». Programme : 9h15 : E-Tourisme 2016 : jouez la carte de la disruption Mobilité, collaboratif, recommandation… Autant de nouveaux usages qui viennent bouleverser les modèles économiques des acteurs du tourisme : Comment les professionnels de l’e-tourisme s’adaptent-ils à ces nouveaux modes de consommation ? 10h45 : Pause et networking 12h30 : Déjeuner assis. The Global Business Travel Association. E-Tourism Institutions - The IFITT Wiki Platform for eTourism. ENTER 2012 Poster Presentation Barbara Neuhofer.
Technology Enhanced Tourist Experiences: A holistic exploration of how tourist experiences can be enhanced by technology | eTourismLab. Barbara Neuhofer is a PhD Researcher at the John Kent Institute in Tourism at Bournemouth University. Her research project, supervised by Prof. Dimitrios Buhalis and Prof. Adele Ladkin, has the aim to explore how technologies can enhance the tourist experience. The notion of consumers increasingly striving for experiences constitutes a prevalent concept, initially shaped by Pine and Gilmore, who developed the prominent notion of the experience economy. The staging of experiences has become crucial for companies as products have become increasingly commodified and competitive advantage is only obtained by providing unique and memorable experiences to the consumer.
These latest evolutions in the field of experience show that the significance of experiences in both tourism research and practice is unabated. View Barbara’s PhD Research Poster: ENTER 2012_Poster Presentation_Barbara Neuhofer. Smart Tourism Destinations: Explore how smartness improves competitiveness in the context of tourism destinations | eTourismLab. Kim Boes is a PhD Researcher at the eTourism Lab at Bournemouth University. Her research project, supervised by Professor Dimitrios Buhalis and Dr. Alessandro Inversini aims to explore how smartness can improve competitiveness in the context of tourism destinations. The beginning of the 21st century had to embrace some dramatic changes in economies and societies, which also affected tourism destinations greatly. The increase of globalisation-driven competitiveness, the growth in population, the shift in working places, and the innovation in technologies are putting pressure on tourism destinations.
Gradually, knowledge and innovation driven economies are enhancing creativity and efficiency which is fostered by technologies such as Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things. This development triggered a ‘new’ concept in the public, private and academic sector called Smart Cities. PROJECT: Benchmark of e-tourism destinations worldwide. Global best practice in tourism technologies and applications | eTourismLab. Principal investigator: Prof. Dimitrios Buhalis Researcher: Ramona Wagner Project Summary: The tourism industry experiences a shift from offline to online travellers. An increasing number of consumers worldwide are not dependent on travel agencies anymore to look for information and inspiration for their next holiday.
Instead, consumers make use of the Internet and browse online for inspiration about their potential next holiday destination. This in turn leads to tourism destinations worldwide becoming the focal point of attention for consumers’ decision making process. This project firstly aims to benchmark global destinations with regards to their level of implementation of technologies and applications.
By this means, a variety of factors will be analysed that can facilitate the consumers; search on the destination’s websites before, during and after a holiday. For further information on the project, please see the PowerPoint presentation and the report on eDestinations below: SHAPE OF THE FESTIVALS: How improve world’s biggest arts fest? | Smart Tourism. PROJECT: A study which set out to understand the technologies used by the dozens of organisations involved in the Edinburgh Festivals, come up with new ideas (aimed at organisers, visitors and venues) and gauge potential interest in future new products.
PARTNERS: Edinburgh Festivals and researchers from the University of Glasgow. SUMMARY: How do people navigate through thousands of events at the world’s biggest arts fest to get information, book tickets and share their opinions? Shape of the Festivals set out to make sense of what’s going on, where and when – and who’s doing what with the existing technologies – so developers could spot new opportunities and meet the needs of different organisations… The Edinburgh Festival sells over four million tickets a year – making it the third-biggest international event after the FIFA World Cup and Olympics.
How could new technology make the experience better for everyone – including organisers, visitors and venues? The study begins Audience study. NAVIGATING THE FESTIVALS: What’s new for what’s on? | Smart Tourism. PROJECT: An app designed to integrate festival data (programmes, locations, reviews and events) from disparate sources to enhance the visitor experience, allowing festival-goers to share personal content and collaborate on planning their itinerary and booking tickets. PARTNERS: Edinburgh Festivals and researchers from the University of Glasgow’s Social, Ubiquitous and Mobile Group. SUMMARY: During the Edinburgh Festival, visitors can easily be overwhelmed with information and reviews about thousands of different events – and thousands of things to do before and after shows.
Could new technologies be used to make the visitor experience better? During the Festival, the city’s population doubles to almost a million, so how could organisers use the same technologies to reach this captive audience and sell them more tickets? Focus group Next, the team held conversations with a group of eleven INSiders, focusing on their attendance history. Paper prototypes Other features Final prototype. Smart Tourism - SICSA - The Scottish Informatics & Computer Science Alliance. Tourism plays a large part of the cultural and economic benefits of Scotland. According to Deloitte, it accounts for just over 10% of the country’s GDP – directly employing over 160,000 people.
Tourism is predicted to grow significantly over the next 5 years with technology playing a key role in enabling this growth. The Smart Tourism programme brings together university informatics and computing science research from across SICSA to address some of the key challenges in the sector identified by tourism bodies and public/private sector organisations. The purpose of the Smart Tourism project is to deliver innovative approaches and technology solutions to enhance the Scottish Tourism sector’s technology base. Personalisation: Improve how visitors navigate the city/country and volume of events/sites and associated information overload.Elastic demand and greening: Make available more resources as efficiently as possible during times of peak demand.