Azure-for-Startups/Notification-Hub-demo. Mrkt 的程式學習筆記: ASP.NET MVC - 檔案上傳的基本操作. 做網站系統多半都會有檔案上傳的需求,而我也在 2012 年用了四篇文章的篇幅介紹如何使用「file-uploader」這個前端套件來完成一個檔案上傳的功能,
高級打字員的技術雲 - 點部落. [ASP.net MVC] ASP.net MVC整合FormsAuthentication表單驗證登入 - 簡易範例程式碼 前言 以往寫網站的登入機制,最常使用傳統的Session寫法 不過最近手頭上某案子被要求使用.net內建的FormsAuthentication表單驗證機制 所以寫個簡單的範例程式碼(很夠用),供未來的自己方便Copy Paste ※使用FormsAuthentication表單驗證機制不一定要照官方教學用那個很複雜的Membership資料庫,用自己專案資料庫的使用者資料表&角色群組資料表也可以整合 實作.
Enabling CRUD Operations in ASP.NET Web API 1. By Mike Wasson Download Completed Project This tutorial shows how to support CRUD operations in an HTTP service using ASP.NET Web API.Software versions used in the tutorialVisual Studio 2012Web API 1 (also works with Web API 2) CRUD stands for "Create, Read, Update, and Delete," which are the four basic database operations.
Many HTTP services also model CRUD operations through REST or REST-like APIs. In this tutorial, you will build a very simple web API to manage a list of products. The products API will expose following methods. Notice that some of the URIs include the product ID in path.
.netMVC WebAPI. .net core. .netLinq. C# - Timestamp 與 DateTime 互轉. Randomize a List<T> in C# Microsoft Graph - Documentation - aspnetmvc. Adding Azure AD Authentication on existing MVC applications… What happens if you’ve already been working on MVC and wanted to add Active Directory Auth for reasons such as “Hey, we just enabled Azure AD” or “Let’s use Azure AD instead of Forms Auth, etc…”.
Well, chances are you’ll need to create a new project by following this article: “Developing ASP.NET Apps with Windows Azure Active Directory” then copy over the items that’s specific to AD auth into your application. Essentially, here’s the same guide but saving you the hassle of identifying the changes and/or additions added by the new project creation wizard. Getting an Azure Access Token for a Web Application Entirely in Code. UPDATE 1/13/2016: The Azure and/or ADAL teams have made an unannounced change to purposely break this functionality.
This is clearly a problem for those providing and provisioning SaaS offerings in a variety of scenarios, but they have chosen to make this change without input. If you would like to provide your feedback on this you can contact the responsible Program Manager directly at vbertocci@microsoft.com. I generally find using Azure Active Directory for securing my resources to be a joyous thing, but the simplicity of use is pretty much vastly overstated by the marketing folks at Microsoft. I’ve used it quite a bit and yet still find myself simultaneously in seemingly uncharted and undocumented waters. As is unfortunately a little too common, I found myself in a spot where I really thought I was stuck the other day trying to get an access token for a specific user to a specific resource.
GitHub - Azure-Samples/active-directory-dotnet-native-headless: A windows desktop program that demonstrates non-interactive authentication to Azure AD using a username & password. 開始使用 Azure AD .NET. 這篇文章是 Azure Active Directory 開發人員指南的一部分。
Azure AD 讓您外包 Web 應用程式的身分識別管理變得既簡單又直接,只需幾行的程式碼便可提供單一登入和登出。 在 Asp.NET Web 應用程式中,您可以使用 Microsoft 的社群導向 OWIN 中介軟體 (隨附於 .NET Framework 4.5) 實作來完成這個作業。 現在,我們將使用 OWIN 來執行下列動作:- 使用 Azure AD 作為身分識別提供者將使用者登入應用程式。 - 顯示一些使用者的相關資訊。 - 將使用者登出應用程式。 為執行此作業,您必須執行下列動作: 向 Azure AD 註冊應用程式 設定您的應用程式使用 OWIN 驗證管線。 若要開始使用,請下載應用程式基本架構或下載完整的範例。 Register for Azure Active Directory authentication. Overview This topic shows you how to register your apps to be able to use Azure Active Directory as an authentication provider for your mobile service.
Registering your app Log on to the Azure classic portal, navigate to your mobile service, click the Identity tab, then scroll down to the Azure active directory identity provider section and copy the App URL shown there. Navigate to Active Directory in the classic portal, click your directory then Domains and make a note of your directory's default domain. Click Applications > Add > Add an application my organization is developing. Use the On-Premises Organizational Authentication Option (ADFS) With ASP.NET in Visual Studio 2013. This afternoon my good friend Pranav Rastogi pointed out that we don’t have a walkthrough showing how to use the On-Premises option for organizational authentication in the new ASP.NET project templates in VS2013 – AKA hooking up your web app to an ADFS instance.You know what?
He was right! With all the excitement around the new capabilities for cloud-based project, we didn’t cover this specific feature as that is largely a refactoring of what was already available in the Identity and Access tools in VS2012 (and before that, the venerable fedutil.exe from WIF 1.0). Well, that’s easily fixed. This afternoon I spend 10 mins (of a meeting I wasn’t leading ) going through the process, taking screenshots of the salient steps, and tonight I’ll add a bit of descriptions to walk you though the process. Creating an MVC Project Secured by ADFS. Easy Web App Integration with Windows Azure Active Directory, ASP.NET & Visual Studio. Howdy folks, Today’s post is a deep dive on some of the cool new capabilities in our developer tools and frameworks that we announced today.
Working with the ASP.NET and Visual Studio teams, we’ve made some big enhancements that make it easy for developers to use Windows Azure Active Directory as their authentication service. Our guest blogger for today is Vittorio Bertocci who many of you already know from his many identity presentations and webcastes. Vittorio is a Principal Program Manager here in the Active Directory team and probably our most famous team member. How to use Access Control (.NET) This guide shows you how to use Azure Active Directory Access Control (also known as Access Control Service or ACS) to authenticate users from identity providers such as Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, and Facebook when they try to gain access to a web application.
What is ACS? Most developers are not identity experts and do not want to spend time developing authentication and authorization mechanisms for their applications and services. ACS is an Azure service that provides an easy way for you to authenticate users to access your web applications and services without having to add complex authentication logic to your code. The following features are available in ACS: Integration with Windows Identity Foundation (WIF). How to use Access Control (.NET) Getting started - Using Azure Active Directory (AAD) for authenticating automated clients (C#) - Microsoft Azure Simplified. In this post, we will create an ASP.Net Web API as the service to be protected and a console application as the automated client consuming the service.
We will implement three methods for the client to authenticate itself to Azure AD to get the claims (Certificate, Key and Credential), that it will then send to the Web API along with service. The Web API will authenticate the client based on the claims received. We will be implementing both the Web API and the client from empty visual studio projects. For implementing this authentication scenario, you need not be the administrator of the Azure Active Directory tenant, but must be a user of it. This post contains the following sections: Prerequisites:
GitHub - Azure-Samples/active-directory-dotnet-webapp-openidconnect: A .NET MVC web application that uses OpenID Connect to sign-in users from a single Azure Active Directory tenant. 在 Azure 應用程式服務中建立使用 Azure Active Directory 驗證的 .NET MVC Web 應用程式. 在本文中,您將學習如何使用 Azure Active Directory 作為識別提供者,在 Azure App Service Web Apps 中建立 ASP.NET MVC 特定業務應用程式。 您也將學習如何在應用程式中使用 Azure Active Directory Graph 用戶端程式庫 來查詢目錄資料。 您使用的Azure Active Directory 租用戶可以是純 Azure 目錄,或可以是與您的內部部署 Active Directory (AD) 同步處理的目錄,以便為內部部署或遠端的背景工作角色建立單一登入體驗。 將建置的項目 您將在應用程式服務 Web Apps 中建置簡單的「建立/讀取/更新/刪除」(CRUD) 特定業務應用程式,它使用下列功能追蹤工作項目: GitHub - Azure-Samples/active-directory-dotnet-webapp-roleclaims: A .NET 4.5 MVC web app that uses Azure AD application roles for authorization. GitHub - Azure-Samples/active-directory-dotnet-graphapi-web: A .NET 4.5 MVC web app that demonstrates how to query the Azure AD Graph API using the Azure AD Graph Client Library. Azure Active Directory Part 5: Graph API. Continuing the series on Azure Active Directory, Rick Rainey walks through how to leverage the Azure AD Graph API.
At the end of the last post I closed by mentioning how the Azure AD Graph API and the IsMemberOf function could be used to determine a user’s membership in Azure AD Groups. However, as you saw in the last post, the group claims feature recently added to Azure AD made that task extremely simple without needing to use the Graph API. Still, there are many application scenarios where the Graph API is very useful and so it is the purpose of this post to formally introduce you to the Azure AD Graph API and introduce some handy client libraries you can use to access the Graph API. C#操作R語言 @ 西夏普的部落格. Active Directory: LDAP Syntax Filters. LDAP syntax filters can be used in many situations to query Active Directory. They can be used in VBScript and PowerShell scripts. Many utilities, like adfind and dsquery *, accept LDAP filters. LDAP Filter Syntax. This topic deals with the syntax and rules for an LDAP filter, which is a normal string which expresses the criteria for the filter.
You need knowledge about LDAP filters if you want to search objects and filter objects in the LDAP browser LEX. You can get even more information about LDAP filters in the SelfADSI scripting Tutorial article about LDAP filters. Basic LDAP Filter Syntax and Operators LDAP filters consist of one or more criteria. If one than more criterion exist in one filter definition, they can be concatenated by logical AND or OR operators. The search criteria have to be put in parentheses and then the whole term has to be bracketed one more time. C#網頁登入AD網域進行LDAP驗證 @ 昶達的部落格. 1. AD上先在Users裡建一個帳號,例如sync. 從 ASP .NET 進行 Active Directory 驗證. 賀瑞斯機器兵: 使用c#讓登入使用者進行Active Directory 網域身分認證. 本文介紹如何用c#程式對Active Directory網域進行身分認證。 Asp.net - Redirect to an action from global.asax - mvc. 來自 ASP .NET 的 Active Directory 網域服務驗證.
Automate Everything (Building Real-World Cloud Apps with Azure) The Building Real World Cloud Apps with Azure e-book is based on a presentation developed by Scott Guthrie. It explains 13 patterns and practices that can help you be successful developing web apps for the cloud. For an introduction to the e-book, see the first chapter. The first three patterns we'll look at actually apply to any software development project, but especially to cloud projects.
Unstructured Blob Storage (Building Real-World Cloud Apps with Azure) The Building Real World Cloud Apps with Azure e-book is based on a presentation developed by Scott Guthrie. Uploading to Windows Azure Blob Store usign C# 如何使用 .NET 的 Blob 儲存體. 概觀. Hdinsight/hbase-sdk-for-net.
Mrkt 的程式學習筆記: ASP.NET MVC 使用政府公開資料 Part.1. 現在越來越多政府單位有提供公開資料,我們可以拿這些公開資料來做一些工具或是服務,大部分的政府公開資料都會提供 JSON 或是 XML 格式的資料,也有一些是直接提供檔案讓我們下載使用,所以這一次就來練習怎麼在 ASP.NET MVC 網站裡使用政府公開資料,這裡將會使用「新北市政府資料開放平台」的「新北市 WIFI 熱點」來作為這次練習的資料來源。 C# - LINQ: Get Table Column Names. ASP.NET MVC 實做登入機制. 簡單使用. Nadeem Afana's blog · ASP.NET MVC 5 Internationalization. Public static class CultureHelper private static readonly List<string> _cultures = new List<string> { Alan 資訊不歸路 學習筆記: 多國語系實作(以MVC為範例) 記得多年前(還是個菜鳥時)曾經接觸過多國語系的實作,最近又有需求需要支援多國語系,既然如此就順便作個筆記…以免下次又要花時間回憶…(記憶力隨著年紀不停下滑中)。 Msdn 論壇. 如何讓 ASP.NET 依據瀏覽器指定的語系自動選用資源檔. [.Net MVC] 實作多國語系. [.Net MVC] 實作多國語系. ASP.NET MVC 自學日誌: 多國語言(二) ASP.NET MVC Route 自訂限制條件(constraints)的技巧. MVC 多個table在 View 的呈現 - ASP.NET 與 AJAX(ASP.NET and AJAX) - Developer teacher. Json - Setting Access-Control-Allow-Origin in ASP.Net MVC - simplest possible method. Mrkt 的程式學習筆記: ASP.NET MVC 3 - ViewBag 裡使用方法(Method) [VS2015]Web Essentials 2015已經取消Bundle功能,需額外安裝套件 - E.K 開發紀事- 點部落.
EricDotNet. [ASP.NET]MVC使用i18Next做多國語言 - E.K 開發紀事- 點部落. How to Insert Data Into Database Table Using jQuery in ASP.Net MVC4. Ajax and jQuery in ASP.NET MVC. TwMVC. 最專業的 ASP.NET MVC 推廣團隊 - twMVC. 記載著 Will 在網路世界的學習心得與技術分享. 小朱® 的技術隨手寫. Microsoft Analysis Services 2005: Displaying a grid using ADOMD.NET and MDX. ASP.NET MVC3 & MVC4 MicroSoft Technologies.: Pass Multiple Models in Single View in MVC. 使用Visual Studio 和 Web 技術跨平台開發. 高雄.net分享會. Shwetayadkikar/WebAPI. Fields Filtering in ASP.NET Web API.