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Dream Machine Mind Machine

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DeepVision Ganzfeld Display Glasses - Arduino Brain Machine. Mind Machine Brain Entrainment Protocols similiar to proteus procyon laxman. ( Text above from ; ) Intriguing here is that currently my sound frequencies ALREADY ON THEIR OWN exhibit much of the phenomena encountered in the current versions of technical hardware realm of commercially purchased ‘brain machines’ or ‘mind machines’, imagine in we converged or mix, combine the effects of BOTH these powerfull technologies together?

Mind Machine Brain Entrainment Protocols similiar to proteus procyon laxman

IMAGINE if we could pulse pulse this sort of hardware system with my holographic sound frequencies. . “ NEXT LEVEL “ just isn’t adequate enough to describe the sort of excitement and exhilaration waiting for you. Two really important things to consider here also, my sound technology and its effects are entirely proprietary and exclusive, NONE of the current commercially available light and sound, AVS, CES systems are using audio content that can come close to what we’ve seen effects wise in my opinion. The older more primitive tech like binaural beats, etc. Look at the stories from our users compared to the feedback that the users of the. Comment contrôler son rêve. L'arrivée de surhommes risque de créer une petite caste privilégiée. Les techniques d'optimisation des performances neurologiques, intellectuelles et émotionnelles comportent des enjeux de santé publique mais également de choix de société, souligne le Comité consultatif national d'Ethique (CCNE) français dans un avis prospectif sur la "neuro-amélioration" biomédicale des personnes en bonne santé, rendu public mercredi.

L'arrivée de surhommes risque de créer une petite caste privilégiée

Les ASMR, ces adeptes de l’orgasme cérébral sur YouTube. Sensibles aux murmures et à certains sons, les « whisperers » regardent ces clips pour se relaxer ou éprouver une forme de plaisir intense sans être sexuel. « Je me rappelle parfaitement commencer à ressentir ce chatouillement sur le haut de ma tête, dans mon crâne, qui bientôt envahissait toute ma tête.

Les ASMR, ces adeptes de l’orgasme cérébral sur YouTube

Quelques instants après, même mes épaules et ma poitrine étaient engourdies. La sensation était si agréable que je ne voulais plus bouger. » Pilar, un Mexicain de 52 ans, avait alors 5 ans et découvrait son premier orgasme. Un orgasme particulier, asexué. C’est en serrant dans ses bras une amie de la famille, qui lui murmurait des mots gentils, que Pilar a connu pour la première fois cette sensation. « Je me sentais tellement aimé », raconte-il par e-mail. Downloads & Documents. Light and Sound Mind Machines (sometimes called Auditory/Visual Stimulation (AVS) systems) change your mind state by altering brainwaves patterns.

Downloads & Documents

Our brainwaves shift and follow certain patterns as you perceive them. Boutique Zenlatitudes. CD Audiocament - CD Audiocaments et Auto-hypnose + Relaxation et Méditation guidée - Sophrologie - Audiocaments. Mp3 Store. ARRETER LE TEMPS. Iso-Tones - Search. AMAZING TRICKS TO PLAY WITH YOUR BRAIN. Mind is the aspect of intellect and consciousness experienced as combinations of thought, perception, memory, emotion, will and imagination, including all unconscious cognitive processes.


Mind manifests itself subjectively as a stream of consciousness. Neuroanatomists usually consider the brain to be the pivotal unit of what we refer to as mind. The Human Brain tricks us whenever it can. You don’t actually see what it is in real or you don’t even actually hear or smell the way it should be. Here is the time to play trick with the human brain. At first this might sound like a bad practical joke. In case you experience an injury, then see the injured part with an inverted binoculars, soon your pain will seem to be decreasing in its magnitude. This requires two chairs and a blind fold. Lift your right foot a few inches from the floor and then begin to move it in a clockwise direction.

Depth perception is the visual ability to perceive the world in three dimensions (3D). Ganzfeld. Procyon AVS System Light and Sound Meditation Mind Machine : Systems. The World's Coolest Mind Tool The MindPlace Procyon Audio Visual Synthesizer is a new kind of "Mind Machine" experience, melding a rainbow of color choices with clear, crisp digital sound.

Procyon AVS System Light and Sound Meditation Mind Machine : Systems

The resulting synthesis can be used to modulate states of consciousness in rich new ways. The Procyon includes 50 unique, pre-programmed light and sound sequences (called sessions, or programs) within its internal memory, each designed with a specific goal in mind.. Imagine a world of pure, jewel-like color illuminating your visual and mental fields. Amazing visual effects can be produced, including the illusion of complex, shifting geometrical imagery.

Its state of the art color synthesis elements can modulate smoothly between fields of pure color (ganzfeld), through subtle shimmering effects, to full-on flicker with a frequency range up to 75Hz. Powerful, free software and an easy-to-use USB interface enables you to create your own sessions for unlimited expansion and endless variety. Audiostrobe Collection Volume 1 : Audiostrobe. <div id="productImageCaption"><a href=" target="PopupImage"> view larger image </a></div> Product Details These are Audiostrobe encoded CDs, designed to be used with an Audio-Visual Synthesizer, such as the Mindplace Procyon AVS.

Audiostrobe Collection Volume 1 : Audiostrobe

Iso-Tones - Lucid Dreaming. Lucid dreaming sessions are primarily designed for use in conjunction with the "Wake Back to Bed" technique.

Iso-Tones - Lucid Dreaming

They are not designed to be played repeatedly throughout the night. To download tones right-click and choose "Save Link As", otherwise they will open in QuickTime within your browser by default. This is a problem with QuickTime overriding browser settings and not with the website or your browser. Lucid Dreaming (Original) - This 30-minute track is designed to aid in the induction of lucid dreams and is meant to be used either while going to sleep or while performing the WBTB (wake back to bed) technique. It contains a filtered background track rather than actual isochronic pulses because the background sounds are much easier to fall asleep to while listening.

CD Audiocaments et Auto-hypnose Ericksonienne avec le RELAXTIM' + DREAMER + LAXMAN, CD audiocaments - Méta-relaxation - Métarelaxation - Metarelaxation. MindPlace Support - Procyon. Procyon Product Details. Synchronisation des Ondes Cérébrales - Mental Waves. Psioplanet ® MindPlace Support - Procyon Software. MindPlace Support - The Front Page.