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Downloads - mayancalendarprograms - This project contains mayan calendar programs. Mayan Calendar Date Conversion Calculator. Maya Date Conversion Calculator. Mayan Calendar. Baktun 13 katun 0 tun 2 uinal 1 kin 8Haab: 1 MuanTzolkin: 11 Lamat Mayan epoch: 11 Aug, 3114 B.C.E. based on local time 11:24:12pm, Thu Jan 8, 2015 The Mayans had an elaborate calendrical system, no longer in use, which obviously evolved in complete isolation from those of the old world.

Mayan Calendar

This system ended with the fall of the Mayan civilization. Most of the remaining knowledge of it was destroyed by the Spanish during the conquest. The Mayans were skilled mathematicians, and this shows in their calendar; besides having a concept of zero, they also had a firm grasp of modular arithmetic; they also worked extensively in base 20. 13:20 Technosphere resources for the Noosphere transition. jQuery Calendars. There are many different calendars used throughout the world.

jQuery Calendars

This plugin aims to make them accessible in JavaScript in a consistent manner. The plugin is broken up into a number of modules to allow you to customise what functionality you need. Each calendar provides certain basic information about itself, such as the number of months in a year, the number of days in a month, today's date, etc. It also validates all dates that it uses and throws an error if there is a problem. Graphic Maya Calendar Converter. Operating instructions: Initially the applet gets the current date from your computer and converts it into the Maya calendar dates.

Graphic Maya Calendar Converter

You can enter a new date and press the "Convert" button to convert any other date between 3000 B.C. and 4000 A.D. Mayan Calendrics Software. This software was originally written to run under DOS, hence the text-based user interface, with selection of items by means of up- and down-arrow keys.

Mayan Calendrics Software

Clocks. Metric (or Decimalized) Time The day is divided into 100 parts (centidays), plus decimal fraction.


Think of it as a percent of the day. The "Universal Metric Time" is based on the International Date Line. Much more information at my Guide to Metric (or Decimilized) Time. Hexadecimal Time The day is divided up into 65536 parts and written in hexadecimal (base-16) notation (A=10, B=11 ... Much more information about this can be found at Intuitor Hexadecimal Headquarters. Mayadate: Downloadable Javascript to Calculate the Mayan Date. The mayadate.js file contains a few Javascript objects that you can use to show the last modified time and other dates and times in the Mayan calendar.

Mayadate: Downloadable Javascript to Calculate the Mayan Date

It is not released under the GPL, but you may use it in your (non-commercial/non-profit) web pages without fee as long as credit is given on the page somewhere. An example is shown at the very bottom of this page using the additionalMaterials() function. Note that the Content-Type for all HTML pages you create which use these functions must be UTF-8. Normally this will make no difference to you. Maya Calendar. The Maya developed a sophisticated calendar.

Maya Calendar

The ritual calendar that developed in Mesoamerica used a count of 260 days. This calendar gave each day a name, much like our days of the week. There were 20 day names, each represented by a unique symbol. The days were numbered from 1 to 13. Since there are 20 day names, after the count of thirteen was reached, the next day was numbered 1 again. Calendar Converter. Welcome to Fourmilab's calendar converter!

Calendar Converter

This page allows you to interconvert dates in a variety of calendars, both civil and computer-related. All calculations are done in JavaScript executed in your own browser; complete source code is embedded in or linked to this page, and you're free to download these files to your own computer and use them even when not connected to the Internet.

To use the page, your browser must support JavaScript and you must not have disabled execution of that language. Let's see… Mayan Calendar Birthday Calculator - Ancient Mayan Astrology Pendants - Mayan jewelry gifts related to the Mayan Tzolkin. The Maya Calendar. (I am very grateful to Chris Carrier for providing most of the information about the Maya calendar.)

The Maya Calendar

Among their other accomplishments, the ancient Mayas invented a calendar of remarkable accuracy and complexity. Aztec Calendar: Today in the Aztec and Maya Calendar. Edward M. Reingold's Calendar Papers/Code. A Mesoamerican Archaeology Web site (Resources, information, links) Mayan Calendar - Downloads Free Mayan Calendar - Download Mayan Calendar Software. Mayan Calendar Template Free Download.