Dragon Con 2013: Hilarious Torchwood Panel Hijinks, Part 1. It’s a fact: Dragon Con is just plain fun.
Everything about it is fun, even waiting in lines can be fun because there’s throngs of people who share your enthusiasm for the event. You’re constantly making connections with people who were strangers just moments before. One of the most fun aspects of Dragon Con are the panels. Dragon Con panels are rarely about business. Everyone’s here to have fun and the panelists often have the most fun.
During the course of the hour, many questions were asked and answered. John Barrowman has a reputation for being pretty outrageous and is a funny guy, but Eve Myles may have outshone him here. Since there were so many great snippets from this panel, I’ve decided to break it up into two parts. WARNING: These stories contain adult humor, so if you’re offended by that sort of thing you might want to turn away.
Now, on to the tales of mischief on the Torchwood set: Zabbers: Torchwod fic: Cura Deum Di Sint. Title: Cura Deum Di SintCharacters: Ianto, Jack, LisaRating: R for language and a sort of death (consider yourself warned)Notes: Spoilers for all of Torchwood S1, ~4,600 words, which is very long for me.
And it has a plot, with things that happen in it! Mystictwilight requested Jack/Ianto h/c, with Jack being the one who gets hurt. I don't know how much comfort there is in this h/c fic, so, um, I'm sorry? Me writing Jack and Ianto being kind to one another means someone else has to be cruel, even if it isn't some one. Thanks to chikkiboo and 3weasel for betaing; the boys for being gorgeous and vulnerable, though, sadly, not mine at all but the BBC's; and Ovid for the title. They had rented a cabin, once, a cottage like in the old stories, all raw wood walls and thatched roof, as though it had been fresh-chopped out of the forest. Owen had not believed him when he'd put in the holiday request. Long after the sun rose the next morning, Ianto went looking for the spot. Quickly. The Complete Guide to Suits: 57 Rules of Style: Rules of Style : Page 2.
m0si4iNm8G1qgk37zo6_500.gif (499×289) The Definitive Linear DOCTOR WHO, TORCHWOOD, SARAH JANE Timeline! In part one, we left off in the 1970s, and here's where things get crazy.
Lots of crossing over between our three series, Doctor Who, Torchwood, and Sarah Jane Adventures in the late 20th and early 21st Century, so let's get down to it! June. As revealed in the novel Apollo 23, a quantum displacement link forms on Earth, allowing for near-instantaneous travel between an American desert and the surface of the moon. 1980 or 1981 “The Hand of Fear” (DW Classic - Story 87). Nuclear Time (DW Novel). Christmas. December. 1986 or 1987 April 27. SUPER-FUN TRIVIA NOTE: April 27 is also Russell T. November 7 - “Father’s Day” (DW Season 1). Some time before Easter. Easter Weekend. January 1st. January. July. Sapphirekeep: Golden Age Timeline (draft version) This is based heavily on lefaym's timeline here and lorannah's timeline here, with my own compromises between them and some added information from more recent episodes and supplemental material, as well as the Tardis Wiki and melina123's timeline here.
I'm working on the concurrent timeline theory, which means a lot (but not all) of the printed dates we see I'm going to shift backwards by a year. Things that apply to the Golden Age 'verse but not to canon are included in brackets. Torchwoods2cover01.jpg. Janto Ianto Jones Jack Harkness pictures by MegaMushroom88 - Photobucket. Twitvid. The Handy-Dandy Livejournal Cheat Sheet. Posted: December 25, 2003 Updated: December 25, 2003 The Handy-Dandy Livejournal Cheat Sheet This cheat sheet is designed to help you utilize the features of lj more effortlessly.
It's really long, because it covers so many things. But it is simplified for your use. I hope that you find it useful and helpful. Suki Has Gone Insane At Last - Torchwood: A Picspam for Beginners. It's been a while, but I'm finally in the mood for picspamming.
As I've just recently come back from The Hub 2, I'm all about Torchwood so I would like to celebrate season one with you all and perhaps introduce a few more of my flisties to this fantastic show. All screencaps are by me and are free for anyone to take, enjoy, customise and molest. Warning: Definitely contains spoilers and may also contain stuff that didn't actually happen. Death Wish Coffee Company - Buy Now - The Strongest Coffee in the World: Death Wish Coffee. Jack/Ianto Slash. Cult Spy Icon: Ianto Jones ('Torchwood') - Torchwood News - TV.
Beware the seemingly dull, quiet types.
They can often turn out to be the real dark horse amongst their more outgoing counterparts. This is certainly the case with Torchwood’s dependable odd job man Ianto Jones, who turned from a piece of office furniture into a very complex figure indeed. He "cleans up s**t - no questions asked", but this compelling character is also capable of creating plenty of mess himself. Ianto Jones deserves to be given Cult Spy Icon status for his love life alone. Whether you deem it brave or bizarre, the revelation that he was hiding his girlfriend Lisa in the inner sanctum of Torchwood alerted viewers to both his sense of loyalty and downright weirdness.
Despite Lisa’s increasing desperation to go on a mass deleting spree on mankind - and Torchwood’s resident pterodactyl - Ianto was unwilling to concede that the flame of romance had been doused.