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The John Dee Publication Project. The Magickal Cat.


Gematria and numerology. Witchcraft. Chaos Magic. Occult blogs and fora. Divination. Free Magic Lessons - Magic Course - Learn Magic | Magical Path. Magic is something that must be lived and experienced, not merely read and talked about. This short, introductory course is divided into ten parts, and spread over ten weeks. It looks at some core principles and techniques and is not rooted in any particular religious, mystical, or cultural practices. The lessons will be emailed to you, one per week for ten weeks. This is a free magic course; the only payment is through your own effort and commitment. The secrets of magic are to be unlocked by each individual seeker after the ‘truth’.

They cannot be shared and revealed, only gained through experience, reflection, and the understanding and inner ‘knowing’ that comes from actively participating in your own magical development. The key to this brief course, and the entire magical world view, is summed up in the ancient words: Know Thyself. Course Outline Preliminary Reading Before studying for this course, you may find it useful to read these specific articles: What to Expect Like this: Finding a Teacher | Magical Path. A somewhat clichéd saying is that “when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” While this may be true, there are several levels to it, and once a student realises that their life is rich in symbolism, and from their life’s experiences they can distill wisdom, a new insight is given to the aforementioned axiom.

Everyone, and everything, in our life can be a teacher for us. It only requires an openness to look, a willingness to reflect, and the skills to find out what something means for us. Beyond this, the best teacher for us is our Higher Self. It is certainly an important aim of occult study to develop awareness of the Higher Self, or at very least supraconsciousness and intuition. To gain the skills we need to do any kind of task we often seek a teacher. From the point of view of a student it is wise to not reject the words of the teacher too quickly. The bottom line for a student is self-responsibility. Remember, that opinions are the beliefs of a teacher. Related Articles. Some thoughts on Esoteric Training | Magical Path. (in progress) Introduction I have been consciously involved in following my spiritual path, in one form or another, for the past 16 years.

Over that time my thoughts, expectations, and understanding has changed considerably. I therefore do not consider that my ideas and beliefs on esoteric training will remain the same over the next however many years remain in his lifetime. What I present here are my current thoughts, feelings, beliefs and insights on this subject. As such a do not present them as the only “correct” way. My intention is to provide some ideas for consideration, for both newcomers to spiritual and esoteric training, as well as those have been involved for a long time who are in search of other people’s ideas and experiences. In this document I use the words esoteric, spiritual, and magical somewhat interchangeably.

This is the first draft of this document and my intention is to revise and updated over time. Don’t Mistake the Map for the Territory Nonphysical realms:

Tattwa and Scrying

Sorcery. Kabbalah. Spells. Sacred Sex. For further contact with others who are interested in sacred sexuality, you might enjoy subscribing to the usenet newsgroup alt.magick.tantra. It is a low-traffic group where long-time practitioners and newcomers can frankly discuss everything from meditational Hindu Tantra Yoga and Asatru sex worship to karezza and Crowleyian sex-magick. If the theories and techniques of classical Indian Tantra Yoga are your interest, you might enjoy subscribing to alt.religion.tantra, which deals exclusively with those subjects. Oh -- and if you clicked on the names of the newsgroups above but couldn't get through to them, please read my helpful hints on accessing arcane newsgroups.

If you are looking for a tantra yoga guru or a teacher of Westernized neo-tantra techniques, please do not contact me; i am not a tantra yoga or neo-tantra teacher and i keep no database of such teachers. Instead, go the Teacher List maintained by E-Sensuals (with which i am not affiliated).

Occult texts

Occult "traditions" (modern) Folk Magic. Hereditary Groups - Y Plant Br n. Hereditary Groups by Gwenfran Gwernan The great difference between hereditary groups and others, is that, like an inherited title, the hereditary group is entirely a family affair - you were - and are - born into it. The family used to be very extended, being rather a clan or tribe.

There were two ways in which outsiders could come in - by marriage or by blood brotherhood. This last means that any man who had fought on the same side as a member of the clan and been accepted as a blood brother, would be accepted into the clan. The first thing one learns about it today are the stories of the exploits the of the ancestors, and particularly of the First Father and the First Mother. These parents of the clan are in fact the God and Goddess, however much they may be hidden under legend and fairy story. The hereditary groups do not use the word 'witch' nor the word 'Craft'. Most hereditary groups have stories of treasures that have belonged to them in the past. Y Plant Br n. Introduction Celebrating the Festivals The Countryside Samhain in Britain Hereditary Groups Tuning Into The Land A Taxonomy of the Major Keltic Deities and Their Interface with the Human Organism Gallery New from Brigid The Ruth Wynn Owen Gallery The Shrine: Gallery of the Waxing Year Magic in Children"s Literature by Andrew Staines An Interview with Norman Gills Ruth Wynn Owen did have contact with several Americans, and the Family did adopt just one American who is known to us, but neither this person nor any other is working the Plant Bran tradition.

There are two individual groups known to us who have connections and who use a very small amount of PB material, but no large organizations, even those claiming a 'Welsh' origin, are in any way connected to us. The Plant Bran material is © copyrighted. Introduction - Y Plant Br n. Introduction by Brigid Gwernan The Plant Bran is an extended family (hereditary) system of Worship and Wisecraft handed down to us through Gwenfran Gwernan. The word 'Plant' means 'family', and Bran is the Celtic deity of death and resurrection, son of Llyr. Knowledge of the Natural World and working with the forces of Nature, are important in this tradition. Of old, knowledge was passed on orally from parents and grandparents to children, beginning when the children were quite young, normally about seven years old; an important time in their mental development.

Unfortunately, times have changed; members of families have moved away from each other in pursuit of work, and two major wars have disrupted the continuity necessary for this kind of learning. It is now up to us as young (or not so young!) Our respect for Nature and Natural Forces is shown outwardly by our worship of the God and Goddess, our First Parents.