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Beeman/loopback-angular-admin. Technology Profile. jQuery jQuery Usage Statistics - Websites using jQuery JQuery is a fast, concise, JavaScript Library that simplifies how you traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add Ajax interactions to your web pages. jQuery is designed to change the way that you write JavaScript. Technology Profile

CloudFront CloudFront Usage Statistics - Websites using CloudFront. AngularJS Directive Gallery. 10 Best AngularJS Frameworks. AngularJS is one of the most popular and open-source web application framework maintained by Google and a community of individual developers and corporations to address many of the challenges encountered in developing single-page applications.

10 Best AngularJS Frameworks

If you are already familiar to AngularJS and want to turn on some real magic but don’t know the enough resources to spruce up the coding, don’t worry, some developers have adapted a few front-end frameworks to work and support AngularJS. These Frameworks come with some of useful tools and components that help developers to build innovative web applications quickly and easily. Below we have gathered 10 Best AngularJS Frameworks you can use for developing your web-applications without much hassle. 1. Supersonic Supersonic UI is a game-changer. 2. AngularUI Bootstrap, as name says, is built on top one of the most popular front-end frameworks, Bootstrap. 3. lumX 4. 5. Suave UI is designed for web-applications based on AngularJS. 10 Best AngularJS Frameworks. 10 Graphic & Web Design Tools That Will Explode in 2015. Every designer has a collection of tools that they find indispensable to doing their job.

10 Graphic & Web Design Tools That Will Explode in 2015

Some of these tools are popular ones that you will likely find in every designer’s toolbox, while others are not so well known. In this article, we will take a look at 9 graphic and web design tools that are set to explode in 2015. Webydo A B2B hybrid platform that combines both web design and development in one, Webydo is a great choice for designers looking to create website designs without needing to hand write code or rely on a web developer to help them. One of the most exciting features in Webydo is the ability to create “pixel-perfect responsive web designs” that work great on a variety of devices. Share on Pinterest Webydo allows designers to begin with an existing design or layout or to start from scratch with a drag and drop interface. Invision Ink Infogram If a picture is worth a thousand words, than a good infographic could be priceless!

Pixlr Rinse. What BaaS to choose for HTML5 application? The term backend as a service or BaaS is currently mentioned a lot among mobile application developers.

What BaaS to choose for HTML5 application?

Multiple storage options exists for HTML5 applications, like the local storage or filesystem. But these will only allow application to store data locally, on the mobile device. If your mobile app has to store data outside the device, in order to sync across different platforms for example, application creators have to make a decision on how this will be achieved. One option is to build a simple backend service which could handle requests from mobile application running on multiple mobile clients and provide data storage functionality. This usually sounds easier then it is to implement, because while building such backend service you have to take many factors into account.

Another option is to look into multiple and already built backend services. In this post I want to briefly take a look at what cloud based BaaS solutions are currently available for HTML5 application developers. Parse. Buenokinder/SennitShareAngularJs. Getting started with Bootstrap and AngularJS (for the SharePoint Developer) 15 Useful AngularJS Tools For Developers. Thinking of dipping your toes into Angular?

15 Useful AngularJS Tools For Developers

If you have gone through our 10 best tutorials to learn AngularJS post and would like to play around with Angular on your own, you’re on the right post. We have here some tools that can streamline your development workflow. We’re looking at 15 of the best IDEs, text editors, tools for testing & debugging, modules and development tools and apps for building with Angular. If you have your favorite tools or apps, do share them with us in the comments below. Recommended Reading: More Posts On AngularJS IDE & Text Editor In the programming world, there are two types of editors: full featured Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and lightweight text editors. WebStorm WebStorm is suited not just for Javascript but also HTML and CSS. Aptana Aptana is a free open source IDE which is actually the customized version of Eclipse focusing on Javascript, HTML, CSS and other web goodies. Sublime Text More on Sublime Text: Testing & Debugging Tools Karma Jasmine. Marmelab/awesome-rest.

5 Cool AngularJS libraries.