Company Registration Number, Format. The Number that describes the type of company means its nature of business, deals in, form of company and many more where it also constitutes the registration number.
It plays a vital in the competitive corporate sector where every day numbers of companies have been registered under the New Companies Act 2013 this number named company registration number depicts the status of company with its relative attributes. The company registration number is also known by CIN number that means identification number that used to identify the company in respect of its type, year of incorporation, state of registration, type of industry, registration numbers and many more. How to Write a Basic Business Plan (with Sample Business Plans) Edit Article Sample Business PlansWriting Your Own Business Plan Edited by Keelan Cunningham, Steven Horton, Teresa, Dvortygirl and 16 others Writing a business plan dramatically increases your chances of success as an entrepreneur.
This simple business plan template is an excellent tool to get you thinking about your business idea and help you describe the fundamentals of your business. This easy formula covers the basics that any reader of a business plan will want to know to evaluate the business quickly and easily. Ad Steps Writing Your Own Business Plan 1Determine why you want to write a business plan. Tips.
Show me the honey. A 40-member community of bee-baiters in Bangalore takes down beehives in building complexes across the city and sells the fresh, unadulterated honey in the area When he was five years old, Karthik (he prefers to go by his first name) somebody in his village threw a stone at a honeycomb.
The agitated bees spread, causing panic. Karthik's father, Madanlal took charge of the situation, and dispersed the commotion by lighting beedis. The smoke caused the bees to die or fly away. "Bees are like humans. When we meet Karthik on a hot Thursday afternoon, he is sitting on a footpath, behind an unmistakable square-sized carpet of a beehive on New BEL Road. Ganesh learnt the tricks of the trade from his father at the age of four. "I got a call from somebody in Peenya in an office who got my number from a friend in Bengal and asked me to come to Bangalore.
Bee business Today, he charges Rs 1,000 to remove one beehive, and Rs 360 for a litre of the honey. Companies bring serious game to the job - The Times of India on Mobile. E-tail gives sex goods a big push. Nonprofit organization. A nonprofit organization (US and UK),[1] or not-for-profit organization (UK and others), often called an NPO or simply a nonprofit and non-commercial organization (Russia and CIS[citation needed]), often called an NCO, is an organization that uses surplus revenues to achieve its goals rather than distributing them as profit or dividends.[2] While not-for-profit organizations are permitted to generate surplus revenues, they must be retained by the organization for its self-preservation, expansion, or plans.[3] NPOs have controlling members or boards.
Many have paid staff including management, while others employ unpaid volunteers and even executives who work with or without compensation (occasionally nominal).[4] Where there is a token fee, in general, it is used to meet legal requirements for establishing a contract between the executive and the organization. Objectives and Goals[edit] Functions[edit] Non-governmental organization. A non-governmental organization (NGO) is an organization that is neither a part of a government nor a conventional for-profit business.
Usually set up by ordinary citizens, NGOs may be funded by governments, foundations, businesses, or private persons. Some avoid formal funding altogether and are run primarily by volunteers. NGOs are highly diverse groups of organizations engaged in a wide range of activities, and take different forms in different parts of the world. Some may have charitable status, while others may be registered for tax exemption based on recognition of social purposes. Others may be fronts for political, religious or other interest. The number of NGOs in the United States is estimated at 1.5 million.[1] Russia has 277,000 NGOs.[2] India is estimated to have had around 2 million NGOs in 2009, just over one NGO per 600 Indians, and many times the number of primary schools and primary health centres in India.[3][4] Types[edit] By orientation[edit]