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Las_venas_abiertas_de_amxrica_latina. Daniel Bichman's blog. El bulevar donde Cortázar jugó a la rayuela. Proceso 1950. Índice CISA / Co mu ni ca ción e In for ma ción, SA de CV Pre si den te, Ju lio Sche rer Gar cía; Vi ce pre si den te, Vi cen te Le ñe ro; Te so re ro, Rafael Rodríguez Castañeda; Vocales, Francisco Álvarez, Salvador Corro Ra fael Ro drí guez Cas ta ñe da : Salvador Corro : Alejandro Rivera : Ma ría de los Án ge les Mo ra les; ayudante, Luis Ángel Cruz : Flor Hernández : Laura Ávila : Be a triz Gon zá lez : Luz María Pineda : Alejandro Pérez, coordinador; Cuauhtémoc Arista, Tomás Domínguez, Ser gio Lo ya, Hugo Martínez, Juan Carlos Ortega : Carlos Acosta, Jorge Carrasco, Jesusa Cervantes, Juan Carlos Cruz, Patricia Dávila, Gloria Leticia Díaz, Álvaro Delgado, José Gil Olmos, Santiago Igartúa, Arturo Rodríguez, Marcela Turati, Ro dri go Ve ra, Rosalia Vergara, Jenaro Villamil : Ho me ro Cam pa, coordinador; Corres pon sa les: Madrid: Alejandro Gutiérrez; Pa rís: An ne Ma rie Mer gier; Washington: J.

. : Ro ber to Pon ce, co or di na dor. : Raúl Ochoa, Beatriz Pereyra /Rocha. After return to Mexico, she fights crime, runs afoul of law. Column One Cleotilde Salgado holds an undated photograph of her sister, Nestora Salgado, with a grandchild. Cleotilde and one of Nestora's daughters are the only people who have been allowed to visit Nestora in federal prison. More photos Nestora Salgado led a town rebellion against crooks in Guerrero state, only to land in federal prison after making an arrest that some say overstepped boundaries. Story and Photography by Tracy Wilkinson Reporting from Olinala, Mexico Sept. 25, 2013 urely, this is not the returning-immigrant experience that Nestora Salgado imagined.

At first, the 41-year-old mother of three was, in the words of a supporter, "a sensation" in her mountainous Guerrero homeland, where she returned recently after 20 years in the United States. "She had more right to be the leader because she has more guts than any man," said villager Marisela Jimenez. And, as church bells tolled in solidarity, they came out, by the thousands. Salgado left this place long ago. Passions were high. Ronan Farrow: young blue eyes | From the Observer | The Observer. How I brought down drug-taking Lance Armstrong, by David Walsh | Media. "I am not an investigative journalist... I wish I was an investigative journalist... I don't have the talent to be a sports reporter... " David Walsh, the multi award-winning journalist, was not indulging in false modesty. He was simply being honest, the character trait that has shone through all he has achieved in his career. His confession about his supposed journalistic weaknesses was made last night while giving the Hugh Cudlipp annual lecture.

Walsh, the Sunday Times's chief sportswriter, told the story of his dogged pursuit of the cheating champion cyclist Lance Armstrong with clarity and wit. That conviction - call it a hunch or an intuition - occurred in 1999 and was based on Walsh's inside knowledge of professional cycling. Walsh, who had already had doubts about Armstrong's astonishing post-cancer performances, noted how Armstrong treated Bassons. "If Armstrong was anti-doping, Christophe Bassons would have been his friend not his enemy," said Walsh. He wrote about it. Por qué es tan malo Paulo Coelho, por Héctor Abad Faciolince. Traducido a 56 idiomas, publicado en 150 países, con más de 54 millones de libros vendidos, a Paulo Coelho hay que reconocerle al menos una virtud: es una mina de oro para sí mismo y para las editoriales.

En su libro de mayor éxito, El alquimista (1988), un pastor de ovejas andaluz viaja hasta las pirámides de Egipto en busca de un tesoro. Antes de llegar a su destino se encuentra con el gran mago que posee los dos pilares de la sabiduría alquímica, es decir, sabe destilar el elíxir de la larga vida y ha fabricado un huevo amarillo, la piedra filosofal, con cuya ralladura se puede convertir en oro cualquier otro metal.

En su viaje hacia las tumbas de los faraones el alquimista le ha revelado al muchacho otro secreto: “Cada hombre sobre la faz de la tierra tiene un tesoro que lo está esperando”. Luego le explica que si no todos encontramos este tesoro personal, es porque “los hombres ya no tienen interés en encontrarlo”. 1. 2. 3. Yucatán: Identidad y Cultura Maya - Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán. Orphan Black flips the sci-fi script by putting female agency first | TV | For Our Consideration. Benedict Cumberbatch's Star Trek villain speaks with the voice of reason | Film.

Link to video: Star Trek Into Darkness: watch Benedict Cumberbatch in the first trailer This week, Benedict Cumberbatch has been basking in praise for his portrayal of the villain, John Harrison, in JJ Abrams' new film, Star Trek Into Darkness – more particularly, his voice has been drawing raves. Star Trek Into Darkness Production year: 2013 Country: USA Cert (UK): 12A Runtime: 132 mins Directors: JJ Abrams Cast: Alice Eve, Anton Yelchin, Benedict Cumberbatch, Bruce Greenwood, Chris Pine , Karl Urban, Simon Pegg, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana More on this film "So sepulchrally resonant that it could have been synthesised from the combined timbres of Ian McKellen, Patrick Stewart and Alan Rickman holding an elocution contest down a well," sighed The Independent's Jonathan Romney .

"The deep-voiced Cumberbatch asserts fully self-justified treachery", asserted The Hollywood Reporter's Todd McCarthy . Then there is Bogart. Who these days can compare? Guardian Viral Video Chart: Star Wars, Thor: The Dark World, and Luis Suárez | Media. World's oldest and stickiest lab study ready for drop of excitement | Science | The Observer. In terms of output, Queensland University's pitch drop study – the world's oldest laboratory experiment – has been stunningly low. Only eight drops have emerged from the lump of pitch installed in the university's physics building foyer in 1927.

Watching paint dry looks exhilarating by comparison. But excitement is now rising over the experiment, which was set up to calculate the viscosity of the world's stickiest substance, pitch, which has been found to be at least 230 billion times more viscous than water. According to Professor John Mainstone, who has run the experiment since the 1960s, a ninth drop looks set to emerge from the pitch block in the very near future. "No one has actually seen a drop emerge, so it is getting quite nervy round here," said Mainstone. The fact that pitch – which is so brittle it can be smashed with a hammer – behaves like a fluid is the most surprising aspect of the experiment, added Mainstone. A beginner’s guide to the music of Belle And Sebastian | Music | Primer. Primer is The A.V. Club’s ongoing series of beginners’ guides to pop culture’s most notable subjects: filmmakers, music styles, literary genres, and whatever else interests us—and hopefully you.

This installment: Belle And Sebastian. Belle And Sebastian 101“Belle And Sebastian were the product of botched capitalism. It would be nice to say they were the children of socialism, but it would be a fib.” So begins a typically wry paragraph in the liner-note “biography” that accompanies If You’re Feeling Sinister, a spot-on album that did as much to build the legend of Belle And Sebastian as any of the playfully arch myth-making the band members undertook in lieu of traditional promotional efforts around its 1996 release in the band’s native Scotland. (’97 in the United States, brought across the pond by EMI subsidiary The Enclave, which was in the process of collapsing by the time the band made its own Stateside trip.) [pagebreak] The Essentials1. 2. 3. 4.

The 50 best films of the ’90s (3 of 3) | Film | Best of. On Monday, we started counting down our top 50 films of the 1990s, which we tabulated by blind votes among the film-writing staff. Following parts one and two, here’s the last of the batch: our most acclaimed films of the decade. 10. Being John Malkovich (1999) For years, Charlie Kaufman’s screenplay for Being John Malkovich enjoyed a mixed reputation as a script far too brilliant and original to ever get made. The prevailing wisdom held that the script was too weird, dark, and meta to ever make it onto the big screen, even if the filmmakers did somehow manage to get an actor as prickly and difficult as Malkovich to play a version of himself as a sketchy, narcissistic, sex-obsessed jerk. 9.

Rushmore (1998) 8. Clint Eastwood walked away from Westerns after Unforgiven, and it’s not hard to see why: What was left to say after this? Eastwood became an international star playing The Man With No Name in a string of films for Sergio Leone that turned the Western into crudely beautiful pop art. ¿Cambiará la impresión 3D las reglas de la moda? Es probable que en alguna ocasión hayas pensado que sería genial descargar unos zapatos, joyas o un biquini por internet como el que hace lo propio con una película, un disco o un libro.

Aunque parezca mentira eso ya es posible con las impresoras 3D. Unos dispositivos al alcance de muy pocos pero que puede transformar el mundo de la moda. En 3D Printshow, un evento realizado en Londres el pasado mes de octubre sobre esa tecnología, se pudo asistir a un desfile en el que se vieron creaciones impresas tridimensionalmente por varios diseñadores. Otros pioneros en el uso de esos sistemas de impresión son la firma de zapatos United Nude, que emplea en algunos de sus modelos piezas esculpidas por estas máquinas. También la firma de gafas Protos realiza con ellas diseños que sería difícil lograr empleando las técnicas de producción tradicionales. Son tres ejemplos de cómo la impresión 3D está dejando huella en la moda.

3D Printer | Exploring the world of 3D printing. Las impresoras 3D llevan la fábrica a casa. Albert Arjona se paga el máster con un negocio casero. Imprime ecografías de embarazos con su impresora 3D. “Sesenta euros con IVA y portes incluidos”, dice el barcelonés. Desde que en 1995 a los estudiantes del MIT Tim Anderson y Jim Bredt se les ocurriera destripar una impresora para sustituir la inyección de tinta por un polvillo, las impresoras 3D han saltado de la gran industria al entorno doméstico.

No es aún lo habitual, pero pronto lo será. La acelerada caída de sus costes, a una velocidad que no conocieron el ordenador ni la impresora láser, hace prever que en una década la impresora 3D será tan popular en los hogares como lo es hoy la convencional. Mientras tanto, la industria farmacéutica y médica aplica las impresoras 3D para sus investigaciones. Gracias a la inyección de plástico líquido o polvo de arena, de una de estas impresoras salen prótesis dentales o utensilios para el hogar pero, a diferencia de la impresora convencional, su tamaño es fundamental.

Books of the year 2012: authors choose their favourites. 7 Tummy Toning Exercises. Philosophy v science: which can answer the big questions of life? | Science | The Observer. Julian Baggini No one who has understood even a fraction of what science has told us about the universe can fail to be in awe of both the cosmos and of science.

When physics is compared with the humanities and social sciences, it is easy for the scientists to feel smug and the rest of us to feel somewhat envious. Philosophers in particular can suffer from lab-coat envy. If only our achievements were so clear and indisputable! How wonderful it would be to be free from the duty of constantly justifying the value of your discipline. However – and I'm sure you could see a "but" coming – I do wonder whether science hasn't suffered from a little mission creep of late.

I don't feel proprietorial about the problems of philosophy. Some of the things you have said and written suggest that you share some of science's imperialist ambitions. Lawrence Krauss Thanks for the kind words about science and your generous attitude. JB I've got more sympathy with your position than you might expect. Thomas Kuhn: the man who changed the way the world looked at science | Science | The Observer. Fifty years ago this month, one of the most influential books of the 20th century was published by the University of Chicago Press. Many if not most lay people have probably never heard of its author, Thomas Kuhn, or of his book, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, but their thinking has almost certainly been influenced by his ideas.

The litmus test is whether you've ever heard or used the term "paradigm shift", which is probably the most used – and abused – term in contemporary discussions of organisational change and intellectual progress. A Google search for it returns more than 10 million hits, for example. And it currently turns up inside no fewer than 18,300 of the books marketed by Amazon. It is also one of the most cited academic books of all time. Kuhn's version of how science develops differed dramatically from the Whig version. What made it worse for philosophers of science was that Kuhn wasn't even a philosopher: he was a physicist, dammit.

Varanus komodoensis. La primera vez que científicos occidentales estudiaron los dragones de Komodo fue en 1910. Su excepcional tamaño y su reputación de animal temible los convierte en uno de los animales más populares de los zoológicos. En estado salvaje son una especie amenazada; su ámbito de distribución se ha reducido debido a las actividades humanas y están catalogados como vulnerables en la Lista Roja de la UICN.[1] Están protegidos por la ley indonesia, y un parque nacional, el Parque Nacional de Komodo, fue fundado en 1980 para contribuir a su conservación. Historia evolutiva[editar] Descripción[editar] Es el lagarto de mayor tamaño del mundo, con una longitud media de dos a tres metros y un peso de unos 70 kg.[4] En la naturaleza, un adulto mide unos 2,5 m y pesa de media unos 70 kg,[4] aunque los especímenes en cautividad a menudo pesan más. Los dragones de Komodo poseen una larga y fuerte cola. Sentidos[editar] Ecología[editar] Tomando el sol en el Ragunan Zoo, Yakarta.

Alimentación[editar] The Bristol babies who are unlocking the secrets of life | Science | The Observer. Last Christmas, Dr Sue Ring received an unusual text message. One of her freezers had broken down, she was told. The news sent her scurrying – not to her home but to her workplace, the headquarters of the Children of the 90s project in Bristol.

In the basement, Ring, who is the project's head of laboratories, began pulling phials of blood and tissue out of the stricken freezer, one of 60 kept at the project's HQ. Then she moved them into a spare fridge. More than 1.5 million biological samples, taken from thousands of local children and parents over the past two decades, are kept in these cold stores. "I should have been dealing with a frozen turkey that day," said Ring. Ring's prompt action typifies a fierce commitment among 40 full-time and 60 part-time staff at the Bristol project. Nor are these studies confined to researchers based in the city. "Many of the researchers who use our data are US-based," said Lynn Molloy, the project's executive director.

It is an intriguing theory. The Thick of It: lines of the week – episode one | Television & radio. Roger Allam as Peter Mannion in The Thick Of It. Photograph: Des Willie/BBC SPOILER ALERT: This weekly blog is for those who are watching The Thick of It series four. Don't read on if you haven't seen episode one. We're trying something different with our weekly blog for The Thick of It this time around. Judging by most people's conversations about the show, the joy is in reliving the most delicious lines and savouring them in all their vicious, sweary, bullying glory.

So here's our pick of the week. . • Mannion to his wife: "Sorry darling, I have to go – I think the bailiffs are coming to take away my will to live. " • Phil to Fergus and Adam: "You're basically a couple of homeless guys we invited to Christmas dinner. . • Mannion on Fergus: "He's Lewis, I'm Morse. " • Fergus to Terri: "I want you to know you can't win, Nurse Ratched, because this is my moment. . • Terri on Emma: "Ever the charmless minor royal. " • Terri to Glenn: "You look like a week-old party balloon.

A critical movement saved Margaret from burial; here’s why it deserved it  | Film | The New Cult Canon. The Astonishing Power of Paul Thomas Anderson's "The Master" Preguntas incómodas a Alberto Bailleres, promotor de Nuestro México del Futuro. Definition and History | The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy. No temas a la tecnología. Creará trabajos nuevos para ti y tus hijos | Talento Digital.