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Plateformes d'arts vivants et de performances

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[FR] Numéridanse - Vidéothèque internationale de danse en ligne. est la première vidéothèque de danse gratuite qui rassemble des milliers d’heures de vidéos, des collections d'artistes nationaux et internationaux, des outils pédagogiques et des milliers de ressources éditorialisées pour comprendre la danse et son histoire. Gérée par une communauté de professionnels, elle est portée et coordonnée par la Maison de la Danse de Lyon – bibliothequesecolesdart

[FR] FANA (Fonds d'Archives Numériques Audiovisuelles en danse contemporaine) En un modèle innovant, la plateforme FANA Danse & Arts vivants s'avance dans le champ des patrimoines numérisés audiovisuels liés aux arts vivants comme une ressource en ligne sans équivalent permettant de consulter des fonds d'archives audiovisuelles exhaustivement constitués autour d'un artiste, chorégraphe, metteur en scène, performeur ou d'une compagnie contemporaine.

[FR] FANA (Fonds d'Archives Numériques Audiovisuelles en danse contemporaine)

Avec plus de 680 vidéos ou enregistrements sonores soit 454 heures accessibles sur simple demande, 1496 fiches détaillées et des outils pour explorer les documents, la plateforme présente actuellement en ligne quatre fonds liés à des chorégraphes majeurs des scènes des 20e et 21e siècles : • Fonds Dominique Bagouet - Carnets Bagouet • Fonds Ingeborg Liptay - Compagnie Ici Maintenant • Fonds Olivia Grandville - Compagnie La Spirale de Caroline • Fonds Mark Tompkins - Cie I.D.A. Dominique Bagouet - Carnets Bagouet Aperçu sur le fonds Dominique Bagouet - Carnets Bagouet avec les vidéos en libre accès : ▾ Plus. [DE] CUE / Allemagne, Berlin. CUE is a space for spontaneous expression and interdisciplinary improvisation.

[DE] CUE / Allemagne, Berlin

CUE was born out of a specific need: the need for places where it is possible to experiment new ways of expression and behavior within a performative context. There the potential actions have not necessarily to be artistic practices, because any possible mean of expression is warmly welcomed. The aim of CUE is neither providing some sort of result, nor to create some specific product, but to generate the conditions where the participants can live and enjoy their time in a collective game of simultaneous actions, where what is sought is nothing else than a new, spontaneous and permanently unstable kind of communication.

Keeping in mind that there are no previously defined rules of the game, interaction has to be the key of the communication process, and participants have to allow themselves creating new relationships between each other. [BE] SARMA - base de données - textes critiques sur la danse et la performance. In het Nederlands Sarma is a laboratory for discursive practices and expanded publication in field of dance, performance and beyond.

[BE] SARMA - base de données - textes critiques sur la danse et la performance

Sarma collects and organizes discursive practices. By compiling author based or thematically related text anthologies, published online on our website. But also by curating festivals, by providing dramaturgical assistance to performers, by organizing workshops, discussions, lectures, installations and research projects. Sarma is a breeding ground for artists and theoreticians to collaborate on shared problems and premises. Sarma was initiated in 2000 by Myriam Van Imschoot and Jeroen Peeters. Publications about Sarma An overview of all Sarma's activities until April 2010 can be found in the article Sarma: het archief als discursieve werkplaats that was published in De Witte Raaf on January 1, 2011.

[EU] ECLAP : e-library for performing arts. [US] Low Lives networked Performance Festival (Internet) [US] Contemporary Performance. Welcome to Contemporary Performance, a social network and community organizing platform providing artists, presenters, scholars and festivals a platform to meet, share work, and collaborate.

[US] Contemporary Performance

The term Contemporary Performance is used to describe hybrid performance works and artists that travel between the fields of Experimental Theatre & Dance, Video Art, Visual Art, Music Composition and Performance Art without adhering to one specific field’s practice. Editor In Chief: Caden Manson is a director, media artist, and teacher. [INT] International Society for Gesture Studies (ISGS)

[INT] PSi - Performance Studies international. Over the past decades, performance has developed as an umbrella term for scholarly as well as artistic research engaged with a wide variety of topics.

[INT] PSi - Performance Studies international

The research conducted under this umbrella term is interdisciplinary and is strongly rooted in the interaction between theory and practice. It is a dynamic field of encounters rather than a discipline grounded in one particular methodology or tradition. PSi represents this field and stimulates its development by initiating conferences and other events, by means of awards and bursaries, by facilitating the circulation of information and knowledge, through working groups dedicated to important issues in the field of performance research, by means of an archive and oral history project, and with a network and a lexicon aimed towards the further development of performance research and education in a global context.

Contemporary Performance Network - une ressource pour les artistes de la l'art de Performance. [INT]  PERFORMANCE PHILOSOPHY.