Heineken USA - Black History Month Art Contest. ‘Like’ Heinken On Facebook And Fill One Office To The Brim With Balloons. International beer brand Heineken has created a digital campaign to drive more Brazilian fans to like its Facebook page. Every time someone from Brazil likes the page, a green balloon is blown up and placed in an office. Selected users are shown a custom video of a man blowing up a balloon and the total number of balloons covering the room. In just a few days, the ‘Um Like Um Balao’ (One Like One Balloon – said while blowing one of them up) campaign has generated thousands of new likes, which in turn has drowned the office setting in a sea of balloons.
Take a look at one of the videos below. You can also watch all the videos from the campaign on Heineken’s YouTube channel. Heineken. Heineken Opens Your World With U-Codes. Environnement : Heineken France et Nestlé Waters publient leurs rapports développement durable. Heineken Light | Occasionally Perfect Billboard Chicago. Heineken Legendary Football. Heineken se met aux couleurs du rugby. BT and Heineken partner to offer Wi-Fi to London Pubs. Through Wi-Fi customers can access a special area of the internet, the Heineken Hub, for which the UK’s newest newspaper, i, the quality daily and sister paper to The Independent, is supplying exclusive content.
Customers can get online quickly with any wireless PC, tablet or mobile phone at any of the Wi-Fi hotspots. More than 200,000 sites have been added in the last three months. Rick Lawrence, marketing manager at Heineken UK said: “The partnership with BT reinforces the brand’s reputation as a leading player in the development of technology. The Wi-Fi initiative will provide excellent exposure for Heineken among its key target audience and build greater affinity between the brand and its consumers.”
Source: BT If you enjoyed this article, you may also like this: CR Snow buys Heineken breweries in China. Les volumes d'Heineken progressent de + 2,7 % sur le premier semestre 2011 / Actu Flash. Heineken Beer for Friends. Heineken. Heineken Light The Handlebar Moustache (HD) HCA MINDBOX. _一站成名. Heineken, Google Sign Multi-Million Euro Online Advertising Deal. Beer maker Heineken has signed a multi-million euro digital advertising deal with search engine giant Google.
According to The Financial Times, the deal covers more than 20 international markets. Heineken has agreed to make a certain amount of adverting investment with Google and will not only get coverage on a wide variety of Google products and services, but also Google’s search data. Heineken will also get certain discounts under the deal.
The company, which has an annual marketing budget of £1.9 billion, will get access to a host of Google products and website for advertisement. “[Google] knows their media better than anyone else [and] have access to an immense source of information ... I don’t think any traditional advertising agency will know about Google’s business as well as Google knows about its business. The expertise they bring is unique,” Alexis Nasard, Heineken’s chief commercial officer told The Financial Times while attending the Cannes Lions festival last week. Heineken poursuit son action pour le développement durable. Heineken Releases StarPlayer Football App.
Heineken vise le leadership du rayon bière en 2013. Heineken partenaire de « Chaque canette compte » Page Facebook Heineken : 1 million de likes et des calins. Les plus belles publicités Heineken « Design Spartan : Graphisme, Webdesign, Digital painting, Illustration… Ce «guest post» vous est proposé par Vianney Carvalho de Artbooktuto qui présente quelques publicités de la célèbre bière Heineken pour Design Spartan.
Rien de racoleur dans cet article, c’est juste que si comme moi vous êtes un lecteur assidu de magazines notamment sur le cinéma vous avez sans doute remarquer la qualité des publicités pour la marque Heineken (et les autres aussi d’ailleurs). Mêlant beauté et maîtrise des logiciels de retouches, les grandes marques de l’industrie de la boisson rivalisent également d’ingéniosité. Avec une gamme de couleurs réduites (vert, jaune et blanc), ainsi que des compositions souvent minimalistes qui vont à l’essentiel, Heineken arrive à diffuser de nombreuses idées, ainsi qu’a susciter l’envie.
Une franche réussite pour la célèbre marque de bière. Et n’oubliez pas : L’abus d’alcool est dangereux pour la santé. A consommer avec modération. Ce “guest post” a été rédigé par Vianney Caravalho de Artbooktuto pour les lecteurs de Design Spartan. Heineken Turning 'The Entrance' Into Global TV Campaign - Advertising Age - News. CHICAGO (AdAge.com) -- Does Heineken finally have a hit on its hands? The import, which has struggled to find a breakthrough marketing message, is launching TV versions of its "The Entrance" web campaign, which is the second-most watched web ad in the latest Ad Age Viral Video Chart with nearly a million views in a week.
The video, in which a man charms his way into a party with over-the-top greetings, was shot for Heineken International by Wieden & Kennedy, Amsterdam. The brewer is now making it the centerpiece of its first global campaign for the Heineken brand in five years, called "Open Your World," with versions planned for the U.S., U.K., Argentina, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and other countries.
Heineken USA is expected to begin airing the TV ads in March. Elements of the ads will also be incorporated in a new U.S. As Heineken sales slumped, the importer's chief marketing officer, Christian McMahan, departed late last year. MAD | Social Networking since 1873. HEINEKEN INNOVE AVEC TWIST, SA NOUVELLE BOUTEILLE REFERMABLE. Heineken to sell branded goods via Facebook shop. Heineken - The Entrance. Après l’excellente campagne Heineken – The Tube, voici la suite de la saga publicitaire avec ce spot intitulé « The Entrance ». Une mise en scène d’actions intéressantes, et la présence du groupe de musique : The Asteroids Galaxy Tour.
A découvrir dans la suite de l’article. Heineken Black Light STR Bottle. While expression of art on everyday consumables is nothing new, there is a new directive more recently with a focus on beer bottles. Aside from the recently unveiled collaborative project between KAWS and Dos Equis, Heineken International (coincidentally the parent company of Dos Equis) debuted the Black Light STR Bottle today. Inspired by the dimly lighted night club atmosphere, the Black Light STR Bottle illuminate on cue under a blacklight to reveal a hidden graphic of stars and streaks. Made of aluminum, the bottle still retains beer under the optimal temperature without flaw. The Heineken Black Light STR Bottle just launch bi-coastally at the “Heineken Inspire” event in Los Angeles and the “US Open Player Party” in New York City. The bottle will also be available at select entertainment establishments nationwide in the coming weeks.