John McDonald. Adolf Loos, the outspoken Austrian designer and critic, argued: “the modern person who tattoos himself is either a criminal or a degenerate.”
Loos was writing in 1929, and one can only wonder what he would make of the present day vogue for tattoos that cover an arm and half a torso. He would probably see it as a symptom of a society that had fallen irreversibly into decadence. He would find an ally in Wim Delvoye, the Belgian artist being celebrated in an exhibition at the Museum of Old and New Art in Hobart. The major point of difference being that Loos was doing everything in his power to combat this tendency, while Delvoye says: “Bring it on!” Tattooed-pig. Louise the tattooed pig. Tattooed-pig-4. Tattooed-pig-2. Wim-Delvoye-Pig-Tatoo-sk-b. 2511145623 7ae5fe146c o. Pig tattoo practice.
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