> Bilinguex
Geohistonetbilingüe. Bilingual Space. 1º ESO. Geography and History. Websociales (web de Elena García Marín)
Geography and History, Bilingual Space. IES Cavaleri bilingüe. Geografía e Historia: 3º ESO BILINGÜE. FIRST TERMUnits Example: UNIT 2: The political organisation of societies UNIT 3: Economic Activity and Work UNIT 4: The Economic and Social Inequalities.
The different indicators used to measure socio-economic inequalities between countries are: the HDI, the GDP and the daily consumption of calories. The HDI (Human Development Index), created by the United Nations, takes into account these criteria: the GDP per inhabitant, life expectancy, literacy rate and attendance in primary, secondary and further education. The GDP (Gross Domestic Product) measures the total production of a country and is used by the World Bank. Causes of inequality Globalization means that production, consumption and exchange of goods are organized on a worldwide scale, which has been made possible by advances in telecommunications and transport.
Central and peripheral areas The central areas are dominant at world level. The peripheral areas are dependent on the dominant areas. Relationship between these areas:
I.E.S. LLANES. Sevilla. I.E.S. LLANES. Sevilla. - online history lessons, revision, games, worksheets, quizzes and links.
History: General Resources & Famous People. Geography.
Geography in English. Material Interesante para trabajar Historia,Geografía …dentro de la educación bilingüe y metodología CLIL. July 27, 2012 by rolling stone Dentro de todo lo publicado en Internet , aquí en este misma web y de las sugerencias recibidas de seguidores y compañeros , voy a comenzar poco a poco a recopilar los mejores materiales , recursos y sugerencias y lo voy organizar por áreas , asignaturas. Respecto a Historia-Geografía , esta entrada se divide en varios bloques : – I.Materiales para el aula. -II.Blogs de profesores que nos gustan. -III.Formación para el Profesorado. I.Materiales para el aula. Evidentemente ya tenemos muchas editoriales que tienen material interesante, ante todo creo firmemente que este área/asignatura que es una de las más difíciles , complejas y controvertida,debe ser tratada en profundidad y jamás utilizar materiales-en sentido de uso directo – de programaciones extranjeras , ya que desde mi humilde punto de vista cada país enfoca de un modo muy particular esta asignatura .
Recursos muy prácticos en las siguientes páginas :
Material Historia-3º ESO.Hª Arte. Geography Teaching Ideas. 1º ESO bilingüe - Dpto. Geografía e Historia (IES Alameda de Osuna)
Red de centros bilingües: 3ESOgeography. CLIL Teachers´ Web Guide. According to Voltaire, history consists of a series of accumulative imaginative inventions. Let´s discover some of these inventions in the following websites. Explore The British Museum website, which offers extensive information and pictures about the ancient civilizations. The British museum website where you can study different world civilizations.
CPI Tino Grandío Bilingual Sections: Social Studies ESO-3. CPI Tino Grandío Bilingual Sections: Social Studies ESO-4. Profesor Jesús Montosa: Bilingual Teaching. Educational Videos and Games for Kids about Science, Math, Social Studies and English.
Schools - Primary History. BrainPOP - Animated Educational Site for Kids - Science, Social Studies, English, Math, Arts. Teachers Notebook. HippoCampus - Homework and Study Help - Free help with your algebra, biology, environmental science, American government, US history, physics and religion homework. Internenes:Unidades didácticas. Recursos de Ciencias Sociales.