OLIMEX LPC-H40(Philips LPC2106)(MOTHER BOARD for LPC-H40(LPC-H2106) and ASM Sample Program.) ・2004/03/16 (MOTHER BOARD for LPC-H40(LPC-H2106) and ASM Sample Program.)
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・TIPSI/O port Capture Routine About 5.8956 Msps. ・Surprise !! LPC-2106 Weakpoint *A built-in flash ROM is not made secretly. Nokia 3310 PCD8544 Based Graphical LCD Demo. Related Videos The Nokia 3310 is based on a PCD8544 Controller.
This is one cool graphical LCD. Nokia 3310 LCD shield v1.0 with Joystick - £9.99 : nuelectronics.com, Arduino Freeduino projects. Nokia 3310 LCD is low-cost, monochrome LCD with 84x48 display.
It is popular for 8-bit AVR/PIC projects, search google for 'Nokia 3310 LCD', and you will find lots of resources. This Nokia 3310 LCD & Joystick shield can be used for Arduino /Freeduino board and other MCU projects. It has following features: View topic - PCD8544 (Nokia LCD) I think 3310 uses the 8 pin display and 5110/6110 might have the 9 pin version.
And yes the display uses serial protocol and I'm bitbanging the bits through a parallel port pin. I have the display connected to the parallel port data pins and I'm also powering the display from the parallel port. I'm using a LP2950 regulator to get the +3.3v voltage from the parallel port's +5v. For the 5v to 3.3v logic level conversion I'm using a 74LCX245 chip that seems to fit this purpose well. The reason I chose these components is that I already had them so I didn't need to go looking for anything else. Blog » Nokia 3310 LCD. Do you still remember old good Nokia 3310?
I remember it was my very first cellular phone I had – and it was expensive. Now these phones are obsolete but some people still uses them as unbreakable and reliable phones. Nokia 3310 LCD. Scripting the Bus Pirate to talk to a Nokia 3310 LCD - wiki.countercaster.com. From wiki.countercaster.com The Nokia 3310 LCD is cheap (free if you have an old phone you can cannibalize) and reasonably easy to control using any microprocessor. Hack a Day. Nokia 1100 LCD and PIC Interface – The Best Combination That You Can Think About. Did you have an old Nokia 1100 cell phone that keeps lying in the drawer, but you just don’t know what to do about it?
Well, guess what! Is time to show off your creativity by combine the Nokia 1100 LCD with the PIC Interface (Yeah, it sounds like a cool idea, isn’t it?). Before you starting the project, you have to make sure that your old Nokia 1100 LCD screen is in a good condition (Well, it would be better if the screen did not have any scratches). First thing first, please apply the Nokia 1100 LCD screen with a PIC, which well written in Microchip C on demand. As you can see, the microcontroller is a PCF8814 and its not the I2C. In addition, the VDDI input can be used if only the I/O levels are different from the LCD supply voltage itself. For this case, the LED driver as per the manual will run with a 4.7ohm resistor at 3.6V. Oh, you said that you don’t even have a Nokia 1100 cell phone? Read. Blog » 3310. Do you still remember old good Nokia 3310?
I remember it was my very first cellular phone I had – and it was expensive. Now these phones are obsolete but some people still uses them as unbreakable and reliable phones. 3310 Nokia LCD & PIC 12f683 « Pyrofer’s Projects. Not long ago I saw this link for a 3310 temp probe.
Now ive played with other LCD’s lots, but this one caught my attention because of the low power requirements (It runs from a single CR2032 Motherboard battery). I built the Temp probe as shown on the site and it worked well. I had several of the PCBs made, and decided that the others would be my own projects with the same hardware. Nokia 3310 Lcd Thermometer using DS18B20. Scientific, embedded, biomedical, electronics contents. I found this circuit really simple and interesting.
It is really simple to drive Nokia 3310 graphical LCD by using simple LPT cable and some PC software. Firs of all connect graphical LCD to LPT port according to following circuit: