In order to achieve a pleasant, deep and restful sleep there are many factors to consider, however, without a doubt the choice of a good mattress is crucial. It is possible that very different opinions are found when we embark on the search for the ideal mattress, this is because the subject we are dealing with is very subjective, and each person has particular tastes and preferences when it comes to falling asleep.
When to Change the Mattress?
Possibly before arriving at the time of change recommended by associations of manufacturers, the mattress will have signs of having lost its properties. The mattress has a lifespan of about ten years. However, if symptoms of subsidence are found or, finally, the quality of sleep worsens, we should examine the condition of the mattress. Do not forget that people also change, it is possible that the mattress was ideal at the time of purchase and after 6 years our physical characteristics or preferences change substantially and we need a new mattress that suits our needs.
Types of Mattresses
Below we explain the types of mattresses based on their manufacture, materials and properties:
Packed Springs Mattress
It is a structure of springs in which each spring is encapsulated independently in a layer of fabric. This allows each pier to act independently, thus allowing freedom of movement, which makes it a good option for marriage mattresses in which there are significant differences in weight between the two people. Different layers of comfort are usually applied to the pocket of pocket springs, usually HR foam, or viscoelastic an adaptable and breathable solution.
HR Foam Mattress (High Resilience)
The core is formed by an open cell foam block; it is usually a very adaptable mattress and can have different types of comfort (firm, medium and soft). Different layers of comfort and variety of quilted fabrics can also be applied to the core. A HR foam mattress does not necessarily have to be soft.
Latex Mattress
The latex cores are obtained from the resin of a tropical tree variety; it is a natural and hypoallergenic material, although there are also synthetic compositions. As it is also an elastic material it is recommended for articulated bed bases. The latex mattress is also quite heavy, which hinders turning. It offers a high adaptation to the contour of the body offering a firmer support than the viscoelastic.
Viscoelastic Mattress
There is no mattress that is viscoelastic in its entirety, they always need a support that provides firmness, and normally it is made use of viscoelastic in combination with HR foams. Also known as "memory foam" is the most adaptable material, reacts to body heat and reduces pressure points in the heavier areas.
Bonell Spring Mattress
It is the most classic spring mattress; in its favor has a high degree of breathability. It is also played in this type of structures with comfort layers of different materials. Normally it is a type of economic mattress.
Aspects to take into Account to Choose the Mattress
When choosing the mattress that best suits our needs we must be clear that there is no material that is the best without question, in fact there are many discrepancies between specialists, manufacturers and consumers. The choice of the mattress is absolutely subjective, it is interesting to take into account the recommendations but when buying the important thing is to try and lie on the mattress for about ten minutes to get an idea of the comfort of the mattress in question.
Air circulation is important both for comfort and for the preservation of mattress properties. In this sense, closed-core mattresses (latex, HR foam, viscoelastic) are less breathable, although today open-cell structures allow greater ventilation than in the past. In the spring mattress allows more breathability, whether pocket springs or the classic Bonell. Have all the necessary info at mattress sales black Friday regarding mattress properties.