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Assisted Reproductive Technology

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Behind the Scenes of IVF Video. IVF is a common treatment for infertility that involves stimulating the ovaries. Get an overview of how IVF works in this video from Transcript Hi, I'm Dr. Ingrid Rodi and I am a specialist in reproductive endocrinology and infertility with Today I am here on behalf of to give you a look behind the scenes of IVF. IVF: Ovarian Stimulation If you get to the point where you are considering IVF, it is good to have an idea of what the process involves. IVF: Trigger Shot During that time she has ultrasound evaluations and hormone determinations to fine tune the process. IVF: Fertilization Fertilization is accomplished either by putting the partner's sperm in the dish with the eggs, or by injecting one sperm into each egg (ICSI). IVF: Embryo Transfer The embryo transfer is usually done with some sedation and only rarely under anesthesia.

Thank you for watching. About videos are made available on an "as is" basis, subject to the User Agreement. Too Many Babies Webisodes: Fertility Story : Video. Medicine & Morals - Lesson Four Promo. Infertility - One Couple's Story. Fertility Story: Jennifer. Infertility - Advances in Treatment (Part 1) Infertility - Advances in Treatment (Part 2)