Brittany Hollifield
PortraitPhotographyContract3. What you cannot do on Facebook – Page Admins take note of these rules! 68 ESSENTIAL Wedding Photography Tips. It's wedding time!
This is the largest collection of wedding photography tips to ever be assembled on one page of the Internet. My hands hurt from typing it, but you can help to ease my pain by sharing this on Facebook and Pinterest after you’re done gorging yourself on these wedding photography tips. Thanks to the awesome group of photographers on the Improve Photography Facebook Page who pitched in with tips to help me get to 68. I’ve credited each of them in the article. Wedding Photography Tip #1: Wear comfy shoesYou’re going to walk like you wouldn’t believe as a wedding photographer on a wedding day.
Wedding Photography Tip #2: Take out Uncle Bob early with a sharp elbow to the stomach! Wedding Photography Tip #3: Have a frank talk about seeing the brideSome couples are very serious about the tradition of the groom not seeing the bride before the wedding day. 3 Bridal Photography Tips. Jan26 The truth is that bridal photography is pricey, and an excellent wedding photographer is probably going to be one of the most expensive of all of your vendors.
Beauty Tips for your Bridal Photography. There is no bride in the world who doesn’t want to look amazing in her wedding photography.
But many times knowing what to do, what not to do, and where to get started can be an overwhelming thing. Photography in an of itself changes some of the “to-do’s” of a beauty regimen because things photograph differently than the eye sees them in real life. So to help all you gorgeous brides out there look your very best I have put together a little beauty advice for you… The Wedding Day Call Sheet: Part 3 – The Evening. A Post By: Natalie Denton (nee Johnson) This post is the last in a series.
Check out the previous posts at The Wedding Day Call Sheet: Part 1 – The Morning and The Wedding Day Call Sheet: Part 2 – The Afternoon. Candids in the Dining Hall Image by Sean Molin With the guests seated, but before the food is served use this as a good opportunity to take pictures of guests relaxing and chatting with one another. Speeches Pictures of bride and groom entering the dining hall, plus the guest’s reactions make for some nice images before then the speeches begin. 5 Wedding Photography Composition Tips. Daniel Lowe and his wife Cindy photograph weddings as Orange Turtle Photography in sunny San Diego.
Check out more of their work at their blog. Get the first kiss. The first dance is coming up. How do I pose the couple so they don’t look so awkward? What should I set my aperture at for group photos? Composition is the core of any photo and should never be forgotten even when you’re struggling to get a clean shot of the first kiss or trying to deal with 30 family members waiting for a group photo. 1. We all know the rule of thirds right? 7 Tips for Better “First Dance” Wedding Shots. Today Ronan Palliser shares tips on how to capture the ‘first dance at a wedding.
You are most likely invited to weddings every now and then, and I’m betting that most people bring a camera with them. Chances are, if you looked back at your photos and compared them with those that other guests took on the day, there will be many shots that are the same. The most photographed moment of the day is often the bride and groom’s first dance, and with a little bit of know how, and if you’re lucky enough to have it, some extra lighting tools, it is possible to get a shot of the first dance that will stand out from the crowd and identify you as a capable photographer.
Tip 1: Change your shooting angle Most people, most of the time, take photographs from the same viewing point – i.e. they hold the camera up to their eye and press the shutter. The Wedding Day Call Sheet: Part 1 – The Morning. Wedding Photography Poses and Tips. A photographer can be one of the most important components of your wedding day.
When friends or relatives volunteer to take your wedding pictures, think long and hard about it. A professional will thoroughly understand lighting techniques and will be experienced in capturing the joyous occasion. Interview photographers early, at least 6 – 12 months in advance. Determine your budget clearly at this meeting. 50 ‘Must Have’ Wedding Photography Shots. On the few occasions that I’ve been asked to photograph weddings by friends I always found it helpful to create a list of shots that I wanted to take on the day.
I found that setting out a list with the couple of not only ‘WHERE’ they wanted shots but also some of the different combinations of WHO they wanted IN the shots was helpful. There’s nothing worse than getting to the end of the day and realizing that no one took a picture of Aunt Mildred or that you only got shots of one set of parents with the bride and groom and not the other side of the family! Earlier in the week Brian Delia from The New Jersey Wedding Photographer sent me a list of 50 ‘must have shots’ for weddings (although many of them are actually multiple shots so taking them all will leave you with potentially hundreds). 6 Tips for Setting your Photography Prices. How to Set the Price for Your Photography. How to Price your Photography for Profit: Photographer's Pricing Guide.
This post is Part 2 of The Modern Tog’s Photographer’s Pricing Guide series.
Here’s the link to Part 1 of the Pricing Guide in case you missed it. Today it’s time to think about one of the main goals of your business: your profit. The first step in determining your prices is to figure out how much you want to take home in the form of a paycheck. This amount is what is left over after all your expenses and taxes have been taken out. Free Photographer's Pricing Guide - How to Price Photography. It’s confession time: I think that the majority of pricing guides for photographers are lame.
That’s not to say that they don’t work, or that they aren’t worth the money that people sell them for. It’s just that most of the pricing calculators have some major flaw that makes them not nearly as effective as I think they could be. How To Create Photography Packages That Sell - The Modern Tog. Creating photography packages is one of the most popular ways to present your services to your clients.
As I have been helping photographers with their pricing and packaging, I’ve seen a number of common mistakes over and over again that are easy to avoid and will help boost your sales. Before making packages, however, make sure you’ve worked through the Photographer’s Pricing Guide to determine how much money you need to be making on average per shoot. We’ll use this information in setting up your packages.
5 Consultation Secrets Every Photographer Should Know. Consultations are the main thing people use to decide what photographer to hire, so it’s absolutely vital to do things right! Trust me. I had no idea what I was doing when I was just starting out and made lots of mistakes. After trying all sorts of things to see what worked well and what didn’t (as well as learning a lot about sales and marketing in the process), I came up with 5 main things that I believe are key to effective consultations. While I write this mostly from a wedding perspective, every single point can be applied to a portrait pre-sales consultation as well.
How to Have Happier Clients using Photography Questionnaires. I think I’m in love. My friend Andy recently told me about something called Gravity Forms that he uses for his client questionnaires and contracts. I’ve been doing an informal questionnaire with my wedding clients before each wedding, but Andy and I photographed two weddings together this past month, and we used his questionnaire. It was so awesome to have all that information in one place and I loved how easy his form was to use. So I finally bit the bullet and purchased it this past weekend. Oh. This little WordPress plugin rocks my world. What Legal & Business Forms Do Photographers Need? CAA.pdf (application/pdf Object) What every photographer needs to know to start and run a home based photography business. Work with Great Photography Suppliers November 3rd, 2013 Choosing the right suppliers to work with can make or break your photography business.
Making the wrong decision can lead to faulty products, unreliable delivery or any number of other issues that all lead back to a bad reputation with your customers. It is important to remember that it really doesn’t matter if the issue is the fault of the supplier or yours. Discounts {stop the trend you already set} Q. “I recently had a friend become engaged. I did the engagement session at full price.
She is wanting me to do her wedding and is asking for a discount. How to Tackle Children's Photography. By guest contributor Allie Ledger. How to Pose Seniors * + 10 Practical Tips for Posing * Senior Photography. Be a selfless photographer. {Mesa Photography} - Kismet and Kisses Photography. Masking – Think Outside the Box. By Guest Contributor Amanda Padgett. Mistakes To Avoid When Car Shopping. Too Much Of A Good Thing – color pop. Mmmmm, brownies. ADMISSIONS COUNSELOR job - Aspen Education Group - Old Fort, NC.
SUWS of the Carolinas is a therapeutic wilderness program. Business Plans For Dummies Cheat Sheet. Cheat Sheet. Starting a Photography Business. Hd black and white photography. Untitled. HTML Pro. Websites for Photographers. Are You Pricing Your Photography To Stay In Business? Website Marketing. Yawn. It’s another website that looks just like everyone else’s. A few images on the home page. Rock Your Biz Business Posts for Photographers. Are you ready to charge? 8 Things you need to have in place. A. Aaaah yes the all time biggest question for up and coming photographers! On a personal note – Fighting the j-o-b. The other day, it hit me. Photography is becoming a job to me. Happy Birthday to Me {dot} com. This year, I…
Makeup Tips for Female Photographers. A Photographer’s Wardrobe: Things you may have never considered. Naming your photography business {and protecting your name} Copyright infringement – How to deal with stolen images. How I’ve Caught People Stealing My Images. Easy as Pie – Served Up Fresh. Business 101 e-course – Served Up Fresh. How to not attract cheapies. 3 practices that devalue your brand. Your friends print your images without permission – What should you do? “But I don’t want to be in debt!” {financing your business} Building your photography business {the chicken and the egg} Managing Money Expectations – Portrait Sessions. How to Price your Photography Products & Services. 6 scenarios where you may want to say ‘no’ {and how to do it}
Getting started.