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Bob Simpson

Director, The Australian Media Engagement Project

Media ethics

Doing the right thing. Do The Right Thing. Australia has witnessed a recycling revolution over the last 20 years.

Do The Right Thing

Australians have set an example to the rest of the world when it comes to recycling and reducing litter. We are now one of the world’s leading recyclers with a very low litter rate per capita. This is because Aussies see recycling and reducing litter as Doing the Right Thing. The results have been amazing. Since 2005 we have reduced litter by 31% in volume and 20% by item, and increased recycling rates by more than 60% since 2003.

This has been achieved through: Industry collaboration to reduce the materials used in product packaging and increasing the amount that can be recycledThe introduction of effective kerbside collection to most homesAustralians now inherently collect, separate and recycle their used drinks bottles, cans and containers: it’s second nature. Australia is now on the way to becoming a sustainable low litter nation and it’s down to your contribution and action that this has become a possibility.

Shipping companies

Worthy stories of people who changed our culture. AMEP 2. Food associations. Competition law with bite. Updated Wed 30 Oct 2013, 4:51pm AEDT The new Federal Minister for Small Business says parts of Australian competition law are akin to "a hunting dog that never leaves the porch".

Competition law with bite

Australia Food and Grocery Council. Gary Dawson National Press Club speech 13/10. Australian National Retail Association. Media. ABC Rural. AMEP. Food companies. Quality Australian Dairy since 1888. Bega Cheese Limited. Barry Irvin – AM Executive Chairman Bega Cheese Member of Nominations & Human Resources Committee Deputy Chairman – Capitol Chilled Foods Australia Chairman – Giant Steps (Sydney) Director – Gardiner Foundation.

Bega Cheese Limited

WCBF Board Members. Saputo corporate. Takeover Panels 13 12 17. TP13/69 Tuesday, 17 December 2013 In response to an application dated 26 November 2013 from Murray Goulburn Co-operative Co.

Takeover Panels 13 12 17

Limited in relation to the affairs of Warrnambool Cheese and Butter Factory Company Holdings Limited (see TP13/63), the Panel was strongly of the view that unacceptable circumstances had occurred in relation to the announcements of 15 November 2013 and 25 November 2013 by both Saputo Dairy Australia Pty Ltd and Warrnambool. On 15 November 2013, Warrnambool announced that it intended to declare special dividends (with associated franking credits) with a record date of 26 November, subject to Saputo’s bid reaching certain thresholds.1 Saputo announced on the same day that, subject to certain thresholds being reached, accepting shareholders would be able to receive part of their consideration in the form of franked dividends, and that some shareholders would benefit from the associated franking credits.

The undertakings include: Annexure A Dated 16 December 2013. Saputo family. In 1950, master cheese-maker Giuseppe Saputo and Frank, his eldest son, left their small village of Montelepre, close to Palermo, Sicily, and emigrated to Canada, convinced that this was the ideal country to provide a better future for their family in the wake of the Second World War.

Saputo family

Two years later, Lino Saputo, his brother Luigi and sisters Rosalia, Elina, Maria and Antonina, joined their father and brother in Canada along with their mother, Maria. As was the case with many immigrants, the Saputo family’s first few years in Canada were difficult. Everyone had to do their part to put food on the table. Murray Goulburn. Simplot Australia. John Kumnick. Simplot US. ABB Grain. ABB Grain was Australia's largest agribusiness.

ABB Grain

Founded in 1939, the company was listed on the Australian Securities Exchange until its takeover by Viterra in 2009.[2] Until recently, the company focused solely on grain accumulation and marketing. It expanded its focus to other activities, such as grain receival and storage, malting and fertilisers. ABB buys grain from all growing regions in Australia and trades in all grain commodities. History[edit] Principles of ABARES research and analysis. The role of ABARES The Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) provides professionally independent, world-class research, analysis and advice for government and private sector decision-makers on significant issues affecting Australia’s agriculture, fisheries and forestry industries.

Principles of ABARES research and analysis

ABARES performs it role to support the mission of the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF): We work to sustain the way of life and prosperity of all Australians. Exporting. ABCD Companies. The global food crisis: ABCD of food – how the multinationals dominate trade. ADM.

Bunge. Cargill. Dreyfus. What Asia Wants. FOODmap: An analysis of the Australian food supply chain. FOODmap is a comprehensive comparative analysis of food distribution channels for major categories within the Australian food industry, from food producer to consumer.

FOODmap: An analysis of the Australian food supply chain

It summarises the key features of a food industry that continues to undergo change, with significant opportunities and challenges at a category level. The FOODmap publication contains: Unions. Australian Workers' Union. The Australian Workers' Union (AWU) is one of Australia's largest and oldest trade unions.

Australian Workers' Union

It traces its origins to unions founded in the pastoral and mining industries in the 1880s, and currently has approximately 135,000 members. It has exercised an influence on the Australian trade union movement, and on the Australian Labor Party throughout its history. History[edit] United Voice. United Voice is a large Australian trade union, with around 130,000 members.

United Voice

United Voice members work in a wide range of occupations including hospitality, childcare, teachers' aides, aged care, property services (cleaning, security, maintenance etc.), health, manufacturing, ambulance workers (in some states) and community services. United Voice was formerly known as the Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Union (LHMU) (the "Missos").

United Voice is an amalgamation of the Federated Miscellaneous Workers' Union (FMWU) and Liquor Trades Union (LTU). Australia in the Asian Century. National Food Plan. Primary industry - Tasmania. WA. Queensland. NT. Primary Industry Home The Primary Industries Division delivers strategic services that support profitable and sustainable primary production. SA. Victoria. NSW. Peoples’ Food Plan. - Full of Toys, Entertainment, Kids Clothing, Party Ideas & Pic n' Mix. Coles Supermarkets. Wesfarmers - Home.