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Metrics for f2p games

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User Retention: Yes, But Which One? Of all the components of the user lifecycle, retention is probably the most important metric for freemium apps and free-to-play games.

User Retention: Yes, But Which One?

Retention is indeed a direct factor in the computation of the lifetime customer value (LTV) of the users acquired. For instance, early retention metrics such as Day 3 retention can serve as proxies to assess traffic quality for ROI-positive user acquisition campaigns. Everything you need to know about KPIs - GameAnalytics Blog. As independent game designers, we generally want to focus on creating games.

Everything you need to know about KPIs - GameAnalytics Blog

Sales and marketing related domains often feel foreign to us. How Genre Affects F2P Game Performance - deltaDNA. One of the most frequently asked questions we get at deltaDNA is, how do my KPIs compare to other mobile games?

How Genre Affects F2P Game Performance - deltaDNA

With over 1,000 games in our system, this is a question we are well equipped to answer. To do so, we needed to break games into some broad categories. Genre has an important impact on performance metrics, as do other factors such as country, gender, acquisition channel and even season. Here we will ignore the latter factors and simply break our games into 4 broad categories: Social Gambling and Gaming Summit. Minimum Viable Metrics dashboard template - The Freemium Codex - A collection of freemium resources. Freemium, as a business model, is not fairly well defined from an academic perspective -- that is, its application to, and implementing in, software products is guided largely by existing precedent.

The Freemium Codex - A collection of freemium resources

It's only a matter of time until those precedents -- which are essentially best practices -- are codified into a framework and taught in universities and in "analyst" / recent graduate programs at large software companies. Until that happens, however, freemium -- for better or worse -- is largely defined by the most popular articles written about it on the internet. KPI Metrics For Video Games. KPIs, or Key Performance Indicators, are the nuts and bolts of video game metrics.

KPI Metrics For Video Games

Why Do Gaming Companies Still Use Vanity KPIs? Game developers rely on metrics that help them make the right decisions to eventually drive business. But do the gaming industry’s standard KPIs really provide the right metrics? In his popular post, Eric Ries defined the term ‘Vanity Metrics’ and exposedthe fundamental rules of analytics that they break. The Game Life Cycle & Game Analytics: What metrics matter when? Pete Koistila's Blog - Game monetization design: Analysis of Hay Day. The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutra’s community.

Pete Koistila's Blog - Game monetization design: Analysis of Hay Day

The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company. Game experience: heavily addictive – know your limits. Kongregate - Maximizing Player Retention and Monetization in Free-to-… 5 Proven Ways You Can Increase Retention for Your Games. Free-to-play (F2P) mobile games aren’t just digital games on the phone.

5 Proven Ways You Can Increase Retention for Your Games

You can’t copy what worked on consoles or computers and expect the same success. ARPPU in freemium games - Gamesbrief. Averages are dangerous things.

ARPPU in freemium games - Gamesbrief

Most people hear “average” and assume a normal of Gaussian distribution. This can blind you to the reality of the situation. To take a practical example, imagine 20 people you know and imagine lining them all up in a row. Their height is likely to average out at around 5’7, depending on the male/female split. Now add Bill Gates to the line. Now rearrange those friends according to their net worth.

DAU/MAU = engagement - Gamesbrief. DAU/MAU is not a key driver of revenues for the GAMESbrief online games forecasting model.

DAU/MAU = engagement - Gamesbrief

It is so important – and quoted so often – that I’ve incorporated it anyway. Engagement Across the online games world, engagement is a key objective. The more engaged a user is in your game, the more likely they are to spend. Retention rate, churn and duration - Gamesbrief. Why your free-to-play users aren’t coming back. This story was contributed by Eric Seufert of mobile game developer Grey Area Labs.

Why your free-to-play users aren’t coming back

Minimum Viable Metrics - (Dashboard template can be found here; source code on GitHub here) In freemium mobile, my experience has been that the principles of the Minimum Viable Product as a product strategy are respected but sometimes necessarily abandoned because the concept isn’t perfectly transferable to mobile platforms. The MVP approach was designed for a platform (the web) that allows for the instant and universal distribution of product iterations, which is impossible on mobile. Minimum Viable Metrics -

Why Flurry's retention metrics are misleading developers. I truly applaud the amazing footprint Flurry has achieved in the mobile app ecosystem. It's not easy for a new company to carve out its space in a growing and crowded marketplace. Flurry has been at the forefront of teaching developers, whether indie or not, the importance of understanding user behaviour and analytics. On top of that, it has become the close to "de-facto" analytics toolkit that every up and coming developer uses in their releases. This is an amazing achievement given the especially competitive nature of the mobile sector. Flurry packs in a ton of useful features, and when you put its analytics to appropriate use, you can extract some truly valuable information. However, there's one rather crucial area where both Flurry and its credibility as an analytics platform stumbles.