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Top 10 Most Important Inventions of the 21st Century in Medicine - Health & Fitness. Click here to vote for your favorite invention in medicine.

Top 10 Most Important Inventions of the 21st Century in Medicine - Health & Fitness

With a great leap in the field of science and technology at the beggining of the 21st century, people were able to witness the appearance of numerous inventions some of which are already helping patients worldwide, while other devices could lead to serious innovations in the near future. 1. AbioCor Artificial Heart In July 2001, a group of surgeons from Louisville, Kentucky managed to implant a new-generation artificial heart in a patient. Dubbed AbioCor, the device was implanted in a man who suffered from heart failure.

Although artificial hearts have been used in humans before, AvioCor proved to be more technically advanced than all of its predecessors. AbioCor is completely self-contained inside the body, having no tubes or lines running through the skin. 2. The idea to develop a new bio-artificial liver came to Dr. In 2001 TIME magazine named the device Invention of the Year. 3. 4. 5. iLIMB Bionic Hand. Top 10 Inventions of 21st Century. Top 10 Inventions of 21st Century This Review is based on the top most inventions of 21st century.

Top 10 Inventions of 21st Century

These are related by professionals who listed out these top ten technologies. These are listed as following : Human cloning I think it’s enough that we now have to deal w/ the after effects of depleted uranium artillery in the middle east wars. The military proves they can’t be trusted. Genetic engineering is one of the most evil corporations on the planet and the truth be told wants you all dead.So I hope you understand how the farmers are not doing us any favors. I am currently putting together a new video to explain it. The history of nano technology proves the interface-formula that enables nano technology wasn’t known until 2005.They stole it and tried If Einstein couldn’t solve his own UFT then who did. hypersonic flight, flying more than three minutes at Mach 6, six times the speed of sound.

Robotics simply known as a technology makes a machine works automatically, Self induced. Top Ten Modern Inventions of 21st Century. The World is progressing at a very fast pace.

Top Ten Modern Inventions of 21st Century

In every generation the technology upgrades with a multiple of ten. We are still not confirm to say the exact pace of advancements. The technology we often used to see in movies and comics have become a reality now. The following quote seems justified for recent technology “Fiction of today is Fact of tomorrow.” The concept of robotics came from Hollywood movies that fascinated the human nature a lot. Gregor Mendel, father of the Genetics did experimental research on better growth of peas. In the picture, showing a Liger a hybrid s produced by mating of Lion and Tigress. Liger Hybrid Vegetables The transport facilities revolutionized very rapidly. The concept of future designs of a hypersonic plane Stratofortress Popular on the Web. 21st Century - Modern Inventions. 21st Century Technology. 21st Century : Technology Biometric data has been used to tie the device to a person to prevent it from being used illegitimately.

21st Century Technology

Top 10 Most Important Inventions of the 21st Century in Technology - Technology. 1. iPhone In the 21st century iPhone became one of the most popular gadgets, bringing the term "smartphone" to a new level.

Top 10 Most Important Inventions of the 21st Century in Technology - Technology

The first model was officially presented by Apple Inc in January 9, 2007. Users were able to buy the handset starting June 2007. Today the iPhone can be used to make videos and pictures, listen to music, watch clips and more. The users get the device with both Wi-Fi and 3G connectivity. The most impressive, however, is the multi-touch touchscreen that boasts fast response to touch. 2. iPad This is another revolutionary device from Apple.

The iPad can be used for audio-visual media. Just like its smaller brother iPhone, the iPad features a multi-touch display with a large virtual keyboard. 3. A driverless Toyota Prius equipped with radar sensors, video cameras, as well as laser range finder, has been launched by Google. The new technology is a step towards the development of a safe driverless transportation system on city streets.