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Movie quotes that we could all take real-life advice from. Classic horror movie posters compared to their modern day remakes. Horror movies today seem to focus more on their shock and gore factor, rather than focusing on the quality of the film.

Classic horror movie posters compared to their modern day remakes

With that being said, it’s interesting to see how the posters have changed as well. Take a trip down memory lane as you compare the classics with the modern day reboots. 25 classic films that were based on books. Every suit from the ‘Iron Man’ movies. Take a tour through fashionable legacy that is Tony Stark.

Every suit from the ‘Iron Man’ movies

Mark I – (Iron Man) The First Iron Man suit was made from Jericho missile parts and created when Tony Stark was being held captive by the terrorist group “Ten Rings.” Mark II – (Iron Man) Created as a prototype to explore the potential of flight. The suit is made from chromed titanium and steel alloy and featured the J.A.R.V.I.S. intelligence system. Incredible discoveries Tumblr users found in Disney movies. Found at Buzzfeed via Tumblr.

Incredible discoveries Tumblr users found in Disney movies

Great movies always have great opening lines. The Big Lebowski Million Dollar Baby High Fidelity Manhattan Rounders Dead Man.

Great movies always have great opening lines

Actors with great accents that you forget are foreign. Naomi Watts – Australian Andrew Lincoln – English Nicole Kidman – Australian Christian Bale – English Isla Fisher – Australian Hugh Laurie – English Michael Sheen – Welsh.

Actors with great accents that you forget are foreign

James Bond trivia and behind the scenes pictures (27 Photos) Dr.

James Bond trivia and behind the scenes pictures (27 Photos)

No – 1962 Dr. Scary movies based on true stories that are 2spooky4u! (10 Photos) : theCHIVE 855706. Side by side photos of famous people and the actors who played them : theCHIVE 834287. 10 Denzel Washington Flicks That Grossed Over $100 Million [Photos] Every Pixar movie character John Ratzenberger has played (11 photos)

Disney characters inspired by real life people : theCHIVE 795777. 1.)

disney characters inspired by real life people : theCHIVE 795777

The Evil Queen from Snow White was based on Joan Crawford. 2.) Snow White was based on Marge Champion, a star from the 30s and 40s. 3.) Spoiler alert! The most shocking twist endings in film (20 Photos) : theCHIVE 793538. 10 Movies to Watch With the Lights On. Rare is the modern horror movie that begs to be watched in the dark.

10 Movies to Watch With the Lights On

Lights on or off — it’s not gonna make a difference when you’re watching a ‘Saw’ sequel. From time to time throughout film history there have been some directors who got it right and took obvious delight in making you reach for the light switch. Each of the creepy movies on this list earned its spot in different ways — mood, atmospherics, music, lack of music – but they have one thing in common: Good luck watching them … alone … in the dark. Oh, 'The Others' … how do we love thee? From your self-playing piano to your impenetrable fog to the photos of corpses in your locked attic.

A sorority house is emptying out for Christmas break and the few stragglers – Olivia Hussey and Margot Kidder among them – begin receiving aggressive prank calls. The Aussie-lensed ‘Lake Mungo’ probably works better on a small screen because it’s designed to mimic supernatural cable documentaries. Magic Matt: 10 Best Movie Perfomances by Matthew McConaughey. Sunday, January 12 was a good day for Matthew McConaughey.

Magic Matt: 10 Best Movie Perfomances by Matthew McConaughey

While his new drama series True Detective, was premiering on HBO, over at NBC, he was busy winning a Golden Globe for Best Dramatic Actor for the most intense of the three acclaimed film roles he played last year, that of AIDS activist Ron Woodroof in Dallas Buyers Club. (The other two were his lead in Mud and his small but pivotal and outrageous cameo in The Wolf of Wall Street.) Over the past 20 years, McConaughey has proved willing to follow his muse wherever it leads, from lead roles in mainstream dramas and romantic comedies to character parts and supporting roles in offbeat and sometimes disturbing independent movies.

Golden Globe Awards 2014: The Winners. Mandela in the Movies: 10 Films About Apartheid. A few weeks ago, the first black President of the United States saw a movie about the first black President of South Africa.

Mandela in the Movies: 10 Films About Apartheid

Aside from that White House screening for Barack Obama, only four theaters are currently showing Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom, which goes into wider release on Christmas Day. So viewers curious to see how the movies have portrayed Nelson Mandela — the lawyer, outlaw and convict who compelled the Boer government to give equal rights to its black majority — must forage through Netflix or for older films.

Perhaps no other historical figure could have seen his screen self played so favorably, and by such distinguished actors: Sidney Poitier, Morgan Freeman, Danny Glover, Terrence Howard, Idris Elba, Dennis Haysbert and, in a supporting role in the 2009 Endgame, Clarke Peters. Populist: 10 Greatest Stephen King Movies. The release of the newest version of Carrie (pictured) offers a timely Halloween reminder that Stephen King has now brooded over our pop-culture landscape for 40 years. Both King’s debut novel (in 1974) and the first of a never-ending stream of King movie adaptations (in 1976), Carrie was most people’s introduction to the horror author’s world, and now, with Chloe Grace Moretz stepping into Sissy Spacek’s blood-drenched prom dress, another generation of pop-culture fanatics is about to come under his thrall.

King’s novels and short stories are awfully effective as movies. They practically come with their own soundtracks and storyboards. A few notable movies that were actually based on books (25 Photos. Pixar’s 22 Rules of Storytelling. Previous roles you might remember seeing cast members from the ‘Game of Thrones’ 25 justified villains. 2013 Fall Movie Preview. Summer is (unofficially) over, which means that it’ll soon be a great time to get off the beach and into the movie theater. And not just because it doesn’t rain inside cineplexes: this fall boasts a promising list of blockbusters, indies, rom-coms and dramas to satisfy every kind of movie fan. We’ve combed through the listings to pick out some of the films that will be brightening our weekends this autumn, whether they’re big titles that have had years’ worth of buzz or little upstarts that have caught some attention just in the last few weeks.

Our top 13 are listed below. Wadjda Out: Sept. 13 (limited) Starring: Waad Mohammed Why we’re psyched: This little movie has been making the festival rounds for a while now, and we’ve already covered its ascent, but it’s worth singling out now that it will be in theaters. 15 Essential Martin Scorsese Films You Need To Watch « Taste Of Cinema – Movie Reviews and Classic Movie Lists.

Martin Scorsese has produced more cinematographic masterpieces than any of his contemporaries or indeed than any director alive today and is the most consistent director to come out of the ’New Hollywood Cinema’ trend which dominated the 1970’s and was the last ’Golden Age’ of American cinema. The range of his output is unmatched and his constant presence in documentaries about film or involvement with miriads of film restoration projects show a man who has absorbed the history of cinema and dedicated his life and soul to the seventh art. Scorsese is one of the few directors who managed to seamlessly interweave the artistic side of cinema with the entertainment side and thus reach untold numbers of cinemagoers. He is not an ivory tower figure, the strongest proof for this being his ability to inspire and communicate with all the people invilved in the production of a movie. 15.