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Looking Out for Post-Surgical Complications. Most people assume that the worst is over once you survive the surgery.

Looking Out for Post-Surgical Complications

However, that is not quite true. Patients still require care and monitoring after their surgeries to look out for post-surgical complications. As a provider of home healthcare services in Fort Washington Maryland, it is part of our job to make sure that our patients are recovering properly from their surgery. It is normal to feel postoperative discomforts such as nausea due to anesthesia, sore throat due to a tube placed in the windpipe, soreness around the incision site, restlessness, and thirst. However, it is important to look out for symptoms of complications such as: Shock This is a severe drop in blood pressure that causes a dangerous reduction of blood flow throughout the body. Senior Skincare: Is Your Bath Gentle Enough? Foot Swelling: Home Remedies for Edema. Edema is swelling caused by excess fluid that is trapped in your body’s tissues.

Foot Swelling: Home Remedies for Edema

It can affect any part of your body. However, it is more noticeable on your hands, arms, feet, legs, and ankles. Some causes of edema are pregnancy, medication, heat, or underlying diseases, like kidney disease or congestive heart failure. Signs and Symptoms of the Flu in Seniors. Influenza (or the flu) is a common seasonal virus.

Signs and Symptoms of the Flu in Seniors

People who get the flu suffer mild to severe symptoms, seniors being the most vulnerable to the latter. Given the high risk of complications in older adults, Breakthrough Healthcare Services wants to shed light on the early signs of the flu in your seniors so you can consult their doctors immediately before things get worse. The onset of the flu can happen quickly. Wound Care Management After Surgery. Calcium Plays an Important Role in Seniors. Everybody needs calcium for stronger bones and teeth, especially senior adults.

Calcium Plays an Important Role in Seniors

Introducing Home Care to an Elderly Family Member. It’s difficult for most families to suddenly introduce home healthcare services in Fort Washington Maryland into their homes.

Introducing Home Care to an Elderly Family Member

Transitioning into home care is a big change for many older adults and their families. Hence, we at Breakthrough Healthcare Services will share tips for introducing home care to a senior loved one: Highlight its many advantages. When framing the conversation about receiving home care, make sure to mention its many benefits not just to your senior loved one but to the whole family as well. Talk about the services a home care provider can offer, such as skilled nursing services in Maryland. Tips to Help Seniors Maintain a Healthy Diet During the Holidays. Overindulgence is common during the holidays due to an unhealthy diet that can lead to weight gain.

Tips to Help Seniors Maintain a Healthy Diet During the Holidays

Through the help of home healthcare services in Fort Washington Maryland, seniors can be more proactive about eating healthily to maintain their diet. Likewise, here are valuable eating tips for seniors this month: Maintain your regular eating schedule It’s common practice for people to forego a healthy breakfast and their regular eating routine in favor of a heavy holiday dinner. For seniors, changing their eating schedule can have significant impacts on their health. 6 Homemaking Mistakes You Should Avoid. Has your old parent reached the point of dependence when it comes to maintaining an orderly home?

6 Homemaking Mistakes You Should Avoid

Have you been assuming the duties of a homemaker? Breakthrough Healthcare Services is here to remind you of six homemaking mistakes you should avoid: Burning Ironed ClothesIroning and laundering clothes can be inclusions of the duties of a homemaker. Quality of Life: How In-Home Care Can Assist You. The 3 Things That Can Make Us Happy Everyday. There are times when we wake up and try to find something to be happy about.

The 3 Things That Can Make Us Happy Everyday

Sometimes, we think it could be a person we wake up to. Sometimes, it could be where we are when we wake up. We search and search for factors that would help us find happiness every day. Sometimes, the things that could make us happy lay right in front of us, we are just looking somewhere else. 7 Helpful Ways to Assist a Recently Amputated Patient.

Losing a limb is similar to losing a piece of your soul.

7 Helpful Ways to Assist a Recently Amputated Patient

Regardless of what has been cut off from you, things will never be the same again. The tasks that you usually perform before may become extra challenging. But despite the loss, life must go on. One may become handicapped, but it is not game over yet. Taking care of an amputee may require more devotion and patience. Help them recognize the loss The very first step of moving on is realizing and accepting that something indeed happened to you. What is Personal Care and How can it Benefit You? As we age, the small things in life suddenly become big.

What is Personal Care and How can it Benefit You?

Simple tasks like using the bathroom or even getting around the house can suddenly become a huge challenge. How to Handle Extreme Hot Weather Conditions - Breakthrough Healthcare Services - Maryland. The body has to be kept at a temperature between 35.5 to 37.5°C or otherwise, your health and well-being might be affected. Being in an environment at such temperature level will enable your body to function normally. On the other hand, when you are exposed to extreme temperature, you will experience sudden illness such as pyrexia and heat exhaustion and to some serious extent death caused by heat stroke. Minimizing heat exposure can be manipulated through adaptive practices such as hydration, staying under the shade, using fans, or having an air-conditioner at home. When you are not able to utilize adaptive practices to help control the heat in your environment, you will experience heat-related illness where your body’s natural thermoregulation processes become ineffective in dissipating the body heat that’s building inside.

That is why, at the peak of summer where temperatures are raging, let these tips help you cool down even when it’s hot outdoors: Breakthrough Healthcare Services - HOME.