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SVG Line Animation. Tutoriel Vidéo HTML-CSS Animer l'icône hamburger. Aujourd'hui nous allons apprendre à animer l'icône hamburger, cette fameuse icône composée de 3 traits horizontaux qui est de plus en plus incontournable.

Tutoriel Vidéo HTML-CSS Animer l'icône hamburger

Au niveau du code HTML on va essayer de rester le plus simple possible en évitant au maximum les éléments inutiles Malheureusement, on sera tout de même obligé de rajouter un élément vide à l'intérieur de notre élément pour créer les 3 petits traits. L'élément .menu-icon permettra de définir la zone cliquable mais aussi de mettre un fond si besoin. L'icône en CSS Notre but est donc de transformer cette <span> en 3 petit traits. Ensuite on va utiliser les pseudos éléments ::before et ::after afin de créer la barre au dessus et en dessous. Et hop le tour est joué il nous reste plus qu'à animer De l'icône vers la croix On veut maintenant transformer notre icône en croix lorsque la classe de notre élément devient .is-opened. Bordures animées On va commencer par créer un cercle que l'on place dans notre élément .menu-icon Et voila !

Menu toggle svg animation. Search Results for svg animation on CodePen. The State of SVG Animation : Adobe Dreamweaver Team Blog. The world of SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is fascinating, and with everything you can do with it and all the options you have it is overwhelming.

The State of SVG Animation : Adobe Dreamweaver Team Blog

SVG is an XML-based vector image format for two-dimensional graphics, with support for interactivity and animation. In other words, SVGs are XML tags that render shapes and graphics, and these shapes and graphics can be interacted with and animated much like HTML elements can be. One of the frequently asked questions I get on SVG is about animating SVG images—not only the how, but the what. So let’s have a look at the current (and future) state of animating SVG, and while we’re at it, mention some tips and tools that help you do it painlessly today. Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language , a.k.a SMIL Pronounced “smile”, SMIL is an XML-based language that was created to enable authors to write declarative animations to create interactive multimedia presentations. And for sake of reusability, the above code can be rewritten like this: <! The Simple Intro to SVG Animation. This article serves as a first step toward mastering SVG element animation.

The Simple Intro to SVG Animation

Included within are links to key resources for diving deeper, so bookmark this page and refer back to it throughout your journey toward SVG mastery. An SVG element is a special type of DOM element that mimics the syntax of a standard HTML element. SVG elements have unique tags, attributes, and behaviors that allow them to define arbitrary shapes -- essentially providing the ability to create an image directly within the DOM, and thereby benefit from the JavaScript- and CSS-based manipulation that DOM elements can be subjected to. As a teaser of what we're about to learn, check out these demos that are only possible thanks to SVG: There are three significant benefits to creating graphics in SVG rather than using rendered images (PNG, JPEG, etc.): First, SVG compresses incredibly well; graphics defined in SVG have smaller file sizes than their PNG/JPEG equivalents. Sara Soueidan's Favorite CodePen Demos. One of the awesome developers I recently caught on to is Sara Soueidan.

Sara Soueidan's Favorite CodePen Demos

Her tutorials about SVG have been top class and she's taught me a lot about the excellence that is SVG. Since she's one of my SVG heros, I thought it would be awesome to have her pick out some of her favorite CodePen demos. Enjoy! A few months ago, Chris Coyier shared his favourite CodePen demos right here on David’s blog. A while back David asked me to share some of my favourite pens too, so here are some of the demos that have blown my mind in the past few months as well. The main thing you’ll notice about my favourite pens is that most of them are done using SVG.

You’ll always find amazing pens in Lucas Bebber’s profile page. 1. I saw a “picture through wet glass” effect once created using HTML5 Canvas and lots of JavaScript, but to create this effect using nothing but good old CSS is a whole other thing; and Lucas did just that! 2. I think most of you have seen or maybe heard of this effect lately. 3. 4. 5. 6. Tutoriel Vidéo HTML-CSS Le Format SVG. SVG, Scalable Vector Graphics est un format d'images vectorielles basé sur le langage XML.

Tutoriel Vidéo HTML-CSS Le Format SVG

Il aura malheureusement fallu attendre la version 9 d'internet explorer avant que ce format soit supporté et enfin apprécié à sa juste valeur et il n'y a dorénavant plus aucun frein à son adoption. Les avantages Le SVG est un format d'images vectorielles, qui se base sur des formes géométriques plutôt que des pixels.