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Rodrigo Martinez sur Twitter : "Public vote 2014 winner: @letsokhi Well done! #SSWFinal15 #startup... Entreprendre sur Twitter : "Pourquoi la French Tech impressionne le monde entier #startup... Page_article. Pas de doute : avec 160.000 visiteurs, 3.500 exposants, 20.000 nouveautés, 185.000 m2 de salon et 5.000 médias, le CES (Consumer Electronics Show ) de Las Vegas est devenu le salon incontournable des industries numériques.


Chaque année y sont lancées les dernières nouveautés en électronique, informatique, télécommunications, e-santé, objets connectés... autant de secteurs au coeur de l’innovation. French Tech et Start-up made in France À côté des entreprises majeures telles que Qualcomm, Samsung, Withings, Sony..., les jeunes pousses, regroupées à l’Eureka Park, l’espace dédié aux start-up, profitent de la vitrine. Introducing the new version of TawiPay. Today, we’re releasing the next major iteration of our website!

Introducing the new version of TawiPay

We’re calling it Cypress after the lovely IKEA tree in our office at RAINBOW LAB. Cypress changes the way users view and interact with search results. We’ve tried to make them clearer and more easily comparable, so that you immediately grasp what makes a service different to another. In particular, a lot of work has gone into the display of the pay-in and pay-out methods, as well as the payment location. The detailed breakdown of the fees has also been revisited, it has never been so easy to know in advance how much fees you will pay on your next transfer.

As you can see, the blog also underwent a complete makeover! Digital news & inspirationDigital news & inspiration. Profitant de ma présence à San Francisco grâce au BCV silicon valley startup camp, j’ai pris trois jours supplémentaires pour agender des rendez-vous et visites à mon rythme.

Digital news & inspirationDigital news & inspiration

À la recherche d’un endroit où loger dans une région dont la bulle immobilière lémanique fait sourire, j’ai eu la chance de tomber sur un concept original. Effectivement, je dors dans une “Startup House”, sorte de loft partagé par une dizaine d’entrepreneurs où ils dorment et partagent des bureaux. Digital news & inspirationDigital news & inspiration. Après avoir fait connaissance autour d’un bon repas le dimanche soir, toute l’équipe était d’attaque pour commencer ce Silicon Valley Startup Camp lundi matin.

Digital news & inspirationDigital news & inspiration

On commence par une série de workshops et présentations à Swissnex San Francisco: Présentation des activités de Swissnex (si vous ne connaissez pas, allez jeter un coup d’œil Ils font un travail extraordinaire pour promouvoir l’innovation suisse à l’étranger: and don’t in Silicon Valley”: on en apprend un peu plus sur l’histoire et la culture des lieux. Est-ce que vous saviez que 40% des investissements VC aux US se passent dans la Valley? Entrepreneurship 101: une présentation par Franck Nouyrigat, craéteur du concept Startup Weekend. Startup Board Decks: Free Templates from VCs.

One of the most common questions we receive from founders here at NextView Ventures is whether we can share examples of great board decks.

Startup Board Decks: Free Templates from VCs

As it turns out, drafting your board deck or your investor update can be especially tricky for seed-stage startups (which is our entire investment focus) given the lack of resources, lack of available data, and even just the lack of time that the company has been in existence. So today, as part of our seed-focused platform of resources, we’re excited to launch these free templates for creating great startup board decks. This resource is part of our Growth Guides series, which is NextView’s growing library of resources built to help seed-stage startups execute.

Our first, a visual blueprint of end-to-end content marketing for startups, can be found here. Anatec_io : Panorama of #FinTech startup ...


Advices Startup management. Advices marketing. Tool for startup. Social Entrepreneurship. Advices HR. Advices Finance. Managing Startups: Best Posts of 2011. 26 questions you have to answer correctly to get funding for your startup » WhoAPI blog. It’s been a crazy week. On Monday we announced that our project received funding. Member of the Croatian Angel Network – CRANE, Mihovil Barančić believes that we have what it takes to create something big and worth mentioning. But I am way ahead of myself. We’ve started to explore the possibility of getting an investment roughly a year ago. So here are some questions that we got during that time. Why do you need an investment? It’s good that your share all this info, because otherwise you’re a bozo (tm Guy Kawasaki-Steve Jobs) What if some big company decides to copy your service?

WhoAPI founders got hard questions for their whois API. Why don’t you go global from the start? Can you bootstrap? If you make any kind of statement, be prepared for questions about backing up that statement with facts. Do you have an executive summary? I am 100% positive there were more questions, but these were the ones that first came to my mind.

7 Questions to Assess Your Business Model Design. Ultimately, customers are the only relevant judges of your business model.

7 Questions to Assess Your Business Model Design

However, even before you test your model in the market, you can assess its design with 7 questions that go well beyond the conventional focus on products and market segments. First things first. Entrepreneurship.