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Pest Control Tips For Anyone And Everyone. Advice About Getting Rid Of Annoying Pests. HOST A MEMORABLE CASINO EVENING. Good Solid Advice About Travel That Anyone Can Use. Removing Storm Damaged Trees Is Dangerous Call LI Lumberjack. Is It Time To Have Trees Trimmed Or Pruned - LI Lumberjack Tales. Have Long Island Lumberjack Handle Your Tree's Stress Early. Sewer Line Installation - Long Island Lumberjack. Water Line Installation - Long Island Lumberjack. Long Island Lumberjack - Drain Pipe Installations, Pipe Trenches. Unfortunately, all homes require maintenance and repairs from time to time. When you have a water or sewer line repair issue, you’ll require an experienced and competent plumber. All homes need a reliable supply of fresh, clean water, whether it’s for bathing, washing dishes, cleaning or doing laundry.

When something goes wrong with your All homes need a reliable supply of fresh, clean water, whether it’s for bathing, washing dishes, cleaning or doing laundry. Sealed and functional sewer lines are vital to ensure all waste is removed from your home. Long Island offers all services related to water and sewer line repairs to keep your home in tip top condition. Long Island Lumberjack - Dry Well Excavation, Dry Well Installation.

Residential Dry Well Construction With our vast experience in dry well construction and installation, you can be assured your drywell system will be installed with high quality components and with an attention to detail during dry well construction. All aspects of dry well excavation and drywell construction are important - including drilling the hole, the aggregate place All aspects of dry well excavation and drywell construction are important - including drilling the hole, the aggregate placement and assembling the precast concrete components. Safety is a top priority, due to the unique conditions of these excavations. We've developed techniques that mitigate hazards, while actually increasing the quality of the dry well.

We install drywells to take care of your storm water drainage needs throughout Nassau and Suffolk counties. We drill storm water dry wells according to the details specified on your grading and drainage plans. Long Island Lumberjack - Tree Services, Home Tree Services. Long Island Lumberjack - Building Demolitions, Home Demolitions. Many property owners assume that residential demolitions are done on houses that are no longer habitable. Not true. While many homes need to be demolished due to severe damage, abandonment or code violations, these are not the only cases that home demolitions are reserved for. A residential demolition can be done to remove any residential structure. We typically demolish small, non-habitable structures (such as sheds, pergolas or decks) to make way for new structures. Some structures can be condemned and are no longer viable, but the land that they are on is prime residential real estate. Demolishing the old structure's footprint clears the way for a new home to be built.

Our building demolition services have been secured to demolish patios, sheds, mobile homes/trailers, decks, detached garages, docks, small workshops, small barns, pergolas and gazebos. Please note: Older structures can have sections that are weakened or have rotted away completely - which could eventually collapse. Long Island Lumberjack - Apartment Tree Service. Once-a-year tree treatment: As a full service apartment tree company, we provide apartment tree service and treatments in the spring to make sure your trees get enough nourishment to stay strong and healthy through the ensuing season.

Organic tree fertilization: We fertilize trees as needed with applications of safe, organic fertilizers. Our techs fertilize with a soil injection where the fertilizer is injected into the soil near the roots, or directly into the tree's vascular system. We use slow release granular fertilizer, never sprays. Tree disease and insect control: We provide preventative treatments against insects and disease and our crews will recognize the early signs of both issues. If we notice a problem caused by a disease or insects, we will assess the situation and come up with an effective treatment plan.

Tree pruning: Tree pruning needs to be done at least once a year for tree health. Roof Or Gutter Clearance. Solar Panel Clearance - Long Island Lumberjack. Retaining Wall Types. We've all admired a beautifully landscaped terrain, complete with rows of flowers and lined with shrubs and terraced to give the feel of expanse. With due respect to the gardeners' contribution, admirable landscaping rests on an appropriate retaining wall construction that creates the desired effects related to terraces, steps, waterfalls, patios, driveways and other special effects. Landscaping is the work of professional contractors that specialize in understanding the varying retaining wall types to suit you while catering to your wishes.

Most of the times the role of a retaining wall is to prevent soil erosion and extend the land for designing a nice landscaping. Retaining Walls have been traditionally made out of blocks of stone. In the modern world, the retaining wall blocks are made out of concrete; these blocks could be solid or hollow, light or heavy. As a result, the danger of the wall getting damaged due to water or other weather conditions is negligible. Long Island Lumberjack - Landscape Designs, Landscape Clearing. Long Island Lumberjack - Tree Pruning, Tree Services. Our team is able to safely remove and dispose of trees, vegetations and shrubs of all sizes, regardless of their current condition or location in your yard or property. From homes to businesses, our tree removal professionals have the skill to give your property a beautiful facelift. We don’t just stop at tree removals, either! Our goal Our team is able to safely remove and dispose of trees, vegetations and shrubs of all sizes, regardless of their current condition or location in your yard or property.

From homes to businesses, our tree removal professionals have the skill to give your property a beautiful facelift. We don’t just stop at tree removals, either! We’ll make sure the cut branches don’t fall on anyone or cause damage to your property after they’re removed. You and your trees come first. Long Island Lumberjack - Land Clearing, Yard Clearing. Long Island Lumberjack - Tree Removal, Tree Pruning. There is so much more to tree cutting than just firing up a chainsaw and lopping branches off a tree. If you are not sure what you are doing when trimming, pruning or removing a tree, you could end up damaging your house, damaging your car, messing the power lines or worse - injuring someone.

Our LI Lumberjack tree service pros are experienced in the best techniques for grooming different tree species on both commercial and residential properties. They know which tree care options can benefit your property’s landscape, as well as improve the trees’ health and appearance. In addition to recommending the right trees, our professionals will have a better idea of when tree trimming, stump removal, and other services should be carried out. Armed with the right tools and experience, our tree professionals make any tree service look easy. As you can see from our gallery above, we offer an impressive array of services, including pruning, trimming, stump removal, tree removal, tree shaping, etc. Long Island Lumberjack - Logs and Firewood, Firewood for Sale. Long Island Lumberjack - Retaining Wall Construction, Retaining Wall.

Another method of using natural dry stone in retaining wall construction results in the use of boulders to hold back the ground. This kind of retaining wall depends on the very weight of the boulder itself for stability. However, this method should not be considered as solid as a more traditional retaining wall. One reason for this kind of wall is to raise planting areas above grade due to high water table or dense, poorly draining clay, hard pan and bedrock.

The boulder allows for a natural barrier to hold back imported topsoil. This elevation ensures the root crown and much of the root zone itself is adequately drained for the average landscape plant to survive. For customers who are keen on using native plants, particularly those that originate in mountainous regions of the west, fast drainage is essential. They may even choose this method to elevate planting even though reasonably well drained soils exist on site. Long Island Lumberjack - Land Clearing, Tree Removal. Condominium Tree Services - Condo Tree Services. If you're searching for " condominium tree services", “condominium tree trimming” or “condo complex tree removal”, then you've found Long Island Lumberjack and have already seen that this is our specialty. We specialize in complete condo tree services and commercial tree trimming and pruning throughout Nassau and Suffolk counties - including deep root fertilizing, stump grinding, stump removal, commercial tree removal, tree maintenance, wood grinding and recycling and more!

Condo complex tree trimming will improve the appearance, health and safety of your trees for your owners. Keeping your trees safe and beautiful adds value to your property and landscape design. We can help with commercial tree trimming. Your trees are sometimes the centerpiece of your landscaping and usually one of the most noticeable elements on your commercial property. We would like to be your exclusive commercial tree services company. Long Island Lumberjack - Boulder Walls, Boulder Features. Tree And Land Clearings. Long Island Lumberjack - Emergency Tree Service, Tree Storm Damage. The removal of a tree that has fallen in an area that is not your immediate property (such as a public road or parking lot) should always be done by a professional. Do not do it yourself. Even if there are just some branches that have fallen or the tree doesn’t look that big, it’s always best to be safe with something unpredictable like The removal of a tree that has fallen in an area that is not your immediate property (such as a public road or parking lot) should always be done by a professional.

Do not do it yourself. Even if there are just some branches that have fallen or the tree doesn’t look that big, it’s always best to be safe with something unpredictable like this. There can be structural integrity issues or electrical lines in the mix that someone without training wouldn’t see. As a general rule, you should report the following to local authorities in your Long Island town: A tree branch or limb is cracked, will fall, or has fallen down. Long Island Lumberjack - Tree Pruning, Tree Services. Long Island Lumberjack - Tree Shaping, Tree Crowns. We offer tree crown shaping and tree crown thinning - which is when branches are removed from within the tree. This benefits the tree by reducing the amount of wind resistance and allows more light to filter through. Selective removal of branches reduces the density and weight of live branches, which adds more light penetration and be We offer tree crown shaping and tree crown thinning - which is when branches are removed from within the tree.

This benefits the tree by reducing the amount of wind resistance and allows more light to filter through. Selective removal of branches reduces the density and weight of live branches, which adds more light penetration and better air movement through the crown. This is a wise method to improve the amount of light filtering the crown. It's also useful for limiting the shade cast by a tree or to reduce wind sway. Long Island Lumberjack - Stump Grinding, Root Removal, Stump Removal. Long Island Lumberjack - Tree Root Removal, Tree Removal. Long Island Lumberjack - Tree Trimming, Tree Trim. LI Lumberjack. Research Infinity | Home | Academic Research and Publication.