Brown O-Haver Public Adjuster of Oklahom
Brown O’Haver is a public insurance adjusting firm who specialize in the adjustment of claims and claim support on behalf of the insured. From fire and smoke to wind and water, we have got your adjustment needs covered!
What is an Inflation Guard Endorsement? One of the things that we find insureds’ miss in settling their insurance claim is the Inflation Guard Endorsement.
Many have this in their policies but are not exactly sure what it means. Basically, an inflation guard endorsement insures you for the increasing value of your property. If the value of your property is increasing, your policy must be periodically increased to maintain proper coverage. Even though the amount of coverage is adequate at the time of inception of the policy, it may not be enough in the future. To aid you in keeping coverage at an adequate level, some companies offer an Inflation Guard Endorsement.
Even if you have this endorsement in your policy, you should check your coverage limits periodically to make sure you are adequately insured. Not all companies offer this endorsement so review your policy or check with your agent. David E. Types of Optional Insurance Coverage Available in Industry. Recently one of our clients discovered that he did not have insurance for something he thought his premiums paid for.
What a disappointment! It would be wise for everyone to review their policies and look for the following optional coverage you might want to consider. Here are a few: Guaranteed Replacement Cost Coverage. This is insurance coverage that pays to replace your home even if the loss exceeds the policy limit. Inflation Guard Endorsement . Mold Coverage. Earthquake insurance. Flood insurance. Increased limits on Money and securities. Scheduled Personal Property Endorsement. Theft Coverage Protection Endorsement. Know Your Agent Before Buying an Insurance Policy - Insurance Buying Tips.
It wasn’t all that long ago when we adjusted a claim for a Client whose house burned down, almost to the ground.
As it turns out, the insured had NOT talked to his insurance agent for twenty-seven years and the same policy limit that existed twenty-seven years ago was the same policy limit in force at the time of his devastating fire. The insured had his agent “assigned” by a title company when he bought his home. The agent had not ever called him at all. While this is an extreme example of an agent-client relationship gone wrong, or at least never started right, think about it for a minute.
Frozen Pipes Claims - Insurance Company's Responsiblities. The state of Oklahoma has had record-breaking cold temperatures and above average snowfall so far this winter season.
With colder temperatures, the danger of frozen pipes and pipe bursts increase significantly. If a broken pipe is not caught quickly, the subsequent water damage can be devastating. How Independent Claims Adjuster or Public Insurance Adjusters Get Paid - What’s the Difference?: brownohaverok — LiveJournal. There are several types of insurance adjusters or claim representatives who might work on your insurance claim.
Independent claims adjusters work for the insurance company and act for the insurance company on a contract basis. They are hired directly by the insurance company and represent the insurance company, not the insured, in the claims handling process. Employees of insurance companies. Customer Service Experiences in Insurance Industry & Mortgage Companies. I spent ten minutes today waiting for a claim representative to answer the phone so that we could discuss the adjustment of a Client’s claim.
After ten minutes a voice came on the phone telling me that my call was important to them and they would answer in 18 minutes. As my mentor of years ago would say, “welcome to my world”. But his world is not getting better, it is getting worse. Try calling State Farm, for instance. If you do you may find that you are required to go through a number of prompts, one of which tells you that they don’t have a claim number under the phone number you are calling from. The customer service of insurance companies can be a nightmare but so can be the customer service of mortgage companies. Besides the aforementioned, there are other symptoms of poor customer service. What is Condominium Insurance and How to Claim. Condominium insurance claims are complex and many insureds think that they have coverage that they do not.
A Condominium Unit Owners Form will cover a unit owner who wishes to insure his or her property to cover any items not insured by the association’s policy. This is where the rub comes in. The CCR’s spell out what is owned by the association and what is owned by the Condominium owner. Buying the Right Insurance - How to Select Your Insurance Company. At Brown O’Haver we get asked all kinds of questions and we are always happy to respond as best we can, recognizing that our recommendations are what we would do not, what you must do.
One of the questions that comes up frequently is the question: “How do I find the right insurance company?”. Here is our answer: When shopping for home insurance, premium quotations and claim experience are useful tools for comparison of different companies’ products. When asking for price quotations, it is critical that you provide the same information to each agent of the company. Frozen Pipes Insurance Claim Help in Oklahoma.pdf. Is your hail claim worth it? Decide with Brown-O'Haver. Insurance companies must hate Hail Claims.
And … insureds do not like them either. While insurers have been collecting premiums in anticipation of such claims, many businesses have risen up to make money from hail claims. Of course we have the normal “weather chaser contractors” who pack up and head to the next big hail location. Some of them even start chasing before the storm is over. Their trucks are packed and ready to go, just like someone would expect from the fire department. Vandalism...Is it covered? - Brown Ohaver Public Insurance Claim Adjuster Blog and News. The term vandalism can be traced to ancient Rome, where in 455 A.D., the “Vandals”, a Germanic tribe at war with the Romans, destroyed many of the city’s monuments and works of art.
Since that time, the word “ vandalism” has come to mean any destruction of real or personal property. Suppose a willful and wanton act of damage occurs to your home or business. How Insurance Companies Increse Profit - From Good Hands to Boxing Gloves. In 2008, Attorney David J. Berardinelli (may he rest in peace) published “From Good Hands to Boxing Gloves”. This book was earth-shattering as it explored Allstate’s transformation after it hired the consulting firm McKinsey and Company (of Enron fame) in the early 1990’s. Bernardinelli had exclusive access to “The McKinsey Documents” – consulting presentations upon which Allstate based its highly lucrative and unethical practices.
His book’s title using “boxing gloves” was actually penned by McKinsey when advising Allstate how to treat its customers. I was shocked when I read this book. Using the principals McKinsey developed and which they called “Claims Core Process Redesign: (CCPD) Allstate decreased claim valuations, delayed payments, and doggedly litigated against anyone who did not accept the company’s low ball offers of settlement. Allstate was a subsidiary of Sears. Where did Liddy end up? David E. Frozen Pipes Insurance Claim Help in Oklahoma - Brown Ohaver Public Insurance Claim Adjuster Blog and News. Although we hate to admit it, winter is coming.
When the temperature drops, pipes can break. Broken pipes can wreak all kinds of damage and when such a thing happens, a homeowner’s first thought is to call their insurer who will “take care of it”. Maybe the insurer will and maybe they won’t. Coverage is afforded for pipe freeze-ups in policies under certain conditions. The Role of the Public Adjuster in the Insurance Industry - Brown Ohaver Public Insurance Claim Adjuster Blog and News. I am grateful to my University for teaching me the basics of business management and financial analysis. Some years ago, after my wife and I founded Brown – O’Haver, I approached my Alma Mater, Weber State University, in Ogden, Utah with an idea. Working together, we set up a scholarship program for the student or students who would pen the best essay each year. I got the opportunity to grade the essays. I receive the essays without knowing the name, gender, age, religion or national origin of the student. From there we determine the winner.
This year there are some very good essays and I will post the winner to this blog, just as soon as the school discloses who that person is. Dry-Out Contractors - Brown O'Haver Public Adjusters Blog. Just yesterday, after an impact with a hose bib outside the home, water poured out from inside the wall. I, as a trusted Grandpa, was asked to come over and assess the situation. I took along my trusty 16 ounce claw hammer and upon arrival, began breaking the sheetrock. Viola! There was the pipe inside and it was easy to see that a copper line had broken and needed to be soldered. A difference in Insurance Company Ethics - Brown O'Haver. Considering that what happens at the top of any organization, it is easy to conclude that employees will often emulate its leaders. This is evident when considering a particular airline whose employees are fun and helpful and compare that airline to another whose employees seem not to care. It starts at the top. As the leadership goes, so goes the organization.
Water Damage Claims - Brown Ohaver Public Insurance Claim Adjuster Blog and News. Wait and See before Hiring a Public Adjuster - Brown Ohaver Public Insurance Claim Adjuster Blog and News. Know the Law when Hiring a Public Adjuster - Brown Ohaver Public Insurance Claim Adjuster Blog and News. In 2016 Oklahoma passed a bill that outlined requirements on public adjusters in the state to protect both the consumer and the public adjuster.
When you are choosing a public adjuster, you should be aware of the state requirements. Growing up in the Insurance World - Brown Ohaver Public Adjuster Insurance Claim Blog and News. Everyone has their own set of subcultures that they have grown up with, true experts on any random aspect in life, perhaps passed down from their parents and their parent’s parents. How a Mortgage Affects Your Insurance Claim.pdf. What is a Subrogation Claim by brownohaverok. Looking out for the insurance consumer - Brown Ohaver Public Adjuster Insurance Claim Blog and News. The Breitbart News headlines shouted out: Chicago activist tells people mad about looting to “Get over it. These buildings are insured!” The looting and rioting in Chicago on August 10 lasted nearly five hours.
In a profanity-laced statement, a Chicago “activist”, Alycia Moatin, blurted out: “These buildings are insured. Materials will come but we will not come back if they kill us. Be Prepared. Preparation is essential for every aspect of life. How a Mortgage Affects Your Insurance Claim - Brown Ohaver Public Adjuster Insurance Claim Blog and News. In the United States, over 60% of homeowners have at least one mortgage on their home. Identity Fraud Expense Reimbursement. Does Insurance Cover Identity Fraud? “Identity fraud occurs when someone uses stolen personal information to commit a crime or fraud in your name.
Once the damage is done, the road back to restoring what was yours can be both time-consuming and expensive. As the first insurer to offer reimbursement for identity fraud expenses, Big Insurance Company (name omitted to protect the guilty) can help you repair the harm that’s been done.” Those 58 words carefully crafted by a creative person or ad agency, GIVE. Those words would lead someone to believe that he or she has coverage for what has become the fastest growing crime in America: Identity Theft. Does Insurance Cover Mold in Your Car? I recently had a friend tell me that she had returned from a vacation to find that her car was full of mold and the resulting damage was extensive. Her car has a T-Top which was a likely source of the water entry into her car. What To Expect When You File A Claim.
Most of us only experience one large loss in a lifetime. When a disaster hits home (literally) it can be a whirlwind of events which makes it difficult to navigate the next steps. Contacting the Department of Insurance? Is it worthwhile? Car accident? Does the Insurance Company Owe You for Diminished Value? How Can A Public Adjuster Get You A Better Settlement? Do you Know What a Public Adjuster is? Who Pays for Your Restoration Services? Online Insurance Adjuster - BROWN O'HAVER. After a Disaster, How Can the “Helpers” Help? COVID-19 Corona Virus Insurance Considerations. Public Adjusters For Your Property Damage in Oklahoma and Arizona - Brown - O'Haver. Adjusting Not Just for Anyone. 3 Reasons You Should Hire a Public Adjuster. Surface Water: Is it Covered in the Flood Insurance policy? Covid-19 Updates - Insurance Issues Related to Working From Home. Independent Public Insurance Claims Adjuster in Moore, Oklahoma, USA.
What are the Difference Between Company, Independent and Public Adjuster.