Work-intelligent. 20 Motivational Posters for Designers. Posters, if designed right, are great at catching people’s attention.
We’ve selected 20 of the best motivational posters for designer, which you can print and place it in your work room. These posters are not only great for motivating you, but also they’re a very good source of print design inspiration. Which ones would you print and frame it in your room? More nice stuff for designers? Check out these 20 Humorous T-Shirts for Web Designers. Bill Bradley Quote Ambition is the path to success.
Compare Yourself Don’t compare yourself to others or theor work. Motivational Type Poster Get Shit Done Have Confidence Have confidence in yourself and what you do. Think Bigger Poster Think bigger! Experiment Repeat Experiment. 20 Posters with Inspirational Quotes for Designers. Inspiration, we all need it!
Whether it comes when we look a someone else’s creative work or when we read some beautiful, inspirational quotes, the result is the same! If you love prints then you should have at least one of these quotes hanged up in your office. Which one of these posters with inspirational quotes inspires you the most? Design is what you do when you want to express yourself. Good design is all about making other designers feel like idiots because that idea wasn’t theirs.
Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly. Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication. Vision is the art of seeing the invisible. Good artists copy. Designers are meant to be loved not understood. Those who don’t want to imitate anything produce nothing. Practice safe design – use a concept. Good art sends a diffeent message to everyone. Steve Jobs ‘Don’t settle’ quote. Computers are to design as microwaves are to cooking. There is no elevator to success. 20 Humorous T-Shirts for Web Designers. Want to get your web designer/developer friend a gift for his/her birthday?
This article is a collection of the funniest T-shirt designs, created especially for web designers and web developers. I’m sure we all love a unique and creative T-shirt, and in this list you’ll surely find something that suits you. From Photoshop to Flash and Internet Explorer jokes, these messages will definitely put a smile n your face. Want even more designer fun? Check out these 20 Hilarious ‘Clients from Hell’ Quotes from Designers and 20 Funny Clients Quotes Turned into Creative Posters.
I see dead pixels Don’t waste time deciding on which shirt to put on each morning. I skipped your Flash intro Stay comfortable and classy with this tagless light t-shirt adorned with unique designs. Yes I am a web designer. Comfortable, casual and loose fitting, our heavyweight t-shirt will quickly become one of your favorites. Web developers – making the web a safer place Great design with spiderman elements. Affiche, graphisme , logo, campagne pub. Graphisme / graphic. 20 Photoshop Poster Tutorials. These 20 inspiring Photoshop poster tutorials in this post will teach you the basics of Photoshop, and also some advanced manipulations techniques for creating amazing designs.
These tutorial are ideal for print designers or any other designers who want to improve their Photoshop skills. Which one is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below. Design a High Impact Gig Poster Creating a high impact poster suitable for the screen-printing process can be relatively easily achieved. Design a Grungy, Rock & Roll Gig Poster In this tutorial you’ll learn how to create an artistic poster to promote a musical event. Creating a Dark and Surreal Poster Using Your Own Portrait For following this tutorial and creating the illustration, it is essential that you use a tablet; especially for the doodles and the white strokes that will give the portrait a more detailed effect.
Create an Ink Splattering Knight Composition. Comic Sans. E & interactivité blog de design par Geoffrey Dorne » 10 mythes sur le design graphique ! Hello Au fil des années, les designers graphiques ont tenté de dissiper les mythes qui les entourent et qui entourent la conception graphique ou le métier de graphiste.
Alors que certains mythes sont assez drôles, je l’avoue, d’autres sont plus particulièrement ennuyeux et peuvent parfois être gênants dans la compréhension entre designer graphique et client ou grand public. Dans cette drôle d’enquête visuelle et en anglais, tout est fait pour démystifier ces histoires et les partager pour qu’enfin… les designers graphiques puissent être un peu mieux compris « Chacun peut devenir graphiste », « le graphisme est facile », « on « naît » créatif », « le client a toujours raison », autant de petites phrases souvent entendues mais qui me font aujourd’hui sourire source Ces articles peuvent aussi vous intéresser: E & interactivité blog de design par Geoffrey Dorne » Humour de graphiste [ou : "ta mère en 72dpi!"] Client suivant. Quotes on Design.