Raspberry pi
Configure NFS Server and NFS Client Raspberry Pi. Network File System (NFS) was created by Sun Microsystems to share resources over networks.
It is similar to SAMBA shares that are popular on Windows, Mac and Linux systems for their convenience. NFS shares are usually more popular on Linux systems, they may use less CPU overhead than SAMBA shared (see SAMBA benchmarks on Raspberry and Banana Pi). I plan to compare the two sharing systems in the future. NFS can be used by Kodi XBMC and OpenELEC for accessing media over a network so you can stream your video files with ease. This guide shows how to turn your Raspberry Pi into an NFS client and NFS server. I have divides this tutorial into the NFS server and client sections.
Can't switch to 'occ' in terminal - ownCloud Forums. Resetting a Lost Admin Password — ownCloud 7 Server Administration Manual 7.0 documentation.
The normal ways to recover a lost password are: Click the password reset link on the login screen; this appears after a failed login attempt.
This works only if you have entered your email address on your Personal page in the ownCloud Web interface, so that the ownCloud server can email a reset link to you.Ask another ownCloud server admin to reset it for you. If neither of these is an option, then you have a third option, and that is using the occ command. occ is in the owncloud directory, for example /var/www/owncloud/occ. occ has a command for resetting all user passwords, user:resetpassword. It is best to run occ as the HTTP user, as in this example on Ubuntu Linux:
How to install ownCloud 8 on Debian 8 (Jessie)
What is ownCloud?
OwnCloud is a OpenSource file sync and share software that can be hosted on your own server. It provides access to files trough an intuitive web interface and by WEBDAV. There are also native clients for Windows, Linux, MAC and mobile operating systems available that allow easy syncing between folders of your local PC or mobile device and the ownCloud instance on your server.
There are many apps and addons available for ownCloud like a PDF viewer, an email client, calendar and a task tracker. The full list of apps can be found here: This tutorial will show the installation of the latest ownCloud version on Debian 8. The ownCloud project provdes an offficially maintained community version of its software at the OpenSuSE Build services.
Votre programme TV avec télé loisirs : le programme télévision grandes chaînes, TNT et câble. Connaître la température de son Raspberry pi en 10 secondes. Lm-sensors. Ubuntu peut suivre la température de votre processeur ou d'autres composants de votre ordinateur, la vitesse des ventilateurs, et d'autres données systèmes, en utilisant un programme nommé lm-sensors et une autre application permettant de visualiser les données fournies par ce dernier sur votre bureau.
Si vous êtes pressé ou si vous n'aimez pas utiliser le terminal, reportez vous à la rubrique afficher les informations des capteurs sur le bureau. Idéalement, installez et configurez lm-sensors pour obtenir plus d'informations sur votre matériel. Pour connaître simplement la température du CPU, il est aussi possible d'utiliser la commande dans un terminal:
Software.opensuse.org: Install package isv:ownCloud:desktop / owncloud-client. For xUbuntu 15.10 run the following: sudo sh -c "echo 'deb /' >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/owncloud-client.list" sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install owncloud-client You can add the repository key to apt.
Keep in mind that the owner of the key may distribute updates, packages and repositories that your system will trust (more information). To add the key, run: wget sudo apt-key add - < Release.key For xUbuntu 15.04 run the following:
Hardening and Security Guidance — ownCloud 8.2 Server Administration Manual 8.2 documentation. OwnCloud aims to ship with secure defaults that do not need to get modified by administrators.
However, in some cases some additional security hardening can be applied in scenarios were the administrator has complete control over the ownCloud instance. This page assumes that you run ownCloud Server on Apache2 in a Linux environment. Note ownCloud will warn you in the administration interface if some critical security-relevant options are missing. However, it is still up to the server administrator to review and maintain system security. Limit on Password Length ownCloud uses the bcrypt algorithm, and thus for security and performance reasons, e.g. Operating system Give PHP read access to /dev/urandom ownCloud uses a RFC 4086 (“Randomness Requirements for Security”) compliant mixer to generate cryptographically secure pseudo-random numbers.
When having an open_basedir configured within your php.ini file, make sure to include /dev/urandom.
Raspberry Pi OwnCloud 8. Convert your 35$ Raspberry Pi + OwnCloud into a DropBox Clone To build your own private cloud storage (Dropbox alternative), ownCloud will need to be running on the Pi. ownCloud is a self hosted Cloud storage that provides access to your data through a web interface or WebDAV while providing a platform to view, sync and share across devices easily—all under your control…ie Your own Dropbox Security Footnote : ownCloud is best used to share files across the Internet.
Sharing files across the Internet (that is, accessing ownCloud on your Pi from a remote location, such as your work) requires that you make your Pi “Internet facing” – by forwarding port 80 from your router. But before doing so, you should research and be aware of the attendant security risks and some of the measures needed to address them.
Installing Operating System Images on Linux - Raspberry Pi Documentation. OwnCloud, votre cloud à la maison sur votre Raspberry Pi !
Après avoir vu comment créer un serveur multimédia grâce à OSMC, nous nous sommes penchés sur les serveurs de fichiers et plus précisément sur comment installer un serveur cloud, ou serveur de fichiers (choisissez le nom que vous voulez) sur une Raspberry Pi.
Nous nous sommes intéressés à OwnCloud, un système libre, qui existe depuis quelques temps déjà (le projet a été lancé en 2010) et qui est une alternative à DropBox par exemple. Le matériel nécessaire. Raspberry pi & Raspbian - Premier site de tutoriels en France. Installer Owncloud sur Raspberry Pi.