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Dropbox. The workspace for your life’s work. Meet Google Drive – One place for all your files. Participating in a Twitter Chat. I frequently moderate and participate in Twitter Chats.

Participating in a Twitter Chat

This is an important part of my PLN because it allows me to have focused conversations with passionate educators who will give me new ideas and challenge my thinking. Twitter chats are also a great place to find educators to add to my PLN. If you are looking to connect with educators who value Twitter as a means to improve their craft, these are people who are willing to schedule an hour into their day to talk about something related to teaching. These are educators who are looking to connect and share. A Twitter Chat is a one hour conversation on Twitter where everyone uses a common hashtag. CLICK HERE for a list of Twitter Chats for educators. Use created by @jrochelle to find out what chats are happening right now.

A hashtag is a topic. #profchat#edchat#satchat or #satchatwc#n2tchat#elemchat#ntchat#nbtchat#1to1techat#asiaed#sstlap#kidscancode Twitter attracts spammers. Search the Hashtag Move the Column. 15 Twitter Tips. I have heard that educators are the #1 users of Twitter.

15 Twitter Tips

Twitter acts as a PLN (Personal Learning Network) to connect educators together to share ideas, find ideas, provide moral support, make connections, engage in discussions, and to keep current on trends in teaching. Here are some tips to help you build your PLN on Twitter. Do Not Follow Your Friends: Twitter is not about following your friends, it is about making yourself a better educator. Follow people who share, provide resources and are willing to help you when you ask.Be a Rabid Unfollower: Do not be afraid to unfollow someone. If you are frequently seeing irrelevant tweets in your Twitter stream you’re going to be less likely to check Twitter often. Like this: Like Loading... Teacher Tech. Gmail - Free Storage and Email from Google. Clark County Connected Conference. Erin Klein is an award winning educator, national keynote speaker, author, and mother who has been twice selected to serve on the Scholastic, Inc.

Clark County Connected Conference

Top Teaching Team based in New York. Her recent publication, Amazing Grades, was a collaboration with experts from 13 countries around the world. She travels the country speaking about the power of student voice, how meaningful technology integration can enhance learning experiences, and the impact classroom design has on today’s learner. She is certified in Brain Gym, Educational Kinesiology, and has studied under consultants from The Center for Effective Learning to understand how design affects cognition and learning. Klein serves as a classroom design consultant and creative partner for the publishing company, Carson-Dellosa. Klein served for the past three years as the state’s technology chairperson for the Michigan Reading Association and is the 2014 recipient of the MACUL Pre-K – 12 Teacher of the Year for Michigan. CVCUE EdVenture: Opening Session: Keynote Speaker- Alice... Using Google Slides to Teach. You Look Good In My Class Twitter Stream. Previously I had posted some blog posts on having a class Twitter account.

You Look Good In My Class Twitter Stream

This can be a good way to share the awesome things going on in your classroom, give parents a window into what fantastic things their child is doing all day, provide an audience for your students, and to connect with other classrooms for collaboration. Remind. The Future of Learning Highlighting little changes that can transform teaching. Find me on Twitter @Catlin_Tucker. Twitter. Untitled. World's Largest Professional Network. ISTE 2015. Bett Show 2016 - The world's leading education technology event.