Hand Sewing. Laces, Sinew, Threads, Deerskin Lace, Cowhide Lace, Rawhide Lace, Bead Cord, Linen Thread from Colorado Leather Goods. We cut these laces out of Deer or Elk.
They are circular cut; they start with a 1" circle with a hole in the center you can hang them by. They are 5/16"(6mm) wide by 6 foot(2 meter) long. We make and have in stock the Deer in 8 colors as shown below. They are packed in bundles of 25 laces of a color. The Elk laces are made to special order only Gold color. Dell's Leather Works - Welcome! Dell's Leather Works originated from 12 years of experience associated with Civil War reenacting/living history and over 25 years of leatherworking experience.
Leatherwork books, by Ron Edwards. If you want to learn to plait, or knot, make whips, saddles, dog leads or fancy belts, these books , will give you detailed instructions on how to do it, with lots of images of each step in the , process to make learning easy.
Ron is well known in Australian leatherworking and whipmaking circles and his images are drawn as the project progresses for complete clarity. Ron was an artist who drew all the images in his books as he went along, so these books have a unique feel to them. Capturing the Australian bush and the people who live there was a passion of Rons, and his detailed images of early life in this, sometimes harsh environment, allow us to feel what it was like living in isolation on stations.
HSBT-AN INTRODUCTION. Contact Us - Rocky Mountain Tanners. Fortuna Model V 50 S: Skiving Machine. Leatherworker.net: Tutorials. Learn Leatherwork on Leatherworker.net Over the last few years, our members have contributed teaching material in all forms, on every subject of working with leather. Many of our members are very well known in the leather medium as artists, designers, and expert master craftsmen/women, and we are very fortunate that they have taken the time to share their knowledge with all of us. The material is somewhat dispersed throughout our site. In the early days of Leatherworker.net, the only place to post the tutorials was in a forum post. Now we have many useful formats in which knowledge can be transferred - videos, blog articles, downloadable PDF's - this page was set up to arrange all that material in an organized manner to make it easy for you to find information about a specific topic, or find all the material from your favorite artist or teacher.
Leatherwork Tutorial Index by Subject.
Leather Tooling. iPad Case: Apocalyptic Love. This is my most detailed & colourful leather work to date: the iPad case has the cover art from Slash’s latest solo album “Apocalyptic Love (Amazon)” on the front.
Completely hand cut, stamped, carved & painted, this cover took many days to finish (not for sale). Check out the gallery for some photos of the work in progress and the finished case: Phillips Engraving Leather Stamping Dies. Click Here to Order Online!
Makers Stamps - $40 Click HERE for Leather Stamp Backers, Handle & Grips, Mounting Options. We offer 4 fonts to choose from if you wish for us to layout your stamp. We will send you a proof for approval via email before making the final stamp. You can also send us your own art. If you email us your art, YOU MUST ALSO FILL OUT THE ONLINE ORDER FORM! Handmade, custom & one-off leatherwork products made in Australia.
Sheridan Style Carving: Leathercraft Patterns, Books & Videos. Hermann Oak Leather. Cowboy Saddlery : Video. Keith Valley Videos Keith Valleys' first instructional DVD.
This 1 hour and 22 minute run time DVD takes you through a detailed step by step of Valleys' Sheridan Style techniques. TimKleffner - Viewing Profile - Leatherworker.net. Leathercraft site. Sheridan, Wyoming. Custom Leather Drive Belts-Single-ply (11/64''), up to 4'' wide. After the cemented lap joints have completely cured the belting is drawn thru a Neatsfoot Oil solution.
This replaces much of the oils lost in the tanning process, softens the leather & aids in extending belt life. When that has been completely absorbed it is wound onto reels to be made into drive belts. As time goes on, perhaps every 400 to 600 hours of operation or once a year, with a rag dampened (not dripping) with mineral spirits wipe the driving surface (hair or pulley side) of the belt being sure to rub in a direction that would close the end of any lap joints rather than lift or open them, & the pulley faces to just clean off oil, grime & dust accumulation, Then on the clean side of the same rag spread about a teaspoon of clear Neatsfoot Oil compound, kind of squeeze it into the rag a bit & wipe the drive face of the belt only with this.
Then let it sit over night before using the belt. Q: Is there a right & wrong side of single ply leather to run on the pulley face & why? Back Room Leather. You will not likely have the proper size, or type of thread laying around.
WIld Rose Trading Co - Leather Sewing. The following is a tutorial on hand sewing leather using a method I have developed over forty years of seeking the "Perfect Stitch".
It works for me. My first suggestion is to get the book "The Art of Handsewing Leather" by Al Stohlman. It's available from Tandy Leather Company or the Leather Factory amongst others. Read it and learn.