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#SoundMoney and Your Personal #Finances. Sound Money and Your Personal Finances That could be achieved with a metallic standard that grew the supply of redeemable currency directly in accordance with growth in the economy.

Sound Money and Your Personal Finances

Under the current monetary regime, gold and silver values are as variable from day to day as they are for any commodity. Yet when you take a step back from the daily price moves and even cyclical bull and bear markets, the utility of gold as a standard of value becomes clear. An ounce of gold has roughly the same purchasing power in the economy today as it did 100 years ago. Far from being a relic of the past, gold continues to serve a vital role in modern global banking and commerce. Central banks continue to accumulate gold as a reserve asset. David Morgan: Expect Stagflation and #Silver Outperformance in 2019. David Morgan: Expect Stagflation and Silver Outperformance in 2019. How to Obtain #Silver #Coins and Rounds in Short Supply. How to Obtain Silver Coins and Rounds in Short Supply. There are two kinds of constraints when it comes to supply in the physical markets, and anyone building a position in physical metal needs to know the difference.

How to Obtain Silver Coins and Rounds in Short Supply

The first type is temporary. The other signals a sea change, the rush for physical metal going mainstream.