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Worksheets | Blended Learning Universe. A short history of educational technology. 13 year old Logan quits school and starts home schooling education system - TED. EDU-PLP_Critical_Elements. School Culture. School culture is not a means to an end, but an end in itself. Big Picture Learning schools are small, personalized communities of learning, where students are encouraged to be leaders and where school leaders are encouraged to be visionaries.

Our schools strive to create a respectful, diverse, creative, exciting, and reflective culture. One of the things that is striking about Big Picture Learning schools is the ease with which students interact with adults. A culture of respect and equality exists between students and adults, among students, and among adults. Students are encouraged to take a leadership role in the school and student voice is valued in decision making processes. For staff members, teamwork is a defining aspect of the culture. Principals create regular opportunities for professional development and life-long learning for their staffs. Essential Elements of School Culture include: Developing a School Culture to Promote Personalized Learning | Odysseyware. Developing school culture to promoting personalized learning is the first in a series of articles that will discuss how school culture can be improved through using Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS).

Additionally, there will be a webinar supported by Odysseyware ( a company with a passion for personalized learning, as well as bringing together online content for blended learning environments, either for whole-class, or self-paced instruction and learning. To begin, we need to discover what type of school culture is needed for personalized learning? According to Darren Cambridge, Ph. D., Senior Consultant at the American Institutes for Research, and Director of Connected Educator “you need to move toward a school culture that's democratic, caring, inquiry-focused, genuinely social, and that enacts participatory leadership.

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a process that has been very successful in doing what Dr. Five-Key-Elements-of-Personalized-Learning.pdf. Five Key Elements of Personalized Learning. The International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL) defines personalized learning as “tailoring learning for each student’s strengths, needs, and interests—including enabling student voice and choice in what, how, when, and where they learn—to provide flexibility and supports to ensure mastery of the highest standards possible.” In a resource available from iNACOL, the organization notes that Scott Benson, former Program Officer for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, identified the following list of key attributes for a personalized learning model (2013): Learner Profiles: This involves capturing the individual skills, gaps, strengths, weaknesses, interests, and aspirations of each student.

It’s about knowing each student through a combination of assessments, surveys, and relationships built inside and outside of the classroom. Personal Learning Paths: This involves creating an individual pathway for each student, based on his or her unique learner profile. Home « Keeping Pace. When the Computer Takes Over for the Teacher. Whenever a college student asks me, a veteran high-school English educator, about the prospects of becoming a public-school teacher, I never think it’s enough to say that the role is shifting from "content expert" to "curriculum facilitator.

" Instead, I describe what I think the public-school classroom will look like in 20 years, with a large, fantastic computer screen at the front, streaming one of the nation’s most engaging, informative lessons available on a particular topic. The "virtual class" will be introduced, guided, and curated by one of the country’s best teachers (a.k.a. a "super-teacher"), and it will include professionally produced footage of current events, relevant excerpts from powerful TedTalks, interactive games students can play against other students nationwide, and a formal assessment that the computer will immediately score and record.

"So if you want to be a teacher," I tell the college student, "you better be a super-teacher. " I started reflecting. Well then. Blended: Using Disruptive Innovation to Improve Schools: Michael B. Horn, Heather Staker, Clayton M. Christensen: 9781118955154: Books. Summit Public Schools. School: Summit Denali Grades Served: 6-12 Location: Bay Area, CA Operator: Summit Public Schools Operator Type: Charter Setting: Urban Students at Start: 135 Students at Capacity: 700 Blended Model Type: Flex Key Features: Project-based and Experiential Learning, Competency-based Learning, College Readiness and Success When Summit Public Schools examined its portfolio of California schools looking for areas to improve, the end goal was clear—college and career readiness—but school developers struggled to find room for change within their existing model. The existing model was already rigorous, with all students participating in a college-prep curriculum, including at least six Advanced Placement courses before graduation.

The schools were already leveraging digital content in the classroom to help provide differentiated instruction and remediation. The Summit Denali school day is designed around the four elements of college and career readiness. Learn more about the student experience: The Learning Accelerator on Vimeo. Diffusion of innovations. Theory on how and why new ideas spread Diffusion of innovations is a theory that seeks to explain how, why, and at what rate new ideas and technology spread. The theory was popularized by Everett Rogers in his book Diffusion of Innovations, first published in 1962.[1] Rogers argues that diffusion is the process by which an innovation is communicated through certain channels over time among the participants in a social system.

The origins of the diffusion of innovations theory are varied and span multiple disciplines. The categories of adopters are innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards. Diffusion manifests itself in different ways and is highly subject to the type of adopters and innovation-decision process. The criterion for the adopter categorization is innovativeness, defined as the degree to which an individual adopts a new idea.

History[edit] Elements[edit] The key elements in diffusion research are: Characteristics of innovations[edit] Process[edit] Powerful Learning: Studies Show Deep Understanding Derives from Collaborative Methods. Today's students will enter a job market that values skills and abilities far different from the traditional workplace talents that so ably served their parents and grandparents. They must be able to crisply collect, synthesize, and analyze information, then conduct targeted research and work with others to employ that newfound knowledge. In essence, students must learn how to learn, while responding to endlessly changing technologies and social, economic, and global conditions. But what types of teaching and learning will develop these skills? And, just as important, do studies exist that support their use? A growing body of research demonstrates that students learn more deeply if they have engaged in activities that require applying classroom-gathered knowledge to real-world problems.

Like the old adage states, "Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, involve me and I understand. " Project-Based Pathways In a 1998 study by H.G. Students as Problem Solvers Learning Through Design.