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Frequently Asked Questions.


How long should an essay be? Many times an instructor will tell you how long an essay or a research paper should be or give you a page number range, such as saying the paper should be between 5-7 pages.

How long should an essay be?

If you don't have a page range, the length of your essay can depend on a lot of things. When in doubt, ask for guidance. If you can't get help, you'll have to guess. During an essay test, usually one or two paragraphs will answer short essay questions. For big essay tests, where there is only 1 question for a whole hour-long test, you will be expected to compose an entire essay. For high school papers, usually teachers want normal essays or research papers to be between 3-5 pages, and they expect more like 5-7 pages for final papers. In college, it depends on what level the class is and the level of importance of an assignment. Grading essays: Humans vs. machine. By Scott Jaschik, Inside Higher Ed Updated 2/21/2011 11:49:20 AM | FAIRFAX, Va. — If a computer can win at Jeopardy, can one grade the essays of freshmen?

Grading essays: Humans vs. machine

At George Mason University Saturday, at the Fourth International Conference on Writing Research, the Educational Testing Service presented evidence that a pilot test of automated grading of freshman writing placement tests at the New Jersey Institute of Technology showed that computer programs can be trusted with the job. The NJIT results represent the first "validity testing" — in which a series of tests are conducted to make sure that the scoring was accurate — that ETS has conducted of automated grading of college students' essays. Based on the positive results, ETS plans to sign up more colleges to grade placement tests in this way — and is already doing so.

For more breaking news, features and commentary from the world of higher education, visit: Other parts of the formula, he noted, punish creativity. The New York Times > Education > On Education: SAT Essay Test Rewards Length and Ignores Errors. Published: May 4, 2005 AMBRIDGE, Mass.

The New York Times > Education > On Education: SAT Essay Test Rewards Length and Ignores Errors

IN March, Les Perelman attended a national college writing conference and sat in on a panel on the new SAT writing test. Dr. Perelman is one of the directors of undergraduate writing at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He did doctoral work on testing and develops writing assessments for entering M.I.T. freshmen. "It appeared to me that regardless of what a student wrote, the longer the essay, the higher the score," Dr. In the next weeks, Dr. He was stunned by how complete the correlation was between length and score. He was also struck by all the factual errors in even the top essays.


Passive voice. Transitions. Tense shift. Subject & verb agreement. Select grammar and writing style options. This article explains the grammar and writing style options that you can choose in the Grammar Settings dialog box for Microsoft Word and Microsoft Outlook.

Select grammar and writing style options

Note If you are choosing options for text that is written in a language other than your language version of Word and Outlook, the options might vary. For example, some group names might be different, and others, such as Require, might not appear. What do you want to do? Display the Grammar Settings dialog box Outlook Create or open an item. Top of Page Word Click the File tab, and then click Options. Top of Page Choose how punctuation errors should be detected After you display the Grammar Settings dialog box, you can modify the following settings. Comma required before last list item Select one of these options: Grammar Checker and Writing Style. Gram helps with: Passive voice Wordiness Vague language Transitions Sentence variety Run-on sentences Ands, Buts, Ors Grammar traps Grammark does fix: Fragments/incomplete sentences Comma splices Tense shifts Subject-verb agreement Apostrophe errors Poor/idiotic ideas Fully Customizable.

Grammar Checker and Writing Style

Common errors

Free Online Grammar Checker. Can a grammar checker really help improve your writing?

Free Online Grammar Checker

While they may sound like a wonderful idea, grammar checking programs have several limitations. About Grammar Checkers In theory, a computer-based grammar checker should work like a spell checker. It should identify errors and suggest alternatives for corrected text. However, spelling is fairly straightforward. Despite recent advances in computer technology, it is very difficult for a machine to learn to properly understand the English language.

A grammar checker may miss important errors.A grammar checker may accidentally suggest corrections that are inaccurate.A grammar checker may flag grammatically correct text as incorrect. There are many common grammar errors that computer software struggles to find. If you're truly interested in learning to improve your grammar, it's best not to rely on software to catch your errors. Perfect English Grammar.


Apostrophes. Vocabulary. It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn't use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like 'What about lunch?


'Winnie-the-Pooh Welcome to EnglishClub Vocabulary! If you don't find what you want here, feel free to ask a question at our Vocabulary Help forum. What is Vocabulary? This page explains what vocabulary - or vocab - is and why it is important for learners of English. Word of the Day Learn something new every day! Parts of Speech | Topic Vocab | Reference | More Parts of speech and vocab rules Verbs Improve your vocab with MyEC! The MyEnglishClub English-only chat room is a fantastic place to pick up English vocabulary.

Nouns Adjectives Adverbs Prepositions Prepositions Short List (at, by, concerning) Prepositions List - full list with example sentences English Prepositions List - downloadable ebook (free) Interjections.