Www.quinchaconstrucciones.cl. Biosánita. Revista. Volumen 35 (1) Contenido Volumen 35 (2) Contenido 5-11.
EFECTO DE LAS MICORRIZAS Y EL SUSTRATO EN EL CRECIMIENTO VEGETATIVO Y NUTRICIÓN DE CUATRO ESPECIES FRUTALES Y UNA FORESTAL EN FASE DE VIVERO. 12-18. Volumen 37 (1) Volumen 37 (2) Volumen 38 (1) 38(1): 1-8. Volumen 38 (2) Índice de materias: Vol. 26 (1996)-Vol. 35(2005): 1-19 Índice de autores: Vol. 26 (1996)-Vol. 35(2005): 20-31. Sustainable Living & Personal Growth Courses.
Best-Ever Solar Food Dehydrator Plans. For nearly 20 years, I’ve led research teams as founder and coordinator of the Appropriate Technology Program at Appalachian State University.
We’ve conducted many original experiments to produce a design for the best food dehydrator you’re likely to find anywhere. Yes, this dryer is supersized — about 6 feet tall and 7 feet long — but it’s on wheels and thus moves easily, can dry large amounts of food quickly and is a must-have for off-grid living. If you have a big garden or buy bulk produce, this solar dehydrator will help you keep up with food preservation all summer and into fall. AR Flashcards Shapes & Colors.
Rocket Stove. Pottiputki. Foot powered washing machine could change the world at just $40. There are hundreds of millions of people who don’t have the convenience of just tossing their dirty clothes into a washer and dryer when they get dirty.
These people still wash by hand using a bucket, or in some cases a local stream. Michael Jordan. Biomass_student_handbook. La bombilla de los pobres: Iluminación gratuita y ecológica. How to build a SOLAR BOTTLE BULB. Canopy Kits, Poly Tarps and Frame Fittings. Construction. Captura de Fotones: Las Herramientas del Chef Solar. La cocina del cocinero solar.
Канал адвоката Егорова. Это видео анонс моего нового проекта самодельного каяка из еловых веток и обычного дешевого тента.Сама идея сборки каяка из подручных материалов в условиях дикой природы привлекла меня своей перспективностью.
Благодаря этой идеи любой пеший маршрут может превратиться в водную прогулку и при этом не придется тащить на себе тяжелый тюк с байдаркой.Expand text.. SALt - It's a Social Movement. Riego por goteo gratis. Ante el constante crecimiento de la población en el mundo, el agua dulce empieza a ser un recurso cada vez más escaso en nuestro planeta.
Una importante fracción del agua dulce que consume la humanidad se emplea en la irrigación de cultivos, desperdiciándose gran parte de la misma en sistemas de riego poco efectivos. Tablas y fichas Huerto Urbano Gratis en COCOPOT - COCOPOT huerto urbano. Software Solar para sistemas Fotovoltaicos Aislados de CEMAER. Teens create automated aeroponics garden kit with NASA tech. Construye con confianza. Curso Gratis - Video 1 y Manual de Apoyo. En CEMAER te ayudamos a aprovechar las oportunidades que presentan las energías renovables, de una manera fácil, didáctica, a tu propio ritmo y sin salir de casa.
Rocket Stove Ideas 33 - Brick Box Rocket Stove. Awesome Concrete Brick and Block Double Burner Rocket Stove. Making affordable, efficient stoves for the masses. Simple Yet Amazing Rustic Furniture And DIY Video. Other Great Stories From Offgridquest.com:
GROW YOUR VEGETABLES ORGANICALLY (With Companion Chart) If you have ever wanted to grow your Vegetables Organically, this information will help you.
One of the things you need to do is to select plants for your garden that will help control insect pests. Certain plants contain properties that either invite beneficial insects or repel harmful insects. Beneficial insects prey on pests that cause damage in the garden. Ladybugs and praying mantis are good examples of beneficial bugs. Suspended hammock bath tub. Struck by the synergy between the shapes of two compelling symbols of relaxation, a hammock and a bath tub, Splinter Works were inspired to develop a piece that would provide the ultimate vehicle for total escapism.
The peaceful experience of kicking-back in a hammock has been further enhanced by combining it with the immersive comfort of soaking in a hot bath. By literally elevating the experience of bathing into a suspended sculpture the bathroom has been reinvented as a contemplative sanctuary for artful relaxation. Designed for use in a wet room, Vessel is suspended from the walls and does not touch the floor. It is fixed with stainless steel brackets that can be covered over, or left revealed. Moss Power. 15 Interiors 15 Personalized Designs Built To Surroundings. Él hizo el proyecto más genial y posiblemente ilegal que he visto. El resultado es lo mejor. Este es el mejor proyecto “hazlo tú mismo” que verás hoy. EWAO. If there’s anything you read – or share – let this be it. The content of this article has potential to radically shift the world in a variety of positive ways.
And as Monsanto would love for this article to not go viral, all we can ask is that you share, share, share the information being presented so that it can reach as many people as possible. In 2006, a patent was granted to a man named Paul Stamets. Though Paul is the world’s leading mycologist, his patent has received very little attention and exposure. Why is that? How to Build a Top Bar Beehive - Part 1 with Design Plans - Art and Home by Jon PetersArt and Home by Jon Peters.
Here’s a how to video on building a new top bar beehive using thermally treated poplar. You can also print the complete design plans, and parts list which is posted below to build your own hive. The 2 new top bar hives, side by side How the bars fit in the body of the hive Attaching the sides to the hive JON PETERS ART & HOME – helpful links: The Quest for Sustainable Living. Welcome to The Sietch - Projects Build Your Own Solar Thermal Panel.
After our first attempt at a home built proof of concept solar thermal panel, we were a bit disappointed with the results. It took about 4 hours before the thing started work, and was a bit costly (at over 50 dollars) to make. I knew it could be done better and cheaper. A Practical Zeer Pot (evaporative cooler / non-electrical refrigerator) A zeer pot is an evaporative cooler used in rural Africa and the Middle East to keep vegetables fresh. They consist of two terra cotta pots, one nested inside the other, with the gap between them filled with wet sand. The sand serves as a thermal mass that helps keep the pot cold once it has cooled down, and acts as a wick to spread the moisture up the walls of the pot. When placed in a shaded, breezy location, the evaporation of water off the outer surface chills the pot.
If you have a good breeze, or a fan powered by a solar panel blowing the pot, the pot can get quite cold. How To Build A Barrel Heater. 50 Things You Should Stop Buying & Start Making. Promoted Content From The Web:Promoted Content From The Web:Promoted Content From The Web:Promoted Content From The Web:Promoted Content From The Web: You might be realizing that most of the products out there that aren’t made organically or naturally contain a lot of toxic chemicals.
Not only that, many of these products can be harmful to our environment in a number of ways. Making things yourself not only saves you money and helps the environment, but it lets you know where your products are coming from and exactly what’s in it. You can make anything from food items to personal care and cleaning products all in very simple ways. Remember: whenever you can, use organic foods and ingredients in recipes. 50 Things You Can Start Making. Cómo iniciar tu Jardín de Permacultura. La mayoría de gente apasionada por vivir de manera sostenible y en armonía con la naturaleza, eventualmente se topará con el sistema de permacultura, es difícil no hacerlo, ¡es un fenómeno mundial y está creciendo! Perma. Harvest RainWater. Permaculture practices & permutations. Hydroponics, greenhouses, water . . Hydroponics, greenhouses, water . .
Hydroponics, greenhouses, water . . Recycled crafts. Curso de técnicas construtivas com bambu (1/4) Eartships. Las 3 Reglas de Oro del Diseño de Viviendas. Tutorial 1 de 3. Greenhouses. Fantastic Fungi - The Official Home of The Mushroom. Off Grid. Permaculture practices & permutations. Www.tinytechindia.com/Template/index.php?id=1&Title=home.
Permaculture/jardin. DIY. Permaculture practices & permutations. Permaculture practices & permutations. SLOW LIFE: vivir de otra manera es posible. Entrevistamos a Cristina Rueda sobre proyectos de transformación social en torno a la vivienda y la comunidad. “Proponemos VIVIR DE FORMA MÁS TRANQUILA, sosegada y serena, sin tantas prisas, recuperando las buenas costumbres, la comida sana y de producción local, el sentido común, el compañerismo, los oficios artesanos, las calles peatonales, las plazas para reunirse… Se trata de una invitación a seguir los ritmos biológicos naturales, lo cual no quiere decir inactividad o pasividad, al contrario, quiere decir actividad inteligente y equilibrada” “La transformación social y planetaria que estamos viviendo invita a que surjan nuevas formas de habitar en la tierra, nuevos modelos sociales, nuevas herramientas de producción, nuevas formas de relacionarse, incluso una nueva economía.
Nuestro proyecto está enfocado a crear propuestas reales y efectivas para colaborar en esta transformación natural, creando espacios para la experimentación y el desarrollo de NUEVOS MODELOS DE HABITAR. Le hemos llamado slow-life” Eso es Slow Life. ¿Utopía? 1. 2. 3. Permacultura. 'Mandala de la permacultura', ilustración de Graham Burnett, que resume la ética y los principios del diseño permacultural (utilizado con permiso). casa nueva de adobe y paja La permacultura es una rama de diseño ecológico, la ingeniería ecológica, y el diseño del medio ambiente que se desarrolla la arquitectura sostenible y los sistemas agrícolas de automantenimiento modelados desde los ecosistemas naturales. Capacitaciones Calendario 2015. Centro de Recursos sobre Información Forestal.
Bioconstrucción Casa Flor de Cactus. Ecoversidad de los Andes Ecuatoriales. LED Hydroponic - Fogponic VS Aeroponic Day 7. How to build a hydroponic 5gal Bucket /w aeroponic fogger. Build a Aeroponic Fogger for your hydroponic system. Teens create automated aeroponics garden kit with NASA tech. Alianza SIDALC. Lasagna Garden: A Layered Approach to No-Dig Gardening. Fish waste to food with aquaponics: Gardening basics. Skip the soil and try growing vegetables in an aquaponics system that turns fish waste into fertilizer for your plants. "An aquaponics system grows both fish and plants that can be harvested sustainably," said David Landkamer, an aquaculture specialist with the Oregon State University Sea Grant Extension program.
"It's an elegant system. " Here's how it works: Fish are typically raised in indoor tanks, troughs or outdoor ponds, where they produce excrement. Keyhole Gardens. Keyhole Gardens First made popular in Africa, keyhole gardens are catching on in Texas and other hot, dry places. Keyhole gardens hold moisture and nutrients due to an active compost pile placed in the center of a round bed.
Although most helpful in hot and dry locations a keyhole garden will improve growing conditions in just about any climate. How to Make a Keyhole Garden. Is your backyard too hot and dry to cultivate the vegetables you have only dreamed of? Keyhole gardens were developed for the sole purpose of maximum crop output in the hottest and driest of conditions. Their low cost, low maintenance, and versatility make them a desirable gardening option for your yard and for gardening across the globe. Humanitarian foundations spearheaded the development of keyhole gardening to help improve lives around the world. Square Foot Gardening Method - Square Foot Gardening Foundation. The Square Foot Gardening method is one of the simplest things you will ever learn that will improve your life. What does that mean?
What is the Square Foot Gardening method? Growfood.com. Tire Garden. Ruth Stouts System. Related Content Year-Round Mulching Mulch, like compost, plays an important role in organic gardening. To maximize the flavor and nutrit... 'Mulch Queen' Ruth Stout claimed to have smashed saloons with Carry Nation in Prohibition-era Kansas and worked au natural in her roadside Connecticut garden, but her labor-saving, soil-improving, permanent garden mulching technique is what earned her lasting fame. 10 métodos de cultivo inusuales que funcionan - Ideas Verdes. Hay tantas maneras diferentes de cultivar nuestra plantas, que sería difícil enumerarlas todas… En este caso, seleccionamos diez métodos de cultivo inusuales que hacen que consigamos buenos resultados sin demasiados problemas. Noticias de ecologia y medio ambienteEn este de barrio de Colombia todas las casas son construidas con bambú. Quisiera vivir alli - Noticias de ecologia y medio ambiente.
Superadobeserrano. Revista esPosible nº 45, septiembre 2014. Huertos en el asfalto. by revista esPosible. The Natural Homes Map, ecohouses made from straw bale, cob, earthbags and other natural materials. Billeder - Fri og Fro. Fri og Fro Eco village. Costa Rica Vacation Rental,Ecologically Friendly Rental-La Casa de Tierra. Gallery Archives - Thannal Hand Sculpted Homes. Tierra Calma, un retiro de pacas de paja en las bonitas Colinas de Gales. La casa de balas de paja en espiral de Poula. Tierra Calma, un retiro de pacas de paja en las bonitas Colinas de Gales. El INTI avanza en el diseño de un calefón solar auto-construíble que costaría 1000 pesos - Energía Estratégica - Información en Movimiento.
Reforesting With Goats. The Q-Drum and Wellowater Wheel: Rollable Water Containers. Agricultura Natural: Método Fukuoka. Permaculture Courses with David Holmgren. Home - Permaculture Design Course.