Dan Gregory: On the future of agencies. Marketing sat down with Dan Gregory, founder and CEO of The Impossible Institute, creative chairman of New Republique and The Gruen Transfer regular, at the Schmart Marketing conference.
In the first of a two-part interview, we discuss the future of communications and the agency model. In part two, Dan is back to discuss the new marketing, brand culture and marketing leadership. We’re leaned over the phone-and-laptop array spread across the low table in a loud chocolatier. Dan Gregory is courteously ignoring his mobile phone as we’re in deep on a big question. Ten Ways New Media has Changed the Face of Marketing. The consumer of today is a very different creature from the consumer of fifty years ago.
The development of the Internet, the creation of the social network, and the birth of new media have changed everything, from the way we communicate to the way we entertain ourselves straight down to the way we think. As a result, marketing tactics which may once have worked are now completely irrelevant, and organizations which take a traditional approach to customer relations are very likely to find themselves in the dust of their competitors. In other words, the game has changed. Social Technographics Defined 2010. Marketing Is Dead. Traditional marketing — including advertising, public relations, branding and corporate communications — is dead.
Many people in traditional marketing roles and organizations may not realize they’re operating within a dead paradigm. But they are. The evidence is clear. First, buyers are no longer paying much attention. Several studies have confirmed that in the “buyer’s decision journey,” traditional marketing communications just aren’t relevant. Second, CEOs have lost all patience.
Third, in today’s increasingly social media-infused environment, traditional marketing and sales not only doesn’t work so well, it doesn’t make sense. In fact, this last is a bit of a red herring, because traditional marketing isn’t really working anywhere. Top 10 Crowdfunding Sites for Nonprofits. Home • Blog • Tips Published by Salvador Briggman.
Find him on Twitter. Crowdfunding for social causes is quickly gaining in popularity. These sites are redefining how NGOs, non-profits, and student organizations raise money for events and charitable causes. How Kmart Used Social Listening (And Some Nerve) To Create A Ship-My-Pants Funny Viral Hit. You did what to your pants, exactly?
Ooooh, ship! Making Sense of Social Media Listening: 3 Strategies. _SocialMedia_Booklet.pdf. Six Simple Ways to Measure Owned, Earned and Paid Social Media ROI. There’s a popular misconception that it’s difficult to use targeted metrics to measure your social media ROI.
Not true. Nor is social media only good for measuring an increase in brand awareness, although that’s definitely a measurement gauge. Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding Explained. OracleVoice: Customer Loyalty Is Dead. Long Live Engagement! As a long-time member of the Chief Customer Officer Council, I’m pleased to share the following column by Executive Director Curtis Bingham.
The CCO Council fosters new ideas around customer-centric management in the pursuit of better business results. Curtis provides a provocative perspective on customer loyalty and engagement. Share your views on this topic in the comments section below and we’ll engage. Jeb Dasteel By Curtis N. Customer loyalty is notoriously difficult to measure. Welcome. Social Media Influencers versus Brand Advocates Infographic. Influencer outreach is a key element of many social media and modern public relations programs.
But they often prove ineffective at driving behavior beyond social chatter. I wrote a post about why this is so, called “Why Online Influencer Outreach is Overrated and How to Fix It” The biggest issue is that we tend to confuse audience with influence. Forbes Welcome. Your Content Strategy: Defining Paid, Owned and Earned Media. Michael Brito, Senior Vice President of Social Business Strategy at Edelman, is a Guest Contributor to the HootSuite blog.
Before getting into the specifics of a converged media content strategy, it’s important to first get a better understanding of the meaning of paid, earned and owned media. Paid media is often considered to be “traditional advertising” and includes banner ads, paid search marketing, sponsorships and content syndication. Paid media initiatives usually target prospects in an effort to create brand awareness or new customer acquisition. The Small Business Guide to Conversion Rate Optimisation. 5 brilliant microsites and why they're so effective. A microsite has the power to highlight a product, launch a promotion, or augment a marketing campaign in a way that full websites or more traditional marketing cannot.
The single or small collection of pages these sites consist of is meant to engage user interaction while conveying information in a creative way. Microsites are separate from a company's full website and are dedicated to serving one purpose - thus eliminating the clutter and distractions that come with a full website. When should you create one? If you're looking to promote a specific campaign, then a microsite is a great solution. A microsite - being separate from your brand's website - can use different forms of branding to reach new target audiences.
The first step in determining whether a microsite will give value to your brand is to evaluate your marketing needs. Making Sense of Owned Media. Marketers often distinguish between paid, earned, and owned media. While the strategies are different, the goal is the same — to generate awareness and engagement. Forbes Welcome. The Top 10 Tools for Tracking Your Web Metrics. Design Psychology: How To Combine Neuroscience and Design To Engage Your Audience.
If you look back at the websites of some of the biggest companies over the last decade you’ll be amazed at how they have changed. In the early days of the web, people crammed as much information as possible on to the screen. Now, websites are highly researched, thoroughly-planned pieces of design, engineered to grab your attention at just the right point, at just the right time. Does Good Web Design Really Matter? StateOfTheApp2014Review2015Predictions. 3 Secrets to Branded Mobile App Engagement. People have a lot of apps on their smartphones and they spend a lot of time using them. Brands like Visa and Volkswagen understand this and tailor their mobile marketing accordingly. Remember when Apple assured its customers that, regardless of what they needed to accomplish on their mobile devices, "there's an app for that? " The company wasn't wrong. Today, the leading app stores cumulatively offer around 3 million apps.
Google has reported that smartphone users have an average of 33 apps installed at any given time, though they typically only use 12 of them each month. Mobile apps are still a major part of many cross-channel marketing and customer engagement strategies. Branded Apps vs Brand Advertising. How being useful gets consumers’ attention too. 5 tips for writing a blog that people actually want to read. 9 things brands should consider before launching a blog. These nine tips can help you revamp your brand's blog or start one from scratch. Recently, I’ve come across a number of brands that started a blog years ago but have all but abandoned it, or never even created one to begin with.
The 10 best big company blogs in the world.