Canex is the best source to find the latest news and information for CBD products in UK online. Visit them to know about the CBD legislation.
Medical Cannabis News. Latest CBD Products. CBD News UK. CBD Oil News. CBD News. CBD May Enhance the Efficacy of Antibiotics in Fighting Bacteria – Canex. There are not many antibiotics that can be used for fighting bacteria.
This has made researchers look into the other helper compounds and alternatives that can work well for fighting bacteria. According to recent research conducted by the University of Southern Denmark, the researchers have mentioned CBD as one of the helper compounds. The helper compound cannabinoid cannabidiol found in the cannabis plant is said to be that suspected compound. The researchers combined both CBD and antibiotics. The result was a more powerful effect of antibiotics, which cannot be seen when antibiotics are used alone. But at present, the bacteria have become resistant to some antibiotics. In one of the Austrian studies, it has also been found that some bacteria like Gram-positive can be treated only by using CBD. CBD has not been declared as an antibiotic yet. Like this: Like Loading... Canex is the best source to find the latest news and information for CBD products in UK online. The Health Benefits of CBD Beverages. It doesn’t come as a surprise that CBD which is also known to be the non-psychoactive compound is found in the plants of cannabis.
As per the reports of CBD users, anxiety is considered to be the one from the top three reasons for consuming the products that consist of cannabis, along with pain and depression. Considering that most of the population suffers from the problem of anxiety, CBD comes as a relief for the people. But, before consuming anything, it is essential to talk to your doctor and also do the homework before taking it. How CBD helps with the problem of anxiety?
While research is not done much yet, CBD is believed to ease the anxiety that helps the body to produce serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter and hormone that plays an essential role in the regulation of the emotions. Kalytera Finds Positive Results for Cannabidiol Against Graft Versus Host Disease (GvHD) – Canex. GvHD is normally considered as the life-threatening complication that usually takes place after the procedure of bone marrow transplant.
GvHD happens when the transplanted cells of a donor attack the organs of a patient which include GI tract, skin, lungs, liver, and eyes. GvHD is connected with chronic and acute illness, disability, infections, reduced life quality, and death. Currently, there are no therapies approved by the FDA for either the treatment or prevention of acute GvHD. It is estimated that some of the patients who go through a bone marrow transplant surgery from a sibling donor and about 65% of patients who go through the transplant from an unrelated donor, will get some type of GvHD.
Kalytera’s clinical study going on in the open-label, multicentre study to do the evaluation of various CBD doses to prevent acute GvHD which follows allogeneic hematopoietic transplantation of cell, is commonly known as bone marrow transplantation. Like this: Like Loading... Get All the Latest News on CBD Products Launch in UK. Know All About CBD Legalisation and Regulations in UK.
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