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Vivre Ho'oponopono - Nathalie Bodin. Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona 1913-1992 (Ho’oponopono) Ho'oponopono France - Site officiel. Morrnah Simeona Ho O Pono Pono - Hooponono. Ho' oponopono avec le docteur Ihaleakala Hew Len. Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, Hawaiian healer | Amazing Women In History. Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, a native Hawaiian Kahuna and gifted healer, developed a new system of healing based on the ancient spiritual tradition, Ho’oponopono.

An indefatigable educator, Simeona was honored as a Living Treasure of Hawaii. To appreciate what makes Morrnah extraordinary, it is necessary to understand that who she was and how she lived are as important as the achievements for which she is recognized. Morrnah was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on May 19, 1913 into the respected family of Kimokeo and Lilia Simeona. Her mother was one of the few remaining Kahuna Lapa’au kahea (one who uses words and chants to heal) and as such, became a lady-in-waiting to Queen Lili’uokalani, the last monarch and only woman to reign in the Kingdom of Hawaii, near the end of the monarch’s life. While there is no direct translation for “Kahuna,” literally “Ka” means light and “huna” means secret, as in sacred wisdom. Morrnah was surrounded by this ancient oral healing tradition from the beginning.