Panic In The Kremlin. You know things are getting really bad when Sergei Lavrov blows his cool. The Russian foreign minister is usually smooth as silk in public, shamelessly and effortlessly twisting, spinning, distorting, and lying on behalf of Vladimir Putin's regime. But this week, Lavrov was caught on camera -- and on mic -- sputtering a string of expletives during a joint press conference with Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir. It's unclear what sparked Lavrov's odd outburst -- and it doesn't really matter. The fact that it happened is a sign of the times. The past couple weeks have witnessed a series of incidents that suggest that all is not well in the Kremlin elite. Russian customs and health officials have staged quasi-ritualistic burnings of European cheese and other foodstuffs, as well as of Dutch flowers.
Naryshkin has also called for an international tribunal on the United States' use of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. Did I miss anything? "In other words, Mr. Russian Data Localization Law Spurs Data Center Strategy Changes. The Russian law that will require all personal data of Russian users to be stored in data centers within the country’s borders goes into effect in less than two months — on September 1 — and several major internet properties are working toward compliance.
Others are exiting the Russian market altogether. It will be difficult for companies that have been operating globally distributed services, where data is stored in multiple locations around the world, to build out new data center infrastructure in Russia to comply. Difficult, but not impossible, and some companies are rethinking their infrastructure in the country. The On Personal Data (OPD) Law was expanded in July 2014 to include a data localization requirement. It means that many websites serving Russian users will have to change the way they host personal information.
While advantageous to some Russian data center providers and providers of other IT and communications services, the law will be damaging to others. La grande alleanza tra Russia e Cina, mentre l’Europa sbanda in Grecia | Linkiesta.it. Russia Launches Own 'SWIFT' Service, Links Up 91 Credit Institutions. Business Get short URL Ekaterina Blinova — Almost 91 domestic credit institutions have been incorporated into the new Russian financial system, the analogous of SWIFT, an international banking network.
The new service, will allow Russian banks to communicate seamlessly through the Central Bank of Russia. It should be noted that Russia's Central Bank initiated the development of the country's own messaging system in response to repeated threats voiced by Moscow's Western partners to disconnect Russia from SWIFT. SWIFT (The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) is a Belgium-based international organization that provides services and a standardized environment for global banking communicating that allows financial institutions to send and receive messages about their transactions. Joining the global interbank system in 1989, Russia has become one of the most active users of SWIFT globally, sending hundreds of thousands of messages per day.
In Russia, an attempt to build its own Silicon Valley. On the eve of Russia’s Open Innovations Forum and Exhibition, in a beautifully refurbished event space overlooking the Moskva River in what used to be the Red October candy factory, Dmitry Repin answers my question with another question: “If not here, then where?” He inquires. “There’s foreign media, there’s industry, there’s government—it’s all here.” Repin is the CEO of Digital October, a kind of hybrid tech-sector networking community and media company that facilitates technology entrepreneurship and dialogue within Moscow’s nascent technology scene.
I’ve come to Moscow to attend the third annual Open Innovations Forum, an extravagant two-day event that is designed to bring startups, traditional industry, government, and the public together to cultivate growth in Russia’s tech community and stanch the brain drain that sends a large part of Russia’s ample engineering and programming talent in search of work elsewhere. Russia’s new geopolitical reality isn’t helping. Ucraina e Isis: il vice di Obama rivela (per sbaglio) la verità – il Blog di Marcello Foa. Questo è un esempio di come certe informazioni non circolino sui media occidentali. Un amico che pesca molto bene online mi ha inviato la segnalazione di alcuni articoli che recavano un titolo forte: “Il vicepresidente americano Joe Biden ammette di aver obbligato i Paesi europei ad adottare le sanzioni contro la Russia”.
Come mio dovere, verifico le fonti. E scopro che a dare questa notizia sono Russia Today e altre agenzie di stampa russe. Da esperto di spin mi sorge il dubbio che si tratti di una strumentalizzazione da parte di Mosca. E verifico ulteriormente. Sì, Biden ha tenuto un lungo discorso sulla politica estera all’università di Harvard, discorso a cui i media americani hanno dato ampio spazio ma per evidenziare una battuta, anzi una gaffe su quanto sia frustrante fare il vicepresidente, espressa con un linguaggio molto colorito.
Allora indago ulteriormente, vado sul sito della Casa Bianca dove è pubblicata la trascrizione integrale del discorso di Biden. Активность российских войск на... - Irakli Komaxidze. Press Digest: Militias seize Novoazovsk; burials of Pskov soldiers queried. Kommersant The armed units “of the breakaway Donetsk People’s Republic” have advanced to the Sea of Azov, seizing the city of Novoazovsk, not far from Mariupol. According to a Kommersant report, the Ukrainian Army retreated from the city with virtually no resistance. “The border is open, and we are admitting anyone who wishes – including refugees – in both directions,” a special Kommersant correspondent cited a solder from the unrecognized Donetsk People’s Republic as saying.
The pro-autonomy militia fighters have tanks and other military hardware at their disposal, and the breakaway militia forces are continuing to approach Mariupol, the second-largest city in the Donetsk Region. “The offensive on the Ukrainian Army’s position in the south is indeed large-scale,” Kommersant reports. Rossiyskaya Gazeta Gazeta.ru Moskovsky Komsomolets Rumors are also afly among the Ukrainian authorities that the Russian military is directly involved in the military conflict in southeastern Ukraine. Захарченко: Добровольцев из России в армии ДНР около 4 тысяч. Прикольные картинки, фото приколы, видео приколы, креативные фото, юмор, обои для рабочего стола, девушки, анекдоты, флеш игры, звезды - каждый день на rulez-t.info!