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Learn Python The Hard Way. Building a Virtual Python Environment - Akamai Developer Blog. When embarking on a devOps journey, getting a consistent development environment is the key. In this post, I show how to setup a virtual environment and install the correct libraries necessary for a project. A Virtual Environment is a tool to keep the dependencies required by different projects in separate places, by creating virtual Python environments for them.

The tool in python is called virtualenv. To work with isolated environments, the basic steps are as follows: Initial setup: Install the virtualenv tool.Initialize your environmentInstall dependenciesCreate the requirements.txt to remember the dependenciesCheck code and the requirements.txt file into code repository Developer installs: Create virtual environmentGet the latest codeInstall dependenciesStart working on code Let’s step through these in detail. Initial Setup You or one of the developers on your team can kickstart the process by installing the virtualenv tool. source myproject/venv/bin/activate pip install <library file>

Untitled. Any aspiring programmer or current developer looking to move up in the ranks of their current organization should add Python to their resume. Why? Python is a general purpose language that sets a solid foundation for the baseline logic behind all programmatic languages. Beyond that, Python is: 1. Easy to learn Python is an easily readable language, and it has fewer rules and special cases. 2. Python’s maturity as a language means that users have been figuring out new methodologies for its use and debugging it for years. 3. If you’re interested in analytics, Python is the way to go: it’s currently the most popular language to use in conjunction with with data science. 4. Python’s been around for a while – more than two decades, in fact. That includes local and cloud infrastructures, website development, SQL databases, small customized tools, object-oriented design and even AI. If you’re looking to learn Python, a perfect place to start is the Python Programming Bootcamp 2.0.

Buy it here. Welcome to Aprenda Computação com Python’s documentation! — Aprenda Computação com Python v1.1 documentation.


PY4E - Python for Everybody. Exploring Data In Python 3 New Edition! The goal of this book is to provide an Informatics-oriented introduction to programming. The primary difference between a computer science approach and the Informatics approach taken in this book is a greater focus on using Python to solve data analysis problems common in the world of Informatics. The Python 2 version of the book is still available. There are multiple translations of the Python 2 book - the Python 3 version of the book has not been translated. Updated to use Python 3, the book is now available in a variety of formats: English The sample code and data files for the book is here: Code Samples.

Chapters 2-10 are heavily adapted from the open book titled: "Think Python: How to Think like a Computer Scientist" by Allen B. All of these materials are free and I want you to take them, use them and reuse them. Learning to Program with Python. Here we will use the python programming language to make a game of hangman, starting from scratch, working on a Macintosh. Python comes with OS X, so nothing special needs to be installed to follow along on your Mac. To use python on Windows, you can download and install python here. If you do not want to install python or you want to learn a newer and popular python-like language that runs in any modern browser, you can read Learning to Program with CoffeeScript, at

The CoffeeScript version of this tutorial adds examples using graphics and synchronization. It takes a couple hours to learn enough programming to make a simple game. We will learn about: Memory and naming Computer arithmetic Using and learning libraries How to make a program Input and output Loops and choices Connecting to the internet At the end we will have a game we can play.

This page was originally posted at for teaching a small group of third-graders. Running Python #! #! - Início. Linux Journal | The Original Magazine of the Linux Community. KDnuggets™ News 15:n36, Nov 4: Integrating R, Python; Neural Net in 11 lines; Top 20 AI/Machine Learning books. Tags: AI, Books, Data Visualization, IoT, Machine Learning, Neural Network, Recommender Systems, Topological Data Analysis Integrating Python and R; A Neural Network in 11 lines; Amazon Top 20 Books in AI, Machine Learning; How Big Data is used in Recommendation Systems to change to change our lives; Data Science of IoT.

Features | Tutorials | Opinions | News | Webcasts | Courses | Meetings | Jobs | Academic | Publications | Tweets | QuoteFeaturesTutorials, Overviews, How-TosOpinionsNewsWebcasts and WebinarsUpcoming Webcasts on Analytics, Big Data, Data Science - Nov 3 and beyondCoursesMeetingsJobsFiscalNote: Data ScientistAcademicPublicationsImprove your processes with statistical modelsTop TweetsTop KDnuggets tweets, Oct 27 - Nov 02: A Framework for Distributed Deep Learning Layer Design in Python Quote Most viewed last 30 days Most shared last 30 days. Transcripts Episode #32 PyPy.js - PyPy Python in Your Browser - [Talk Python To Me Podcast]

Imagine a future where you are building that rich, client-side web app. You start by creating some backend services in Flask or Node, an HTML page, throw in a few divs and uls, and then you type <script src="" language="Python">. That future might just be possible, for the right types of applications, with Ryan Kelly's pypy.js project. This is Talk Python To Me with guest Ryan Kelly, show number 32, recorded Wednesday, September 30th 2015. [music intro] Welcome to Talk Python to Me. Sponsors This episode is brought to you by Hired and Codeship. Hey everyone. 1:51 Ryan, welcome to the show. 1:53 Thanks for having me. 1:54 I'm super excited that you are here today, we are going to talk about Python but in a place you typically do not find it- int he browser, right? 2:01 Yep. 2:02 Yeah there is a lot of cool projects out there, and I'm a huge fan of the one that you've been working on. 3:18 Yeah. 3:28 Yeah, sure. 5:00 That's right. 6:11 Right. 6:21 Sure. 7:11 Yeah, that's great. 7:53 Sure.

2 septembre 2015 : Séminaire « MicroPython, recherche et transfert autour de python pour les microcontrôleurs » « MIn2RIEN. [Python] Massive Python Example Script - General Programming. CHIP - The World's First Nine Dollar Computer by Next Thing Co. Raspberry Pi tem corte no pre�o para competir com concorrente de 9 d�lares. A Raspberry Pi Foundation anunciou nesta quinta-feira (14) um corte no preço do modelo B+ de sua linha de pequenos computadores. Antes vendido por 35 dólares (105 reais), o aparelho sairá agora por 25 dólares (mais ou menos 75 reais) – o que o coloca em pé de igualdade com o “concorrente” CHIP, que apareceu no Kickstarter na última semana e já bateu a meta.

O B+ é o segundo mais avançado entre os Raspberry Pis, mas era vendido pelo mesmo valor de um modelo de segunda geração, mesmo com configurações bem mais modestas. Segundo a fundação, o corte foi possível graças a “otimizações” não especificadas na produção, que tornaram o aparelho “muito mais barato de se fabricar”. Com mais de 5 milhões de unidades vendidas pelo mundo, a linha Raspberry Pi passou a ter concorrentes de peso, como Intel e Imagination, apenas de dois anos para cá. O corte no preço já vale para revendedoras no exterior, mas parece não ter afetado os valores cobrados por lojas aqui no Brasil. Nbviewer.ipython. Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling | Full text | PyCX: a Python-based simulation code repository for complex systems education.

Through several years of experience in complex systems education, we have come to realize that using a simple general-purpose computer programming language itself as a complex systems modeling platform is our current best solution to address most, if not all, of the educational challenges discussed above. By definition, general-purpose computer programming languages are universal and can offer unlimited opportunity of modeling with all the details clearly spelled out in front of the user’s eyes.

Identifying a programming language that would be easily accessible and useful in a wide variety of disciplines had been difficult even a decade ago.a Fortunately, several easy-to-use programming languages have recently emerged and become very popular in various scientific and industrial communities, including Python and R. The core philosophy of PyCX is therefore placed on the simplicity, readability, generalizability and pedagogical values of simulation codes. RD.seed() time = 0 time += 1. 2014 SouthEast LinuxFest - Francois Dion - Brython: Not Celtic, Pythonic!

Think Python. A guide to Python Namespaces | The ByteBaker. This post is part of the Powerful Python series where I talk about features of the Python language that make the programmer’s job easier. The Powerful Python page contains links to more articles as well as a list of future articles. Namespaces are a fundamental idea in Python and can be very helpful in structuring and organizing your code (especially if you have a large enough project).

However, namespaces might be a somewhat difficult concept to grasp and get used to if you’re new to programming or even coming from another programming language (in my case, Java). Here’s my attempt to make namespaces just a little easier to understand. What’s in a name? Before starting off with namespaces, you have to understand what Python means by a name. But you can also give names to things like functions: Now whenever you want to use func(), you can use f() instead. If you accessed the name var in between assignments, you’d get a number, a string and a list at different times. So much for names. Is it hashable? Fun and games with hashing in Python - Lerner Consulting Blog. One of the basic data types that Python developers learn to use, and to appreciate, is the dictionary, or “dict.”

This is the Python term for what other languages call hashes, associative arrays, hashmaps, or hash tables. Dictionaries are pervasive in Python, both in the programs that we write, and in the implementation of the language; behind every namespace or object, at least one dictionary is behind the scenes. Dictionaries are fairly easy to use, once you get used to the rules of the road: A dictionary contains pairs, not individual elements. Each pair has two elements, a “key” and a “value.” So given a dictionary d, len(d) will return the number of pairs, not the number of individual elements.You can think of the key as a sort of index. To anyone familiar with dicts, or with hash tables in other languages, most of the above rules make a great deal of sense. For example, I can create a simple dictionary: Ruby stores our name-value pair inside of the hash, its equivalent of a dict.

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python! — The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python. Greetings, Earthling! Welcome to The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python. This is a living, breathing guide. If you’d like to contribute, fork us on GitHub! This handcrafted guide exists to provide both novice and expert Python developers a best practice handbook to the installation, configuration, and usage of Python on a daily basis. This guide is opinionated in a way that is almost, but not quite, entirely unlike Python’s official documentation. You won’t find a list of every Python web framework available here. Rather, you’ll find a nice concise list of highly recommended options. Let’s get started! Getting Started with Python New to Python? Properly Install Python Writing Great Python Code This part of the guide focuses on the best-practices for writing Python code.

Scenario Guide for Python Applications This part of the guide focuses on tool and module advice based on different scenarios. Shipping Great Python Code This part of the guide focuses on deploying your Python code. Additional Notes Note. Python Education Summit Schedule | PyCon 2015 in Montréal. 438 pages pages, May 2010 56 reviews, 3 star 0 2 star 0 1 star 0 366 pages pages, Jan 2012 436 pages pages, Apr 2013 448 pages, Feb 2015 21 reviews, 435 pages pages, Dec 2013 228 pages pages, Feb 2014 1600 pages pages, Jul 2013 455 pages pages, Jan 2010 494 pages pages 320 pages pages, Sep 2014 7 reviews, 164 pages pages 34 reviews, 342 pages pages 100 pages pages, Sep 2014 230 pages pages, Jul 2014 6 reviews, 216 pages pages, Aug 2014 432 pages pages, Feb 2014 3 reviews, 4 star 0 416 pages pages, Aug 2014 15 reviews, 100 pages pages, Aug 2014 3 reviews, 2 reviews, 240 pages pages, Jul 2014 300 pages pages, Aug 2012 265 pages pages, Jul 2014 100 pages pages, Jul 2014 124 pages pages, Jun 2014 12 reviews, 352 pages pages, Jul 2014 8 reviews, 238 pages pages, Jun 2014 134 pages pages, May 2014 502 pages pages, May 2014 16 reviews, 258 pages pages, May 2014 256 pages pages, Apr 2014 634 pages pages, Apr 2014 1 reviews, 368 pages pages 9 reviews, 480 pages pages, Jun 2014 3 reviews, 234 pages pages, Mar 2014 4 reviews, 208 pages pages.

Introduction to Python Web Frameworks. So, you’ve learned Python, perhaps using one of the resources you found in our MegaGuide. You’ve built some projects that run on your computer, and now you’re ready to share them with the world online. What’s the next step? If you want to turn your Python project into a web application or a dynamic website, and host it on the Internet for anyone to access, you’re going to need to use a web framework. You can build your own framework, but as Guido van Rossum, creator of Python, says: “a framework written to serve the needs of a single target application wouldn’t necessarily be better than some of the web frameworks that already exist.”

A web framework, also known as a web application framework, is the glue that bonds your project to the server that’s hosting it. It handles many of the common operations associated with web development, including database access, templating, and session management. Let’s start with a list of Python web frameworks commonly used on the Internet today: Django. Probably Overthinking It: Regression with Python, pandas and StatsModels. I was at Boston Data-Con 2014 this morning, which was a great event. The organizer, John Verostek, seems to have created this three-day event single-handedly, so I am hugely impressed.

Imran Malek started the day with a very nice iPython tutorial. The description is here, and his slides are here. He grabbed passenger data from the MBTA and generated heat maps showing the number of passengers at each stop in the system during each hour. The tutorial covered a good range of features, and it seemed like many of the participants were able to download the data and follow along in iPython. And Imran very kindly let me use his laptop to project slides for my talk, which was next. Regression is a powerful tool for fitting data and making predictions. As an example, I will use data from the National Survey of Family Growth to generate predictions for the date of birth, weight, and sex of an expected baby. This talk is appropriate for people with no prior experience with regression.

Learn Python. The History of Python. The Python I Would Like To See. This post is surprisingly confused, it is phrased as a complaint about the language, then immediately degrades into CPython implementation specifics that have little bearing on the usability of the language itself. Ronacher should also know better than to post microbenchmarks like the one provided here, especially without corresponding (C) profiler output. At the C level, slots allow the implementation constant-time access to the most common code paths for an object, and especially when you have C code calling other C code via the type system (IMHO the primary use for Python, and still its strongest use case), "interpreter overhead" is reduced to a few extra memory indirection operations. In the alternative world, sure, perhaps some microbenchmark may behave faster, but now systemically, and for e.g.

"reduce(operator.add, range(1000))" requires more hash table lookups than I can count. The Python I Would Like To See. Full Stack Python. Minecraft: Pi Edition- How to Use Python @Raspberry_pi #piday #raspberrypi. Numerical Methods With Python MOOC Starts Today. Explore Python: Safari. Programaê. How to learn Python Programming (Python 3.4 & Python 2.7) | CourseTalk. Interactive Python on Any Page.