Programming/Learning and Teaching. Python Tutorials. Learn Python. How to Turn a Web App Into a Desktop App, Using Chromium and PyInstaller. Getting Started with Python Programming and Scripting in Linux - Part 1. It has been said (and often required by recruitment agencies) that system administrators need to be proficient in a scripting language.
While most of us may be comfortable using Bash (or other shell of our choice) to run command-line scripts, a powerful language such as Python can add several benefits. To begin with, Python allows us to access the tools of the command-line environment and to make use of Object Oriented Programming features (more on this later in this article). On top of it, learning Python can boost your career in the fields of desktop applications and data science. Python Cheatsheet.
Python Basics. Python Tutorial - Home. Learn Python - Free Interactive Python Tutorial. O tutorial de Python — Python v2.7.2 documentation. Python é uma linguagem de programação poderosa e de fácil aprendizado.
Possui estruturas de dados de alto nível eficientes, bem como adota uma abordagem simples e efetiva para a programação orientada a objetos. Sua sintaxe elegante e tipagem dinâmica, além de sua natureza interpretada, tornam Python ideal para scripting e para o desenvolvimento rápido de aplicações em diversas áreas e na maioria das plataformas. O interpretador Python e sua extensa biblioteca padrão estão disponíveis na forma de código fonte ou binário para a maioria das plataformas a partir do site, e podem ser distribuídos livremente. No mesmo sítio estão disponíveis distribuições e referências para diversos módulos, programas, ferramentas e documentação adicional, contribuídos por terceiros. Facebook. Use Python with Your Neural Networks. Neural Network Lab.
How to Create GUI Applications Under Linux Desktop Using PyGObject - Part 1. Julia Calling Python Calling Julia... Julia is a young programming language.
This means that its native libraries are immature. Build a web app with Python and Flask using DocumentDB. Discover more resources for these services: DocumentDB Scenario To highlight how customers can efficiently leverage Azure DocumentDB to store and query JSON documents, this document provides an end-to-end walkthrough of building a voting web application using Azure Document DB.
This walkthrough shows you how to use DocumentDB service provided by Azure to store and access data from an Python web application hosted on Azure and presumes that you have some prior experience using Python and Azure Websites. You will learn: SMS Alerts with the Plushcap Python Package: Part 1. When your website crashes you can either hear about it from your alerting software or an angry customer.
That’s why a variety of hosted services exist to monitor websites. However, for small websites you often want a simple open source project that can be set up in a couple of minutes to get the monitoring job done. In this post we’ll walk through the creation of a monitoring and alerting Python package. This project is called Plushcap. Python Tutorial - javatpoint. Python is a simple, easy to learn, powerful, high level and object-oriented programming language.
Python is an interpreted scripting language also. Guido Van Rossum is known as the founder of python programming. Introduction to Python It covers the topics such as python programming, features, history, versions, how to install, example, how to execute, variables, keywords, identifiers, literals, operators and comments. Control Statement The control statement in python covers if statement, for loop, while loop, do while loop, break statement, continue statement and pass statement. Quickstart: Run a Gmail App in Python - Gmail API. Mocking in Python: A Guide to Better Unit Tests. How to Run Unit Tests Without Testing Your Patience More often than not, the software we write directly interacts with what we would label as “dirty” services.
In layman’s terms: services that are crucial to our application, but whose interactions have intended but undesired side-effects—that is, undesired in the context of an autonomous test run. For example: perhaps we’re writing a social app and want to test out our new ‘Post to Facebook feature’, but don’t want to actually post to Facebook every time we run our test suite. The Python unittest library includes a subpackage named unittest.mock—or if you declare it as a dependency, simply mock—which provides extremely powerful and useful means by which to mock and stub out these undesired side-effects. Note: mock is newly included in the standard library as of Python 3.3; prior distributions will have to use the Mock library downloadable via PyPI. Fear System Calls. Sharing Your Labor of Love: PyPI Quick And Dirty — Hynek Schlawack.
A completely incomplete guide to packaging a Python module and sharing it with the world on PyPI.
Abstract Few things give me caremads like Python modules I want to use that aren’t on PyPI (pronounced “pie pee eye”, or “cheese shop”, not “pie pie”!). On the other hand – as pydanny points out – the current situation on packaging is rather confusing. Therefore I want to help everyone who has some great code but feels lost with getting it on PyPI. I will be using my latest opus “pem” as a realistic yet simple example of how to get a pure-Python 2 and 3 module packaged up, tested and uploaded to PyPI. I’ll keep it super simple to get everyone started. Tools Used. Python 101: An Introduction to Python’s Debugger. Python comes with its own debugger module that is named pdb.
This module provides an interactive source code debugger for your Python programs. You can set breakpoints, step through your code, inspect stack frames and more. We will look at the following aspects of the module: How to start the debugger Stepping through your code Setting breakpoints Let’s start by creating a quick piece of code to attempt debugging with. 04.def doubler(a): 06. result = a*2 07. print(result) 08. return result 11.def main(): 13. for i in range(1,10): 14. doubler(i)
Parallel Programming in Python. Using Python's multiprocessing module -- written by Sebastian Raschka June 20, 2014 CPUs with multiple cores have become the standard in the recent development of modern computer architectures and we can not only find them in supercomputer facilities but also in our desktop machines at home, and our laptops; even Apple's iPhone 5S got a 1.3 Ghz Dual-core processor in 2013.
However, the default Python interpreter was designed with simplicity in mind and has a thread-safe mechanism, the so-called "GIL" (Global Interpreter Lock). In order to prevent conflicts between threads, it executes only one statement at a time (so-called serial processing, or single-threading). Python from Scratch - Tuts+ Code Tutorials. S world. Discussions, questions, comments about Reeborg take place here. Bug reports are welcome! Basic commandsAbout ReeborgContribute Basic commands In addition to understanding Javascript, Reeborg, and all the other robots, know the following instructions: at_goal() at_goal_orientation() build_wall() done() front_is_clear() has_token() is_facing_north() move() put() or put("shape") where shape is one of "token", "triangle", "square" or "star" right_is_clear() repeat(f, n) shape_here() take() or take("shape") where shape is one of "token", "triangle", "square" or "star" token_here() turn_left()
Brython / brython-firefoxos-memos. Bitbucket is a code hosting site with unlimited public and private repositories. We're also free for small teams! Sign up for freeClose. PythonMonk - Interactive Python tutorials. The Python Hub. High Performance Python at PyDataLondon 2014. Yesterday I spoke on The High Performance Python Landscape at PyDataLondon 2014 (our first PyData outside of the USA – see my write-up). I was blessed with a full room and interesting questions. With Micha I’m authoring a High Performance Python book with O’Reilly (email list for early access) and I took the topics from a few of our chapters. “@ianozsvald providing eye-opening discussion of tools for high-performance #Python: #Cython, #ShedSkin, #Pythran, #PyPy, #numba… #pydata” – @davisjmcc Overall I covered: Here’s my room full of happy Pythonistas. How to Create a Python Library. In this tutorial, our goal is to create a Python Library which is a FTP class that is well written, useful, and expandable.
Outlining our Objective It’s always important to first outline exactly what functionality your class should include. In our case: connecting to a servercreate a folder on the serverupload a filechange directoryretrieving the directory listingdownload a file When Would I Use an FTP Class? There are several instances when one might use this sort of class. Automate uploading of images, such as a gallery, to a client’s website.Perform off-site backups by transferring a database backup file from your server to another. Viva o Python: Dica: Git e Github para iniciantes. Python para Bioinformatas. Python Importing - Amir Rachum. When you start to work on even rudimentary Python application, the first thing you usually do is import some package you’re using.
There are many ways to import packages and modules - some are extremely common (found in pretty much every Python file ever written) and some less so. In this post I will cover different ways to import or reload modules, some conventions regarding importing, import loops and some import easter-eggs you can find in Python. import foo import foo.bar from foo import bar from foo import bar, baz from foo import *from foo import bar as fizz from .foo import bar foo = __import__("foo")reload(foo)
Creating and running a Python unit test - PyCharm. What this tutorial is about Here we’ll see how PyCharm helps creating and running Python unit tests. Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python. Teaching a Computer to Read. Scripted recently released a new feature called Experts, which allows us to efficiently and confidently group together expert writers in a given subject, the idea being that a business looking for experts in that field can easily find writers who are highly qualified (as both a writer and a domain expert) to write about it.
Part of what determines whether a writer is a good fit for an Expert team is knowing how many pieces they’ve written about that team’s subject matter. This entailed an interesting machine learning problem… Python Quick Reference v2.7. How IPython Notebook and Github have changed the way I teach Python. S Python Class - Educational Materials. Wiki. Beginning Game Programming for Teens with Python. If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed or follow me on Twitter. Writing a game in Python with Pygame. Part I.
Introduction Games are one of the most applicative areas of programming. To write even the simplest games, you have to get into graphics, math, physics and even AI.