Thermal conduction. Heat conduction (or thermal conduction) is the transfer of internal energy by microscopic diffusion and collisions of particles or quasi-particles within a body due to a temperature gradient.
The microscopically diffusing and colliding objects include molecules, electrons, atoms, and phonons. They transfer disorganized microscopic kinetic and potential energy, which are jointly known as internal energy. Conduction can only take place within an object or material, or between two objects that are in direct or indirect contact with each other. Conduction takes place in all forms of ponderable matter, such as solids, liquids, gases and plasmas. Whether by conduction or by thermal radiation, heat spontaneously flows from a hotter to a colder body. In conduction, the heat flow is within and through the body itself. In the engineering sciences, heat transfer includes the processes of thermal radiation, convection, and sometimes mass transfer. Overview[edit] Steady-state conduction[edit] .
Where. Feynman’s Ratchet and the perpetual motion gambling scheme « Gravity and Levity. Can you spot a perpetual motion machine when you see one?
In physics, that question is equivalent to “can you spot a scam when you see one?”. That’s because a perpetual motion machine is, by definition, a fraud. It is a device that claims to generate useful work in a way that violates one of the most basic laws of physics: the laws of thermodynamics. The laws of thermodynamics are extremely fundamental to physics; they belong to a set of five or so ideas that can really be called “laws”, upon which the rest of physics is built.
So if you (portrayed below by Lisa Simpson) submit an idea or invention to the physics community (portrayed by Homer Simpson) that violates one of the laws of thermodynamics, you’re opening yourself up to a world of ridicule. If someone tells you “what you’re proposing is a perpetual motion machine” (they’ll say perpetuum mobile if they’re trying to sound snooty), they might as well be saying “you couldn’t tell a Lagrangian from a lawnmower”. E 59, 6448 (1999): Feynman’s ratchet and pawl: An exactly solvable model. Operatore ellittico. Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.
In analisi matematica, una equazione differenziale alle derivate parziali ellittica è un'equazione differenziale alle derivate parziali tale per cui i coefficienti delle derivate di grado massimo sono positivi. Si tratta dell'applicazione di un operatore ellittico, un operatore differenziale definito su uno spazi di funzioni che generalizza l'operatore di Laplace. Definizione[modifica | modifica sorgente] Un operatore differenziale lineare di ordine su un dominio è detto operatore ellittico se per ogni non nullo si ha: In molte applicazioni si richiede un requisito più stringente, la condizione di ellitticità uniforme, che si applica per operatori di grado pari: dove è una costante positiva. Un operatore non lineare: è ellittico se il suo sviluppo al primo ordine in serie di Taylor rispetto ad (e le sue derivate) è un operatore lineare ellittico. In generale, sia un operatore differenziale generico (non lineare) definito su un fibrato vettoriale.
L'operatore . Richard Feynman. Brownian ratchet. Schematic figure of a Brownian Ratchet The machine[edit] Why it fails[edit] Although at first sight the Brownian ratchet seems to extract useful work from Brownian motion, Feynman demonstrated that if the entire device is at the same temperature, the ratchet will not rotate continuously in one direction but will move randomly back and forth, and therefore will not produce any useful work.
The reason is that the pawl, since it is at the same temperature as the paddle, will also undergo Brownian motion, "bouncing" up and down. It therefore will intermittently fail by allowing a ratchet tooth to slip backward under the pawl while it is up. Of the ratchet and pawl is the same as the temperature of the paddle, then the failure rate must equal the rate at which the ratchet ratchets forward, so that no net motion results over long enough periods or in an ensemble averaged sense.[2] A simple but rigorous proof that no net motion occurs no matter what shape the teeth are was given by Magnasco.[3]
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