The Cultural Politics of Softness. Artist Lora Mathis was the first to spell it out for me: radical softness can be used as a weapon.
Their well-known piece, “Radical Softness as a Weapon” showed these words surrounded by pearls, diamond earrings, and knives. Though the piece began making the rounds on the internet a few years ago, the interest in softness has continued to circulate, and show up in sometimes unexpected places. « Peut-on frapper un néonazi ? » : la violence à l’épreuve de l’éthique. Après le drame de Charlottesville, le mot-clé #PunchANazi fait débattre de la légitimité de la violence à l’égard des militants d’extrême droite.
LE MONDE | • Mis à jour le | Par Lina Rhrissi. When A Bully is President - Reflection Press. Self-Care for Kids!
This is not your usual kid’s book! This book is a call to BE, to step forward and LOVE yourself, LOVE your community, know your history and your powerful place in it and strengthen your own creative power! 8 Steps Toward Building Indispensability (Instead of Disposability) Culture. What Do You Know, Feminism Really DOES Work. By Pamela Haag A fascinating study that is monumental in its research scope and ambitions is published in the fall American Political Science Review, the flagship scholarly journal for the discipline.
Researchers S. Laurel Weldon and Mala Htun have conducted the largest global study on violence against women. Radical softness. La féminité subversive - Artichaut magazine. Il est difficile de définir le radical softness, qui est à la fois esthétique, sensibilité et sous-culture.
Il s’agit d’un courant relativement récent, qui a pris racine sur le réseau social Tumblr. Pour Lora Mathis, photographe et poète, il s’agit du principe que le partage de nos émotions est un geste politique et une tactique contre une société qui valorise l’absence d’émotions et la masculinité. With Love & Rage – Starchild Stela.
My name is Billy, but I am better known as my alter ego, Starchild Stela.
I currently make a living as an artist, and let’s be honest, it is not easy. I am a very soft, angry thing. With Love & Rage – Starchild Stela. An Example of Successful Community Intervention. Musings of an Inappropriate Woman.
23 Awesome Feminist Digital Campaigns That Changed the World. It's always funny to see politicians run a campaign as if female voters don't represent a majority of voters (news flash: they do).
The latest to ignore this important fact was Ken Cuccinelli, the Republican candidate to run for governor in Virginia. Standing for notoriously anti-woman policies didn't only cost him a couples of votes, it ended up costing him the election. Planned Parenthood was one of the most uniting forces in the quest to get voters informed about his problematic positions on women. Gena Madow, the press officer at PPFA, explained that the digital aspect of their campaign made all the difference in the world: Rencontre avec Marjorie de la Revengeance des Duchesses. La Revengeance des duchesses, 2014.
We don’t need this feminism. This past week, feminism took a short trip to McGill.
Feminism is not a dirty word. it does not mean you hate men, it does not mean you hate girls that have nice legs and a tan, and it does not mean you are a ‘bitch’ or ‘dyke’, it means you believe in equality. Take back the night. What If I AM Like The Feminist Stereotype? Feminism | Posted by Camille E on 06/17/2013.
Féminisme, doutes, ennui. Zines! Toronto area collective of street medics. (version française suivantes) flashbangs are shot into the crowd with a helicopter overhead at the contre sommet manif in Montreal, Feb/2013. Étudiante et féministe : réflexions croisées (contribution spéciale) A Thank You to Courtney Martin. I was just like any college girl. Dazed and confused. Not like the movie, but in regards to life and what I wanted to do.
A Letter to Male Activists « sisters of resistance. This letter arose from a specific set of experiences within the activist community but has wider political implications. Les boysclub, la séduction et la politique « POL-2.0. Occupy Turns One: Women Are the Many, Not the Few. As the Occupy movement celebrates its first anniversary, we revisit an article from the Winter 2012 issue of Ms. magazine.
Here’s an excerpt: In a few short months, Occupy grew from a small New York City encampment protesting corporate influence and Wall Street greed, to a populist movement with more than 2,500 incarnations around the U.S. and the rapt attention of a nation. By the end of 2011, Time had named “the protester” its person of the year, linguists had pronounced occupy the word of the year, and pundits had declared that Occupy had already succeeded in its mission.
Women have been an integral part of the phenomenon from the beginning, grabbing cardboard boxes and blankets and camping out in New York’s Zuccotti Park that first night in September. The first protesters to get national attention were a group of young women who were caught on video being pepper-sprayed by the New York Police Department.
Luttes étudiantes. SlutWalk. Pussy Riot. Publicité. Riot Grrrls: Faites-vous l'intégrale de notre dossier! Opération Socio. Technologie. Yarn Bombing. Santé reproductive. Filles! Nudité.