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The Hottest Chat App for Teens Is Google Docs. Creating a safe space online for women - Ladies Learning Code. We believe that technology truly has the power to change the world.

Creating a safe space online for women - Ladies Learning Code

It can be used to solve the world’s largest problems, bridge the opportunity divide, act as a creative outlet and connect people from around the world. We’re living in a digital age where technology transcends space — from schools to hallways to campus grounds to workplaces and the home but unfortunately, the ubiquitous nature of technology also means that the challenges that come along with it can be ubiquitous as well. For millions of women and girls, that means being subjected to deliberate online violence because of their gender. According to recent global research by the UN, 9 million women have experienced a form of cyberviolence and are 27 more times likely to be abused online than men.

A Feminist Walks Into a YouTube Science Video… On November 12, 2014, the Philae lander touched down on a comet, making space history 317 million miles away.

A Feminist Walks Into a YouTube Science Video…

DIY Feminist Cybersecurity. Your online accounts are points of access to your life both online and off.

DIY Feminist Cybersecurity

From email to social media to shopping, your accounts are crucial for pretty much everything you do through the internet. Spread out across these accounts is a treasure trove of personal data, credit card information, and even the ability to be “you” in online spaces. Unfortunately, hackers and abusers see the value in being able access these accounts: they’re one of the most popular targets for cyber harassment and crime. Gamergate: The Greatest Trick The Devil Ever Pulled - The Establishment. The greatest trick that Gamergate ever pulled was convincing (some of) the world that they represent one side of an ever-evolving, deeply complicated, and oh-so-contentious debate.

Gamergate: The Greatest Trick The Devil Ever Pulled - The Establishment

In GG’s metaphysical hive-mind, there are two “sides” to the gaming world at present: in one corner stands the Gamergaters, who staunchly believe in “ethics in journalism,” reject censorship, and want games and gaming communities to stay just the way they are. In the other corner stand the Social Justice Warriors (SJWs), who want games to be neutered and declawed, the elimination of any and all so-called problematic content, and the privilege of political correctness to reign over freedom of speech. GGs claim to want nothing more than civil debate on the topic, a chance for both sides to meet and exchange ideas.

How To Create Your Own Podcast - And Become A Star. The golden age of podcasting is upon us—everyone and their mother seems to want to host a digital radio show.

How To Create Your Own Podcast - And Become A Star

But how can you compete with the nearly 300,000 podcasts currently listed in iTunes? CODEGIRL - English. Profeminist — #LikeAGirl Source. Generation_stem_full_report.pdf. Research findings on tech-related violence against women released / New Resources / News & Analysis. Internet intermediaries and violence against women online A recent report, “Internet intermediaries and violence against women online” released by the Association for Progressive Communications for the “End violence: Women’s rights and online safety” project, analyzes the policies and framework of the three major internet intermediaries: Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube in regard to violence against women online.

Research findings on tech-related violence against women released / New Resources / News & Analysis

These case studies allow APC to further its progress by creating a bridge between social networking platforms and policymakers by analyzing and addressing concerns found in the intermediaries’ online policies and responses to issues ofVAW. Technology-related violence against women proves to be a key issue as social media and networking websites provide users the platform for expression of thought, speech and media content. Read or download the full report Internet intermediaries and violence against women online. Executive summary and findings 1. APC launches "Feminist Principles of the Internet" at 2014 Internet Governance Forum / New Resources / News & Analysis. On 1 September 2014, APC launched the “Feminist Principles of the Internet” at the Sexual Rights Pre-Event of the 2014 Internet Governance Forum in Istanbul, Turkey.

APC launches "Feminist Principles of the Internet" at 2014 Internet Governance Forum / New Resources / News & Analysis

Feminist Principles of the Internet. An evolving document Developed at the Gender, Sexuality and the Internet Meeting organized by the Association for Progressive Communications 13-15 April, 2014Malaysia Download the principles in pdf format below In April 2014, the Association for Progressive Communications, APC, organized a Global Meeting on Gender, Sexuality and the Internet in Port Dickson, Malaysia, bringing together 50 participants from six continents comprising gender and women’s rights activists, LGBTQI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans* and intersex) movements, internet and technology rights organizations, and human rights advocates.

Feminist Principles of the Internet

The goal of the meeting was to bridge the gap between feminist movements and internet rights movements and look at intersections and strategic opportunities to work together as allies and partners. #ImagineaFeministInternet. Il faut enseigner le code aux filles. Ces femmes qui boudent l'informatique. Here’s a video from our Internetting While Female... Cunt warrior. 6th graders win Startup Weekend with game that teaches pre-teens how to code. Tea and Feminism. 3 Girls Smash Gender Roles to Smithereens in Toy Company's Glorious Debut Ad.

One of the most anti-feminist songs of the 1980s, "Girls" by the Beastie Boys, is recast as an empowering theme for young women in a new toy ad looking to break gender stereotypes.

3 Girls Smash Gender Roles to Smithereens in Toy Company's Glorious Debut Ad

Quand science rime avec confiance. Grâce à l’organisme montréalais Les Scientifines, des centaines de fillettes de la 3e à la 6e année du primaire ont goûté au plaisir des sciences et découvert en elles des ressources insoupçonnées.

Quand science rime avec confiance

Berghahn Journals Instant Identity: Adolescent Girls and the World of Instant Messa... Du sexisme et du féminisme chez les geeks. En 1993, le New Yorker a publié un dessin qui est devenu célèbre : un chien était face à un ordinateur et une légende disait « On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a dog », « sur Internet, personne ne sait que vous êtes un chien ». Parmi toutes les lectures possibles de ce qui s’est presque transformé en adage, l’une postulait le rêve d’une égalité entre les internautes, égalité sociale, égalité de race et de genre notamment.

Girl Scouts learn computer skills at Geek Squad Summer Academy - Hammond Star: Hammond. 7 Powerful STEM Resources For Girls. The statistics surrounding STEM education and jobs in the US are rather staggering to me. The latest that I’ve read indicate that US students are still trailing WAY behind other nations in Science and Math education ( US ranks 47th in Math and Science education quality, and 78% of high school graduates don’t meet the standard levels for at least one entry level STEM class ). To top it off, there’s a pretty strong gender divide in the STEM subjects: Many fewer girls are interested in even studying these subjects, and they don’t feel at all confident about their skills. LinkedIn accusé de sexisme après avoir supprimé la photo d'une développeuse web jugée trop séduisante. EMPLOI - Les clichés sur les geeks et autres informaticiens ont la vie dure. Les Mystérieux étonnants. Les Mystérieux étonnants. #FemFuture: Online Revolution.

#FemFuture: The Feminist Revolution Will Be Online. FemFuture The Feminist Revolution Will Be Online The traditional image of the feminist activist is one with a sign picketing outside large buildings or taking over the streets and sidewalks. The common protest usually goes like this: There's a group of demonstrators in one physical space and one leader has a megaphone to amplify the message of the group. Although this protest method was certainly impactful in the past and still is today, what if there was a way that a demonstration could take place in many geographical areas simultaneously, where every member could have their own megaphone? Wouldn't that ground-breaking? Well, thanks to a powerful invention called the internet, it's happening. How Do We Define Online Feminism? #FemFuture Ignites Debate.

How do you make money from online content? In the past two decades, this financial dilemma has plagued everything from newspapers to political-action organizations to social-media behemoths like Facebook. This week, feminist researchers released a report on the necessity of finding a way to sustainably fund online feminist work, from writing to organizing to resource sharing.

Réseaux sociaux

« I Fucking Love Science » et le sexisme : rétrospective. Open Source to Go!: Emailing Richard Stallman. Bitch Radio: Women in Open Source, Part 2. Blogues. This Comic About Female Gamers Is Sadly True [Comic] Is the "blogging teen girl" a new TV trope? Boobs! (Not a Big Deal)

Women, Let’s Claim Wikipedia! Earlier this year, while I was sequestered in the bat-cave studying for my qualifying exam, I came across something very distressing. As has been widely reported, only 13 percent of the people editing Wikipedia articles are women.

Memes En aout dernier, j’ai vu passer un article au sujet d’un livre intitulé "Génération blogueuses", dont la sortie était prévue le 5 septembre. Enthousiasmée par toute initiative visant à mettre à l’honneur les femmes sur le net dans leur diversité, j’ai immédiatement essayé d’en savoir plus. En fouinant sur le web, j’ai pu ainsi découvrir la couverture et le descriptif du livre. 1er choc visuel, les illustrations très girly censées symboliser toute la richesse de la blogosphère féminine : du rose et du pastel à gogo, du headband, du t-shirt Mickey et du tutu, et bien sûr des blogueuses forcément toutes montées sur talons hauts.

Pourquoi pas, si le contenu tient la route. Sauf que les thèmes ultra-stéréotypés supposés être représentatifs de la "génération blogueuses" ne plaident toujours pas en la faveur de l’ouvrage : mode, beauté, cuisine, shopping, déco et lecture. Un coup d’œil à la quatrième de couverture a confirmé mes premières réticences: Bitch Radio: Media Literacy, Criticism, and Production Panel from GeekGirlCon. Researcher reveals how “Computer Geeks” replaced “Computer Girls” WHY IS THE INTERNET FEMINIST ISSUE? « Les technologies sont modelées par le genre » Black Girls Code   imagine. build. create. - Black Girls Code, BlackGirlsCode, Women of Color in Technology.