Ffmpeg: the mother of all command-lines. We've been doing some experimentation with ffmpeg to encode video for live streaming and for recording to files for on-demand playback.
While I've been impressed by the capabilities of ffmpeg, I've found that its command-line processing is quite daunting. Here I provide a set of command-line options along with commentary on what is going on. One of the most frustrating things I've found in trying to learn ffmpeg is that many examples online are quite out-of-date. It seems that ffmpeg has changed its command-line options fairly frequently. So many of the examples you'll find won't work. The example that follows uses a snapshot of the ffmpeg subversion code from September 10, 2009. Ready? Are you sure? Here is the command line: Don't be intimidated. Specifying the input ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv422p \ -s 720x486 -r 29.97 \ -i /tmp/vpipe \ Everything up to the -i option describes what is contained in the input file /tmp/vpipe. -ar 48000 -f s16le -ac 2 -i /tmp/apipe \ Specifying the output.
01- Install JDK/JRE on Windows (for Red5) Streaming Media - Online Video News, Trends, and Analysis. YouTube Architecture. Update 3: 7 Years Of YouTube Scalability Lessons In 30 Minutes and YouTube Strategy: Adding Jitter Isn't A Bug Update 2: YouTube Reaches One Billion Views Per Day.
That’s at least 11,574 views per second, 694,444 views per minute, and 41,666,667 views per hour. Update: YouTube: The Platform. YouTube adds a new rich set of APIs in order to become your video platform leader--all for free. Upload, edit, watch, search, and comment on video from your own site without visiting YouTube. YouTube grew incredibly fast, to over 100 million video views per day, with only a handful of people responsible for scaling the site. Information Sources Google Video Platform Apache Python Linux (SuSe) MySQL psyco, a dynamic python->C compiler lighttpd for video instead of Apache What's Inside? The Stats Supports the delivery of over 100 million videos per day. Recipe for handling rapid growth while (true) { identify_and_fix_bottlenecks(); drink(); sleep(); notice_new_bottleneck(); } This loop runs many times a day. Justin.tv's Live Video Broadcasting Architecture. The future is live.
The future is real-time. The future is now. That's the hype anyway. And as it has a habit of doing, the hype is slowly becoming reality. We are seeing live searches, live tweets, live location, live reality augmentation, live crab (fresh and local), and live event publishing. To find out I talked to Kyle Vogt, Justin.tv Founder and VP of Engineering. As the emphasis shifts from batch to real-time, the steps Justin.tv are taking is also happening across the industry. Google is perhaps the perfect example of the change to real-time. Information Sources. Justin.tv's Live Video Broadcasting Architecture. Onlinevideo.net - Online Video Strategies, Platforms, News, and Tips - Live Streaming Showdown: Ustream, Justin.tv, Livestream, Bambuser. If you have a camcorder at any enterprise, institutional, or even social event, you should consider streaming that event live.
Live streaming can be free or relatively inexpensive, and live streaming services such as Ustream, Justin.tv, Livestream, and Bambuser are all reasonably easy to use. In the pages that follow, I present reviews of these four services; there are more out there, but these four have emerged as leaders, particularly during the Arab Spring and worldwide Occupy protests of the past year. All live streaming services providers (LSSPs) share three main components — the channel page, the embeddable player, and encoding options — and these are the three areas I focused on in the reviews that follow.
The channel page is the page on the service’s website where viewers go to watch your videos. Ustream.