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How to Download Sentinel Satellite Data for Free. Download Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Satellite Data If you want to download Sentinel satellite data, then you’ve come to the right place. One of the most exciting developments in remote sensing at this time is the European Space Agency’s Copernicus Programme. Copernicus’ six Sentinel satellites collects comprehensive pictures of our land, ocean, emergency response, atmosphere, security and climate change to understand the health of our planet. Until very recently, this data has become available to the public at no cost Today, we show you step-by-step how to download Sentinel satellite data: Sentinels Scientific Data Hub In 2014-15, Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2A were successfully launched from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana.

One Sentinel scene after the other, data has been rolling out on a user interface called the Sentinels Scientific Data Hub. It’s now available for the public to access. But you will have to hop through a couple of hoops before you can get your fingers on it. What’s Next? Aerea Download. ESA CCI Soil Moisture website. Harmonized world soil database v1.2 | FAO | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. On the basis of soil parameters provided by HWSD seven key soil qualities important for crop production have been derived, namely: nutrient availability, nutrient retention capacity, rooting conditions, oxygen availability to roots, excess salts, toxicities, and workability.

Soil qualities are related to the agricultural use of the soil and more specifically to specific crop requirements and tolerances. For the illustration of soil qualities, maize was selected as reference crop because of its global importance and wide geographical distribution. Soil qualities and related soil characteristics Soil qualities have been estimated for the sequence 1 soils in each grid cell with as reference crop maize. The derived maps for the individual soil qualities represent therefore the qualities of ‘main soils’ only. Details of estimation procedures for the individual soil qualities from soil characteristics in HWSD are: Nutrient availability (SQ1) Nutrient retention capacity (SQ2) Excess salts (SQ5)

Free GIS Datasets - Categorised List. WaterBase. GeoNetwork - The portal to spatial data and information. CGMS-IPWG, International Precipitation Working Group. Center for Sustainable Water Resources. BP Global Website 1. Hydrological Flux Variable Data Sets 1.1 Precipitation Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Version 7 3B43 precipitation: § Spatial resolution: 0.25°×0.25°; § Spatial coverage: Lat 50 S to 50 N; Lon 180 W to 180 E; § Temporal resolution: Monthly; § Temporal coverage: 1998 to present; § URL: 1.1.3 GPCC Precipitation Global Precipitation Climatology Center (GPCC): In situ data (Schneider et al. 2014) § Spatial resolution: 0.5°; § Spatial coverage: Global; § Temporal resolution: Monthly; § Temporal coverage: 1901 to present § URL: 1.1.4 PRISM Precipitation § Spatial resolution: 4km×4km; § Spatial coverage: US (24° N to 50° N; 125° W to 66.5° W); § Temporal resolution: Monthly and daily § Temporal coverage: 1895 to present; § URL: 1.2 Evapotranspiration 1.2.1 MOD16 Evapotranspiration 1.2.2 AVHRR Evapotranspiration 1.3 Runoff 1.5 Recharge 2. 3. 4.

UN-SPIDER Updates May 2015. SPOT and Pleiades data available for research and application development - Did you know? - eoPortal Satellite News. SPOT and Pleiades data available for research and application development 10 April 2015 The SPOT-1 to 5 mission archive, SPOT-6 and 7 mission archive and new acquisitions, Pleiades mission archive and new acquisitions, and SPOTMAPS 2.5 complete dataset are now available to the scientific user community. The products are available in level 1 and level 3 (levels 1A/1B and orthorectified level 3 for SPOT-1 to 7, primary and orthorectified levels for Pleiades).

Stereo and Tri-Stereo modes available on SPOT-6 and 7 and Pleiades are also available. The products can be made available for free through project proposal submission via the SPOT information area and Pleiades information area on ESA's Earth Online Portal. Source: Earth Online Image credit: Airbus Defence and Space - Artist's concept of SPOT-7 Related Missions:


IRI/LDEO Climate Data Library. Terrestrial Hydrology Research Group @ Princeton University. Global Meteorological Forcing Dataset for land surface modeling A global 50-yr (1948-2000) dataset of meteorological forcings derived by combining reanalysis with observations. Available at 1.0-degree spatial resolution and 3-hourly, daily and monthly temporal resolution. Sheffield, J., G. Goteti, and E. F. Wood, 2006: Development of a 50-yr high-resolution global dataset of meteorological forcings for land surface modeling, J. Dataset Details and Access Global PDSI Global datasets of PDSI and Potential Evaporation Sheffield, J., E. Dataset Details and Access Global Land Surface Model Simulations Global datasets of surface hydrology from multiple land surface model simulations Sheffield, J., and E.

Dataset Details and Access Bias-Corrected and Downscaled Future Climate Global Meterological Forcing Data: 1948-2099 Li, H., J. Dataset Details and Access High resolution daily meteorological data for northern/west/east Africa Chaney, N., and J. Dataset Details and Access Sheffield, J., E. Luo, L., E. Satellite Hydrology at The Ohio State Unviersity. GIS Data Indexes. Understanding GIS: An ArcGIS Project Workbook | ArcGIS Video. GEODATA. GIS Data. Elevation Products | Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center. Data Granule: Land Cover Type 1 (2001): IGBP global vegetation classification scheme. GLCF: MODIS Land Cover. Land-Atmosphere Interaction Research Group at Beijing Normal University. MODIS Web. Data Data Products There are many standard MODIS data products that scientists are using to study global change. These products are being used by scientists from a variety of disciplines, including oceanography, biology, and atmospheric science.

This section provides some detail for each product individually, introducing you to the products, explaining the science behind them, and alerting you to known areas of concern with the data products. Web Curator: Brandon Maccherone NASA Official: Shannell Frazier Privacy Policy and Important Notices. USGS HydroSHEDS. USGS Home Contact USGS Search USGS HydroSHEDS Accessibility FOIA Privacy Policies and Notices U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey URL: Page Contact Information: Page Last Modified: March 13, 2013. ORNL DAAC Spatial Data Access Tool (SDAT) Home Page. Free GIS Datasets - Categorised List.