Exposition en ligne des lauréats du 2ème concours international de design. Monthly Measure Calendar and Ruler by Sebastian Bergne. Sebastian Bergne has created a monthly universal calendar that's also a ruler.
(Click the image below for full sized image) Says Bergne, "The star can be positioned on the serrated side of the ruler, to show the day of the month and the date. The date can be easily changed by rolling the star along the ruler. " The dates are placed every centimeter so Monthly Measure can also be used as a metric ruler. Monthly Measure will be launched at Maison&Objet this weekend. Sebastian Bergne. Lloop. Dish of Desire Bird Feeders by Frederik Roijé. Frederik Roijé has created a series of bird feeders based on tableware and meal courses.
(Click the images below for full sized images) Says Roijé, "As the summer has comes to an end and the cold winter days will arrive, we must not forget the birds. " There are four different Dish of Desire models; a one course, two course, three course and five course bird feeder, with one plate for each "course". "Birds need a varied menu. This is hard to find during wintertime.