2017 Gamificación y turismo.
Este documento examina los juegos en general términos y su aplicación en campos turísticos específicos. – jesuseduardodg
2017 New trends in information search and their influence on destination loyalty: Digital destinations and relationship marketing. 2017 Effects of tourism information quality in social media on destination image formation: The case of Sina Weibo. Sung-Eun Kim works for Gyeonggi Tourism Organization, Korea.
He received his Master’s degree in International Studies from Ajou University, Korea. His research interests include smart tourism, travel behavior, destination marketing, and international studies. Kyung Young Lee is an Associate Professor in the Rowe School of Business at Dalhousie University, Canada. He received his PhD in Management Information Systems from the Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University. 2018 The determinants of Facebook social engagement for national tourism organizations' Facebook pages: A quantitative approach.
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Este documento explora cómo las organizaciones nacionales de turismo (NTO) de los 10 países más visitados por turistas internacionales utilizan estratégicamente Facebook para promocionar y comercializar sus destinos. – jesuseduardodg
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Highlights Analyzes how the NTOs of the top 10 most visited countries employ Facebook. Identifies the drivers of increased levels of social activity based on big data. Measures engagement through panel data multivariate regression analyses. 2017 Effects of tourism information quality in social media on destination image formation: The case of Sina Weibo. 2017 Implementation of Web 2.0 in the snow tourism industry: Analysis of the online presence and e-commerce of ski resorts.
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Please enable JavaScript to use all the features on this page. Open Access funded by ESIC & Asociación Española de Marketing Académico y Profesional Highlights Snow tourism should use Internet both as a promotional and as a marketing tool. Alpine ski resorts are better prepared than Nordic ones about Web 2.0. 2017 Co-creating the city: Digital technology and creative tourism. Lénia Marques is a researcher at CEMRI (Centre of Studies on Migrations and Intercultural Relations), at the Universidade Aberta in Portugal.
Este trabajo investiga cómo las tecnologías digitales pueden desempeñar un papel en la reconstrucción co-creativa de una ciudad, revitalizando tanto su tejido material como sociocultural a través del medios de procesos de co-creación que involucran a diferentes partes interesadas – jesuseduardodg
She previously worked as a Senior Lecturer in Events and Leisure at Bournemouth University, and as a Lecturer in Imagineering and Research, at NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands.
She is a member of the Board of Directors of the World Leisure Organization and the co-author of Event Design: Social perspectives and practices (2015), Intercultural Crossings: Conflict, Memory and Identity (2012) and “Exploring Creative Tourism” (2012), a special issue of the Journal of Tourism Consumption and Practice. Her current research focuses on innovation and creativity in events, leisure and tourism. Carla Borba graduated in Tourism in 1995. After her Master, she completed a PhD in Anthropology at the Federal University of Pernambuco in Brazil (2010). 2018 The power of social media storytelling in destination branding.
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Please enable JavaScript to use all the features on this page. Highlights Social media users are conceptualised as storytellers who co-create brands. A framework is proposed for analysing the social mechanisms in social media. Marketers can utilise ‘technologies of power’ to stimulate storytelling. The DMO, VisitDenmark is used as a case to illustrate the implications. The framework provides marketers with a new approach for social media branding. Abstract. 2017 The influence of social media in creating expectations. An empirical study for a tourist destination. JavaScript is disabled on your browser.
Please enable JavaScript to use all the features on this page. Highlights Intensity of social media usage is formed by updating news and searching for information. The intensity affects the motives for receiving UGC in social media. 2018 The use of Geographical Information Systems for Tourism Marketing purposes in Aveiro region (Portugal)
Helena Albuquerque holds a PhD in Environmental Sciences and Engineering, MSc in Coastal Zones Sciences and a BSc in Geography.
She also holds an advanced training course (long-term) in Tourism. At the moment, she is Assistant Professor in University Portucalense Infante D. Henrique (Porto – Portugal). She has published articles in scientific national and international journals and she has also participated in different research projects developed in the University of Aveiro. Her main interest areas of research are Sustainable Tourism, Tourism and Environment, Integrated Coastal Zones Management, Geographic Information Systems applied to tourism and Wellness Tourism. Filomena Martins is Associated Professor at Environment and Planning Department of Aveiro University, where she teaches diverse courses and supervise diverse master and PhD students. 2017 The importance of digital marketing in the tourism industry. Marketing Decision Support Using Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Modeling: Application to Tourist Destination Management.
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Please enable JavaScript to use all the features on this page. Abstract. Portal de Promoción y Difusión Pública del Conocimiento Académico y Científico. Digital marketing: A framework, review and research agenda. JavaScript is disabled on your browser.
Please enable JavaScript to use all the features on this page. Abstract We develop and describe a framework for research in digital marketing that highlights the touchpoints in the marketing process as well as in the marketing strategy process where digital technologies are having and will have a significant impact. Using the framework we organize the developments and extant research around the elements and touchpoints comprising the framework and review the research literature in the broadly defined digital marketing space. Foundations of Social Media Marketing. JavaScript is disabled on your browser.
El documento describe la naturaleza, los efectos y el estado actual de los medios sociales, subyacentes a su rol de empoderamiento del cliente agentes. – jesuseduardodg
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Abstract The Social Media have changed the power structures in the marketplace; evidence points to a major power migration taking place and to emergence of a new breed of powerful and sophisticated customer, difficult to influence, persuade and retain The paper outlines the nature, effects and present status of the Social Media, underlying their role as customer empowerment agents. Destination marketing: The use of technology since the millennium.
JavaScript is disabled on your browser. Please enable JavaScript to use all the features on this page. Highlights Introduces the six papers included in this special edition. Explores the rapid and expansive technological enhancement and innovations in destination management. Contributes to our understanding of the role of technological enhancement and innovations in destination management. Identifies key issues for future practice and research. Artificial intelligence-based systems applied in industrial marketing: An historical overview, current and future insights. Francisco J. Martínez-López is a Professor of Business Administration at the University of Granada and the Open University of Catalonia (Barcelona) in Spain. He has been a visiting scholar in the marketing department at the Zicklin School of Business (CUNY, USA), Aston Business School (Aston University, UK), or the Michael Smurfit School of Business (University College Dublin, Ireland), among others.
Approaching Market Intelligence Concept through a Case Analysis: Continuous Knowledge for Marketing Strategic Management and its Complementarity to Competitive Intelligence.
Este artículo tuvo como objetivo detallar la comprensión del concepto de Market Intelligence (MI), trabajando teóricamente y con un análisis de estudio de caso. – jesuseduardodg
Demystifying Big Data Analytics for Business Intelligence Through the Lens of Marketing Mix. JavaScript is disabled on your browser. Please enable JavaScript to use all the features on this page. Abstract Big data analytics have been embraced as a disruptive technology that will reshape business intelligence, which is a domain that relies on data analytics to gain business insights for better decision-making. Rooted in the recent literature, we investigate the landscape of big data analytics through the lens of a marketing mix framework in this paper. We identify the data sources, methods, and applications related to five important marketing perspectives, namely people, product, place, price, and promotion, that lay the foundation for marketing intelligence. Keywords. From web analytics to digital marketing optimization: Increasing the commercial value of digital analytics.
Grouping measures within a measurement or KPI framework is essential in making the analysis of measures collected through web analytics relevant to different types of people within a company. Senior business managers and marketing directors will need commercial measures, while others working on customer acquisition, conversion or retention will require different measures. There has been much debate about companies needing to develop a web analytics culture to get the most out of it. A significant aspect of this is working on the problems that exist rather than running off reports when requests come in. The people that best prove the value of analytics are those who can converse with senior managers and understand their problems, and then provide solutions through analytics; without this the senior managers would never have thought to ask the web analyst to help them.
Measurement frameworks define and group different types of measures needed to review and improve performance. The e-Marketing SIG (beta) manifesto — Aligning research with practice in digital marketing. In early January, in the hip Google London headquarters, a group of senior university professors met to share and debate how best to align academic research with practice in digital marketing.
La investigación Subject Interest Group (SIG) es independiente y rigurosa en alcance y proceso. A diferencia de la investigación académica tradicional. – jesuseduardodg
The occasion was the Academy of Marketing e-Marketing Subject Interest Group (SIG) workshop, generously co-hosted by the Institute of Direct and Digital Marketing (IDM). As Chair of the E-Marketing SIG, I had the privilege of chairing this day-long event, which consisted of research presentations and practitioner panel discussion and culminated in research mapping activity that saw all participants collaborate on setting research priorities. The e-Marketing SIG brings together researchers, academics and organizations with a common interest in digital and cross-channel marketing research and education. In line with the academic tradition, the SIG’s research is independent and rigorous in scope and process. The e-Marketing SIG exists to be a catalyst for these conversations to take place. SOSTAC: The guide to the perfect digital marketing plan. Review. Digital Human Capital: Developing a Framework for Understanding the Economic Impact of Digital Exclusion in Low-Income Communities on JSTOR.
Modeling the Evolution of Markets with Indirect Network Externalities: An Application to Digital Television on JSTOR.
El marco de modelado es de interés para los nuevos modeladores de productos interesados en crear modelos empíricos y sistemas de apoyo a la toma de decisiones para pronosticar la demanda en los mercados de tecnología caracterizados por externalidades de red indirectas. – jesuseduardodg
Digital markets, data, and privacy: competition law, consumer law and data protection. Digital Markets: New Rules for Competition Law. Skip to Main Content. Digital marketing of unhealthy foods to Australian children and adolescents. Skip to Main Content.
El objetivo de este estudio fue realizar una auditoría de nuevos medios para tres marcas de alimentos y bebidas de mayor venta en Australia. – jesuseduardodg
The use of Web 2.0 technologies in marketing classes: Key drivers of student acceptance. Preparing Marketing for the Future: Strategic Marketing Challenges for Continuing Education.
Los programas actuales y los métodos de entrega para el estudiante adulto están evolucionando debido a las necesidades cambiantes, la competencia y los nuevos mercados y tecnologías. – jesuseduardodg
Marketing social norms: Social marketing and the ‘social norm approach’ - Burchell - 2012 - Journal of Consumer Behaviour. This paper is inspired by the observation that the social norm approach (SNA) to socially desirable behaviour change – that is, telling people about what lots of other people do – retains something of a Cinderella role among social marketing practitioners and academics. Thus, the objective of this paper is to bring the social norm approach to the attention of a wider – and specifically, marketing and social marketing – audience, in the hope that the practice, study and critical analysis of the approach can be widened and deepened. The Role of Information Technologies in Enhancing R&D–Marketing Integration: An Empirical Investigation. The Adoption of Electronic Innovations with Indirect Network Externalities that Compete with Standalone Physical Products.
The authors consider how a change in product form impacts the adoption decision for an innovative product based on digital technology.
La investigación existente sugiere que, para las innovaciones con externalidades de red indirectas, la decisión de adopción del hardware del consumidor está influenciada por la disponibilidad de productos complementarios. – jesuseduardodg
Examples of changes in product form often arise in products that feature indirect network externalities, such as MP3 players, PDAs and e-readers. A multi-agent-based hybrid framework for international marketing planning under uncertainty.
En este documento se analizan las ventajas y desventajas de las técnicas y tecnologías relevantes que pueden aplicarse para abordar el problema de planificación – jesuseduardodg
The use of social media: an exploratory study of usage among digital natives.
Esta investigación informa sobre un estudio exploratorio que examinó los comportamientos de estudiantes universitarios en el vasto mundo de las redes sociales. – jesuseduardodg
SMEs and Marketing: A Systematic Literature Review.
Este artículo presenta una revisión sistemática de la literatura académica reciente que analiza el papel, la organización y la gestión de las actividades de comercialización en las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYME). – jesuseduardodg
The information journey of marketing professionals: Incorporating work task‐driven information seeking, information judgments, information use, and information sharing. Service(s) Marketing Research: Developments and Directions. This paper outlines the development of research in the domain of service(s) marketing from its birth as an area of academic study in the 1960s/1970s to the current time. It identifies four phases of development. Phases 1–3 relate to the period before 2004, which focuses on the development of service(s) marketing. Marketing Is from Mars, IT Is from Venus: Aligning the Worldviews for Firm Performance. A typical firm is operated by multiple functional managers who may collaborate as well as compete to achieve firm performance. Missing a strategic marketing trick? The use of online social networks by UK charities.
Este documento explora el uso de las redes sociales en línea en el sector de la caridad. Los hallazgos empíricos ilustran los diversos factores que impulsan la adopción de redes sociales en línea, incluyendo la recuperación del control de una marca, las presiones externas y la obtención de nuevas audiencias. – jesuseduardodg
Tourism destination marketing and information technology in Ghana. JavaScript is disabled on your browser. Please enable JavaScript to use all the features on this page. Digital marketing: A framework, review and research agenda. Digital marketing and social media: Why bother? The New Threat of Digital Marketing. The digital marketing skills gap: Developing a Digital Marketer Model for the communication industries.