STL Skriva sig till lärande
> Ceclin
Skriva sig till lärande - en pedagogisk modell utan åldersgräns - Spaningen. How to Do Formative Assessment in Distance Learning. Whether we use synchronous or asynchronous online sessions, whether we call it distance or virtual learning, we’re all challenged to provide meaningful education experiences at a distance as the education world grapples with the impact of Covid-19.
This type of learning is nothing new, but it is new to many of us and has caused us to quickly shift our practices. Formative assessment at a distance is challenging but possible, and we still need to check for understanding and provide meaningful feedback. The practices we use will look and sound different than they do in the classroom. Here are some ideas to consider.
How to Use Google Forms in the Classroom. Cirkelmodellen med digitala verktyg – Patricia Diaz. Många som arbetar språkutvecklande använder sig av cirkelmodellens fyra faser när eleverna ska skriva texter.
Hur de fyra faserna formuleras är lite olika men kontentan är ungefär som följer: Fas 1 – Skapa förförståelse och bygg upp kunskap om ämnesområdet.Fas 2 – Studera texter inom genren.Fas 3 – Skriv gemensamm texter.Fas 4 – Skriv egna texter. I dessa fyra faser kan man ganska självklart och naturligt använda sig av olika digitala verktyg.
How Students Critiquing One Another's Work Raises The Quality Bar. Stöd i forskningen för båda metoderna. ”Det är så här framtid börjar: Med en surfplatta, ett klassrum och en bra lärare.”
Nej, det är inte så barnrättsorganisationen Plan international skriver i en kampanj på reklamplats i Stockholm. Men byt ”surfplatta” mot ”penna”, så blir citatet från affischen rätt. En Ipad är knappast basen i en grundläggande utbildning för barn världen över. Om det är handskrift eller tangentbord som fungerar bäst för läs- och skrivträning är troligen en irrelevant fråga i många av världens skolor. Dessutom är pennan, som ett verktyg med gamla anor, en given symbol för hur utbildning kan komma många till del. Men i Sverige finns både möjlighet och anledning att ställa frågan om framtiden ska börja med penna eller tangentbord.
Klart är att det är lättare att trycka på tangenter än att forma bokstäver med handen – för de flesta.
Disseminating digital innovation in school – leading second-order educational change. 20 Ways To Provide Effective Feedback For Learning -
Contributed by Laura Reynolds While assessment gets all the press, we often misunderstand effective feedback for learning. When feedback is predominately negative, studies have shown that it can discourage student effort and achievement (Hattie & Timperley, 2007, Dinham). In my experience, the only thing I knew is that I hated public speaking and I would do anything possible to get out of it. As a teacher, most of the time it is easy to give encouraging, positive feedback.
Skrivmallar för olika texttyper - Ordrä Research-synopsis-and-pedagogy_writable. Help Student Writers Practice and Grow with Writable.
One of the highlights of my work is talking shop with other educators who are passionate about the power of technology in education.
Earlier this month I chatted with Dr. Troy Hicks, a Professor of English & Education at Central Michigan University. We spoke about the world of literacy and EdTech. Dr. Hicks mentioned his connection to the folks at Writable and the timing of our conversation was absolutely perfect.
Old Google Sites vs. New Google Sites. Last week I published a video about converting old Google Sites to the new version of Google Sites.
That post prompted a lot of emails from readers who wanted to know what would happen when they switch from the old version to the new version of Google Sites. To answer those questions I've put together the following brief overview of what you gain and what you lose when you switch from the old version to the new version of Google Sites. What you gain when switching to the new version of Google Sites: Better handling of third-party embed codes. The old version of Google Sites is notoriously finicky when it comes to embedding media from sources outside of the G Suite ecosystem.
STL i klassrummet. STL-blended-learning. 5f1985014b1dafcb435821b7818a47f2. Giving effective feedback. How to give helpful feedback to your peers Written by Pamela Updated over a week ago This article will teach you the basics of giving helpful and effective feedback.
First, let's take a quick look at why feedback is so important.
Formative. Critical Friends as a Best Practices in Peer to Peer Feedback Tutorial. Critique and feedback - the story of austin's butterfly - Ron Berger. Providing Feedback with Peergrade. Peergrade is a platform that allows teachers to make sure students receive meaningful feedback on all of their work.
Teachers create an assignment and a rubric then students upload their work. They set a hand in time for when all work has to be uploaded. Once that time passes, the uploaded assignments are randomly distributed to students who then provide anonymous feedback. Students receive their feedback which teachers can see as well. There is also an option that allows students to grade their own work and for teachers to provide feedback as well. Peergrade can be integrated with several popular LMS's including Canvas and Moodle.
Giving Peer Feedback Helps Writers Grow. I recently participated in a two-session writing class, and at the end of the first session, we were tasked with writing a short scene that we would share and discuss in small groups the following week.
Knowing I was to share my work motivated me to put time and effort into it. I was both anxious and excited—I was curious to see what others thought of my work and to hear both criticism and validation. Workshopping is a very active process, both intellectually and behaviorally, and requires students to read, formulate comments and suggestions, and discuss in a small group setting.
Is peer feedback the most effective way to teach? – Peergrade. A recent study by the Wall Street Journal shows that colleges in US fail to teach students critical-thinking skills.
The situation is so bad that: “At more than half of schools, at least a third of seniors were unable to make a cohesive argument, assess the quality of evidence in a document or interpret data in a table” The thing is, teaching critical thinking is not easy. Just like you can’t learn to ride a bike in a seminar, you can’t learn how to think critically by just spending a few hours practising before the test. So how can we teach critical thinking you ask? Enter peer feedback 👋
Finished? Try one of these… by @misstait_85 - @UKEdResources. Kamratbedömning förbättrar skrivande i engelska. Christian Lundahl - 1. Tydliggöra mål och Self and peer assessment - Dylan Wiliam. Every Student Should Publish for the World!
How to Add a Blog to New Google Sites using Padlet - 2018. When working with New Google Sites, there are two questions that consistently come up from both teachers and web developers.
Språk och lärande - Center för skolutveckling. Peergrade - engaging student peer review. RISE Model — Emily Wray. How many times have you elicited feedback from students in the form of peer critiques and heard that superficial, vague response? Although today's students are more connected than ever, the quality of their scholastic interaction, especially their ability to provide meaningful feedback, continues to suffer.
When asserting an opinion about anything has become as simple as clicking a "Like" button, it is no wonder our students are at a loss when asked to perform a critical analysis. Born out of the need for better communication and collaboration in the classroom, I developed the RISE Model to guide the peer feedback process.
The model was designed to steer student conversations toward positive, productive critiques. Aligned with Bloom's taxonomy for higher order thinking, the four tiers of the model prompt students to reflect, then build their constructive analysis through inquiry, providing suggestions to help elevate each others work.
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