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For Cath 2016.


Present09.wmv. Vasospasm/Raynaud's. Thrush. Tongue Tie. Sore/cracked nipples. Oversupply/fast milk flow. Engorgement. 'Fore/hind' milk. Sleepy babies. Positioning and attachment; general latching concerns. Breastfeeding when baby or mum is poorly. Reflux/posseting/wind/GORD. Pumping/expressing. General breastfeeding info. Low supply/baby not getting enough milk. Mastitis/blocked ducts. Antenatal education. Nursing strikes. Complementary foods/vitamins.

Relactating/dropping top-ups

Weaning (from the breast) Helplines. Drugs/alcohol and breastfeeding. Nappy output. Miscellaneous (non-bf) Sleep. Fourth Trimester/natural newborn behaviour. Comfort nursing. Bedsharing.