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10 Things You Should Know about Tokens. Couple weeks ago we published a short article about cookies vs tokens in the context of single page applications, in particular applied to AngularJs apps. It seems the community is interested in this topic, so we published a second article on token based authentication in realtime frameworks like There is a great interest in this subject so we decided to continue with an article that explores in more detail some of the most common questions around token-based authentication. So here we go... 1. Tokens need to be stored somewhere (local/session storage or cookies) In the context of tokens being used on single page applications, some people have brought up the issue about refreshing the browser, and what happens with the token. If you are wondering "but if I store the token in the cookie I'm back to square one". 2. In the world of cookies, there are different options to control the lifetime of the cookie: Cookies can be destroyed after the browser is closed (session cookies). 3.

Radical Transparency - a blog brought to you by the team at Keen IO. Think back to your last job interview for a sec. How important did the interviewer make you feel? How much did they seem to value what you had to offer? Did they value your time more than they valued their own? If yours was anything like most interviews, your answers probably went something like: 1) Not too important, 2) Not too valued, and 3) Damn sure their time was more valuable than mine. It always amazes me when companies act like you need them more than they need you, when it’s really the other way around. I don’t get it. When did building a company become more about the business than about the people? And yet, it still happens. I’ll have the soup, and some backstory, please. I met Kyle Wild in the summer of 2013 in San Francisco during a fundraising trip for my previous startup, Relify.

Lunch at Fresca in West Portal. During our conversation, Kyle said something that really stuck with me: "We’ve found our city. Fast forward to May of 2014, when I crossed paths with Kyle again. API Design Training | API Academy. Create modern apps like never before. Development Guides | GitHub API. REST API Tutorial. Keen IO - Analytics for Developers. Python Quickstart - Stormpath. Welcome to Stormpath’s Python Quickstart! This quickstart will get you up and running with Stormpath in about 7 minutes and give you a good initial feel for the Stormpath Python library. During this quickstart, you will do the following: Install the Stormpath library.Create an API Key that allows you to make REST API calls with Stormpath.Register an Application.Create a User Account.Search for a User Account.Authenticate a User Account.

Stormpath also can do a lot more (like Groups, Multitenancy, Social Integration, and Security workflows) which you can learn more about at the end of this quickstart. Let’s get started! Install the Stormpath Library Stormpath works with Python 2.7, and 3.2+. You can install Stormpath using pip: $ pip install -U stormpath If that doesn’t work, try this instead: $ easy_install -U stormpath Or, you can download the source code (ZIP), extract it, then run: $ python install You may need to run the above commands with sudo depending on your Python setup. $ python. API Introduction - vLine. In order to use the vLine API, you must first create a service in the vLine Developer Console. Make a note of your Service ID; you'll use it in the next steps. Next, add vline.js to the <head> tag of your HTML: Creating a Client The vline.Client is the top-level interface for using the vLine APIs. Logging In Once the vline.Client has been created, the next step is to log in to the vLine cloud. // Your server generates both an authToken and profile, which in this snippet// were injected into the page by the server and assigned to window.AUTH_TOKEN// and window.PROFILE, respectivelythis.client_. login('YOUR_SERVICE_ID', window.PROFILE, window.AUTH_TOKEN). done(this.init_, this); // app init function invoked when login succeedsfunction MyApp.prototype.init_ = function(session) { this.session_ = session; // Upon a successful login, your callback will get a vline.Session object, which represents the logged-in user and is used for all requests to the vLine cloud.

Promises Events Handling Presence. IP Geolocation API Documentation - Use the IP lookup API to quickly and simply integrate IP geolocation into your script or website. Save yourself the hassle of setting up local GeoIP libraries and having to remember to regularly update the data. Full IP Details When called from the command line or a script we will return a JSON response with all of the IP details that you see on the website. You can pass in the IP you're interested in, or ommit it to get details about your own IP. We do a little bit of magic on the server to determine if we should send the JSON response or the webpage. We usually get it right, but if you're seeing the webpage instead of the JSON (or want to check the JSON output in a browser) you can force the JSON response by adding /json to the end of the URL, eg: for your own IP for details on another IP Specific fields curl AS15169 Google Inc. curl Mountain View IPv6 Rate limits Further Reading.

Paris Is {API} Delightful Class - Stream. An Introduction to APIs - API Course. About This Course Have you ever wondered how Facebook is able to automatically display your Instagram photos? How about how Evernote syncs notes between your computer and smartphone? If so, then it’s time to get excited! In this course, we walk you through what it takes for companies to link their systems together. Who Is This Course For? If you are a non-technical person, you should feel right at home with the lesson structure. Table of Contents Download this Book Get this book in a variety of formats, plus other great content from Zapier!

Download in PDF format (2.4 MB) Download in ePub format (5.0 MB) Geocodio | Ridiculously cheap bulk geocoding. Mashape - Cloud API Marketplace & Free API Management Platform. OAuth that just works. Import•io - Home. APISpark | All-in-one web APIs platform. Twilio Cloud Communications - APIs for Voice, VoIP and Text Messaging. OpenDataSoft. Mashery API Network - Welcome to the Mashery API Network! OpenTok Quick Start Guide. Step 1: Sign-up to get your API key, session ID and token Before you can begin using OpenTok, you must sign up using the developer dashboard. When you are finished and before you start coding, we need to collect a few key pieces of information necessary to create an OpenTok application. They are: API key - This identifies your OpenTok account. Session ID - Your session ID identifies the "room" in which participants will meet and chat.

Token - The token is a key that defines who can enter the "room", and once inside what they can do. Get these from your OpenTok dashboard by following these instructions: Your first project After you login to the dashboard, and click through the Quick Start guide, retrieve your API key from Project A on the Project page. Note: Make sure to copy/paste the whole of the session ID and token. Step 2. To create an OpenTok-powered web application, you first need to add the OpenTok.js library in your HTML document.

Step 3: Code! I want to cheat. Webshell - The API Combinator. JIRA REST API Example - Add Comment - JIRA Development. Context.IO | The missing email API to leverage email data. Debug and test your API, webhook and mobile back end service integrations. · Runscope. – one click video conversations. Jawbone UP API Documentation.